Personal Development

Purpose: Recognize the importance of a personal development in the modern business world and give guidance to developing that plan.


Facilitator: Ask the group to answer the following questions:

·  What systems, processes, tools and resources, are we using today that weren’t invented or common 10 years ago?

·  What systems, processes, tools and resources, are we using today that weren’t invented or common 5 years ago?

·  What do we anticipate that we will be using and utilizing to work with clients in the next 10 years?

·  What skills do we need to have to be successful?

Read the following:

Modern business is moving faster than most companies can keep up. New technology, new ideas, new business methods, are all being implemented in business. Technology is one of the biggest drivers, but it is causing other new areas to be implemented. Some examples:

·  Writers are being hired by companies to do blogs

·  Creative artists and designers are working in companies to create intellectual property

·  Technical specialists work in companies to help with video conferencing and smart phone technology

·  Client communication models are changing with social media, video technology, and texting

·  Algorithms are advanced to the level where most insurance policies can be determined and issued through online resources. www.bizinsure.com and www.zenefits.com

These new ways of doing business are just a few small examples of jobs, processes, and functions that are part of business.

New advancements will continue to be developed. The best employees will understand these items and be capable of bringing value to new generations of ideas.

Active learning is a critical skill of anyone in the professional work environment. A person can go a few months without learning something new and become passed up by the market.

Can you define the terms petabyte or exabyte? You will. That is the 1000x terabyte and 1000x petabyte outcome! This information difference is relative to a megabyte being the size of a tiny ant and an exabyte being the diameter of the sun (petabyte is equal to length of New Zealand). This is a lot of information coming to us in the near future.

New information creates new expectations, requirements, process, and capabilities in our industry.

Fill out the attached document for your personal growth:

Great organizations will be learning organizations. All employees will be learning, sharing, and inspiring organic knowledge sharing and growth throughout the organization. It begins with individual responsibility.

Have people partner up and share the information on their personal development plan.

Some closing comments if you choose:

The number one issue in almost every company in the world is communication. The blame is always placed on leadership and management. And… they are correct… but not completely correct.

The blame is on ALL OF US. Communication is not something that can be delivered as a process or a mandate. It can’t be perfect either.

What it takes to be a great communication company is the following:

·  Everyone has to take ownership of it.

·  Intimacy and relationship improves communications

·  Thinking of the following:

o  Who

o  Needs to know what

o  By when

o  … should be how you end every meeting and every activity!

But, if you want to improve communications, you need all three of the things listed above: Take ownership yourself and don’t blame others. Look for ways to get to know each other better. Who, what, when!