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Oxford OX1 3QU

Tel: +44 (0)1865 613200

Personal Development Review (PDR)Form

Job Title
Date of meeting
Review Period / 2016


Please use the information contained in this form to complete the PDR process.

The aim of the PDR is to provide you with a dedicated time for reflection on your achievements throughout the year, job/career progress and your future personal and professional development needs. It also provides an opportunity to look and plan forwards for the coming year and to consider your training needs.The PDR process works alongside 1:1 meetings with your line manager.

The form can be completed electronically or handwritten, please expand boxes or add rows if and when necessary.

Before your PDR meeting, consider the questions raised in the form, with special consideration about present and future objectives, and come to the meeting prepared to discuss them. Most importantly, what do you want to get out of this PDR meeting?

Depending on how you and your manager work;

  1. You may complete the form before the meeting thenmake amendments based upon your discussions
  2. You may complete the form during the meeting as you and your manager discuss each section
  3. You or your manager may complete the form after the meeting (it will be helpful for someone to make notes), then ask one another for comments and signature.

After the review meeting, and after the form is completed, it may go to the reviewer’s line manager for final comments.

This form should be a living document so feel free to refer to it in 1:1 meetings and make sure that actions are happening!

On the Biochemistry website there are a number of documents to help both reviewer and reviewee achieve the maximum potential from PDRs .

Both the reviewee and reviewer should keep a copy of the completed form and send the top copy to Rita Emberton, HR Manager.

Section A: Taking stock and objectives

List the core aspects of your job or your objectives. How do you feel you have performed against them? These objectives may come from a previous PDR or from your job description.

Core Objective / Comments on progress/performance

Section B: Personal review

Have there been any major changes in your role since your last review?
The following boxes may, or may not, refer to the objectives in section A
What went well over the last review period? What are you proud of achieving? Is there anything you feel you have excelled at?e.g. you were asked to help write a grant application which was subsequently funded, oryou became a committee member for a club or society.
Were there any difficultiesduring the last review period? Didany factors impede your progress? How could they be addressed?e.g. you found you lacked a necessary skill, or you found your workload increased to a level which meant the quality of your work was compromised.

Section C: Looking forward

What are the key aspects of your job or objectives that you would like to achieve or improve in the coming year?

Future objective(s): Please delete or add rows as required
How would you like to develop your career? What development opportunities would you like to access? What training needs have you identified?
Agreed development & training opportunities: / Actions for development:(who and when)

NB: The Department has a small annual budget for training and there will be a gathered field exercise each year to identify training requests for staff. All training requests should be submitted by 30th June each year for consideration for funding in the following academic year.

Training Requests / Essential / Desirable / Personal


Individual Development Plan:

Goal / Description / Expectations / Deadline
Research Aims
Manuscript Submission

Professional Goals

What are your short- and long-term career goals? Describe a timeframe for achieving them. How have they changed in the last year?

When will you begin your job search for your next position?

Line Manager Support (to be completed by Line Manager) How will you support the Researcher’s professional goals?

What resources can you make available to the Researcher?


What experience have you had with teaching and supervising/managing junior group members or students (e.g. technical supervision in the lab, lab demonstrating, tutorials, lab management)? / What other teaching and supervising experiences would be beneficial?


Have you applied for fellowships or other grants or awards/recognition (e.g. independent research fellowships, early career fellowships, small equipment grants, large facility access, conference travel)? / What opportunities do you plan to pursue?

Section D: Summary

This section is optional and can be used for any comments not covered elsewhere.

Reviewer’s comments:
Reviewee’s comments:
Senior Manager’s comments:
(If someone e.g. a Senior Post-Doc, has conducted PDRs on your behalf please insert a short comment here).
Reviewee / Date
Reviewer / Date
Senior Manager
(if applicable) / Date

Instructions: Reviewee and reviewer to keep a copy of this form, and the top copy to be sent to the HR Manager, Rita Emberton for recording and filing.