Case studies
Sharing what works and lessons learned
As the health and social care sector faces increasingly challenging times, it’s important for organisations to share the approaches, tools and strategies making a difference in the local area.
Case studies are an excellent way to disseminate valuable learning, showcase innovative solutions and exchange practical tips and need-to-know advice with health economies up and down the country.
This template will help to gather your experiences and support peer-to-peer learning.Please tell us which type of organisation(s) this case study is most relevant to:
☐Academic health science networks
☐Acute trusts
☐Ambulance trusts
☐Clinical commissioning groups
☐Commissioning support units
☐Community health services
☐Foundation trusts
☐Health and wellbeing boards
☐Housing associations
☐Independent sector providers
☐Mental health providers
☐NHS trusts
☐Primary care providers
☐Social enterprises
In two sentences, please tell us what issue or challenge you are facing and the main way you are dealing with it.
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The challenge and the context
Please provide the background to your case study. What are the circumstances that required you to take action or to do something new or different?
Was your action in response to an episode, event or challenge, or a combination of factors?
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What you did
What steps did you take to deal with your issue or challenge? Did you need ‘buy in’ from anyone? Did you partner with any organisations?
How long did it take to turn your plan into action? Did you adopt/adapt any approaches used in other healthcare organisations, social services or voluntary sector providers?
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Results and benefits
What has your course of action achieved? What benefits have you seen so far? How are you measuring and monitoring progress?
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Overcoming obstacles
Did you encounter any barriers or stumbling blocks? How were you able to overcome them? What helped or hindered progress?
Click here to enter text.
Key learning
What are the four main lessons learned from your experience?
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Takeaway tips
What practical advice would you give to organisations/local areas thinking of using a similar approach?
Tip 1
Tip 2
Tip 3
Tip 4
Contact details
To enable NHS Confederation members to find out more about your experience, please let us know the name, job title and email address of a person they can speak to.
Job title:
Email address:
Thank you