Post 16 Student’s

Personal Education Planning Document

(Record of Student’s Discussions)

Name of Student:______

Date of Birth:______

College / Provider:______

Personal Education Planning – Meeting dates 2015/16 Academic Year

Autumn Term Discussion:______

Spring Term Review:______

Summer Term Review:______


2015/16 Academic Year – Student Supported Discussion (PEP) for


General and Personal Information
Student Details
First Name / Surname / Date of Birth / Gender
Legal Care Status / Legal status Start date / Enrolment Date / Year group
College/Provider Detail
Name of Institution / Campus
Designated LAC Lead / Position
email address / Telephone
People who may be involved in the Student Supported Discussion process
Name / Telephone / Email / Meeting attendance
Young Person
Social Worker
Leaving Care Worker
College/Provider Rep 1
College/Provider Rep 2
Virtual School Contact

Note: identify attendees at the meeting by entering A in the end column

If a person did not attend, enter DNA in the end column

Education Discussion
Course / Qualification Type
e.g AS /A2/GCSE/BTEC / Other types of course
Apprenticeship / Qualification
e.g E3,E2,E1,1,2,3 / Duration

Note: Enter the details of the course(s)/programme that the young person is enrolled/undertaking.


2015/16 Academic Year – Student Supported Discussion (PEP) for


Attendance Discussion
Attendance by Term / Absences % / Attendance % / Attendance Target %
Autumn Term PEP
Spring Term Review
Summer Term Review
Barriers to achieving good Attendance
Interventions put in place to improve attendance
Impact of Interventions
Grievance / Disciplinary issues
What are the young person’s views about these issues?
Agreed support measures; as required
Individual Educational Needs Discussion
Was there an Additional Educational Needs discussion? / Was there an EHC (Education Health and Care Planning) discussion? (if appropriate) / Was there an LDA (learning difficulty assessment) discussion?.
Yes/No: / Yes/No: / Yes/No:
What were the agreed outcome of the needs and support strategies?
Note: provide details of the types and level/extent of needs.
Cognition and learning
Social emotional and Mental Health
Communication and Interaction
Sensory and physical difficulties
Further comments
Attainment Discussion
Note: At the point of enrolment If the young person is re sitting English or maths then please complete the following section: Note: the measure is GCSE (or equivalent)
At enrolment / Below Grade C / At Grade C / Above Grade C
English attainment
Maths attainment
Assessment of progress: Please indicate the level of progress achieved at each review
Spring Term Review / Below expected progress / At expected progress / Above expected progress
Assessment of progress: Please indicate the level of progress achieved at each review
Sumer Term Review / Below expected progress / At expected progress / Above expected progress
Attainment and Achievement (2015-16 academic year)
Subject / Qualification / Level / End of Course/Programme
Predicted grade / At the point of this review is student on track. / End of Course/Programme
Achieved grade
Voluntary Work Discussion
Record of discussion. Enter details and achievements (if appropriate)
Young Person’s Views
Please note: use the prompts (below) that apply at the time of this discussion/review.
What do you like about the College/Provider?
Do you feel you are on the right course for you? If not, what you done about it?
Is there anything that you would change about your college/provider provision?
if yes, please comment
Do you feel you are making the right level of progress?
If not, please state why
What do you get support with in regards to your education/course or programme?
Is there any additional support that you would welcome?
What do you plan to do when you leave this college/provider?
Do you plan to go to University/ Higher Education, continue with education or find a job?
What support/advice have you been given in preparation for when you leave this college/provider.
What career do you have in mind?
Do you have any financial concerns?
Have you applied the 16/19 Bursary?
if yes, please comment
Is there anything else you would like to comment on?


2015/16 Academic Year – Student Supported Discussion (PEP) for


Mentoring Discussion
Please give details of any mentoring/coaching arrangements.
(Please note this relates to any type of mentoring/coaching activity.)
What are the outcomes of your mentoring/coaching activity?
How has having mentoring/coaching benefitted you?


2015/16 Academic Year – Student Supported Discussion (PEP) for


Future Needs, Targets and Aspirations 2015-16
Autumn Term PEP
Target / How will target be met? / By when / By
whom / Has targets been achieved?
(to be completed at Spring Term Review meeting).
Lead Reviewer’s Summary:
Please give details of any additional information resulting from this PEP review that is useful for everyone involved to know.
Spring Term Review
Target / How will target be met? / By when / By
whom / Has targets been achieved?
(to be completed at Summer Term Review meeting).
Lead Reviewer’s Summary:
Please give details of any additional information resulting from this review that is useful for everyone involved to know.
Summer Term Review
Target / How will target be met? / By when / By
whom / Has targets been achieved?
(to be completed for the following term).
Lead Reviewer’s Summary:
Please give details of any additional information resulting from the PEP review that is useful for everyone involved to know.

Note: These Education planning discussions will continue until the end of each academic year and will not be affected by the young person reaching the age of 18. This is to ensure that the young person is fully supported to achieve the best possible qualifications and their future goals and aspirations


2015/16 Academic Year – Student Supported Discussion (PEP) for


Leaver Information:
College/Provider section to be completed only if student is a an early leaver or has completed all aspects of their course/programme.
Last known date in college/provider
Did student successfully complete their course/programme?
If student left before completing course/programme, please provide reasons / .
Destination: if known, please provide specific details
It is the responsibility for college/providers to inform the Local Authority of any starters or leavers.
Have the LA been informed about this student?
Date of notification:
Next Review Meetings
Date / Time / Venue / Person responsible for co-ordinating meeting.
Spring Review
Summer Review
Autumn Term PEP Meeting declaration / Sign / Date
The Designated Teacher at the college/provider has seen and agreed the content of this PEP
The young person who this PEP is regarding has seen and agreed the content
The allocated Social Worker for this young person has seen and agreed the content of this PEP
This PEP has been quality audited by Manchester City Council Virtual School.
Spring Term Review Meeting declaration / Sign / Date
The Designated Teacher at the college/provider has seen and agreed the content of this PEP
The young person who this PEP is regarding has seen and agreed the content
The allocated Social Worker for this young person has seen and agreed the content of this PEP
This PEP 1 has been quality audited by Manchester City Council Virtual School.


2015/16 Academic Year – Student Supported Discussion (PEP) for


Summer Term Review Meeting declaration / Sign / Date
The Designated Teacher at the college/provider has seen and agreed the content of this PEP
The young person who this PEP is regarding has seen and agreed the content
The allocated Social Worker for this young person has seen and agreed the content of this PEP
This PEP 1 has been quality audited by Manchester City Council Virtual School.


2015/16 Academic Year – Student Supported Discussion (PEP) for
