Personal Branding – the key to getting that ideal job
Wednesday 19 October - ALCS, London
Wednesday 18 January 2017 - Glasgow
This experiential one-day workshop has been designed to providecareer practitioners with the tools and techniques to give their job seeking the ‘edge’ in today’s rapidly changing landscape. Social networking sites such as LinkedIn are increasingly taking over from CVs and recruiters are increasingly using social media to vet and sift candidates.
Personal Branding is fast becoming the keyto professional and personal success.
In the morning session we will help you to identify and celebrate your strengths, talents and achievements and build these into a world class contemporary LinkedIn profile.
After lunch we will provide you with the practical tools to effectively build your Personal Brand, develop a web presence and use the full range of digital and traditional networking techniques to increase your chances of getting that ‘Ideal Job or Contract’.
Target Audience
Although the workshop has been designed with career advisers and coaches in mind, it will be of interest to anyone wanting to acquire an up to date job search tool-kit to help them to manage their own career in today’s fluid job market, where social networks and digital media are critically important.
It will also be of interest and value to career teachers and sixth form teachers/lecturers who are advising students about career management skills and employability.
Learning Outcomes
Nigel James has developed, designed and delivers this energising and fast paced workshop which will enable you to:
- Identify and celebrate your core strengths and talents
- Develop a framework for writing a compelling LinkedIn profile
- Build and promote your Personal Brand
- Establish and foster a web presence
- Recognise the increasing importance of the use of social media in recruitment and selection
- Take full control of your own career
The programme will be highly participative and draw on the experiences of the group.
10.00: Welcome and introduction, needs and expectations
10.15: The current job search landscape
10.45: Assessing and identifying core strengths and talents
- Positive psychology
- Emotional intelligence
11.30: Coffee
11.45: LinkedIn profile
13.00: Lunch
13.45: Personal Branding
- Why build it?
- Identifying your ‘brand’ and USPs
- Getting your brand across
14.15: Developing a web presence
- LinkedIn/Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest
- Blogging
15.00: Break
15.15: Putting it all together
- Developing a Career Management framework
- Building authenticity
- Next steps
16.00: Review and close
Delegates are asked to bring a paper copy of their own CV with them on the workshop
Nigel Jamesis a recruitment, marketing and personal branding expert, having been a leading consultant for the last 25 years. During this time he has helped hundreds of individuals to cope with redundancy, identify their key strengths and reposition themselves in their market to identify and attract their ideal jobs or establish themselves as self-employed. He has worked extensively in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors and as a senior start-up adviser for one of the Prince’s charities to encourage enterprise.
Nigel is Managing Partner at Worknetcareers which is a company dedicated to enabling people to build their Personal Brand in the new Global Job Market of social networking and virtual communications. He holds an MSc in Counselling at Work(Mid Life career transition) and NVQ Level6 Diploma in Career Development.
Booking information
145 + VAT for CDI Members
£195 + VAT for non-members
£296 inc VAT – price for 12 months membership plus attendance at this event
£60 + VAT student members of CDI (places limited to 3)
Please book your place through our online events system –
Authors Licensing and Collecting Society
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86 Fetter Lane,
London EC4A 1EN
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