Job description
Responsible to:
Responsible for:
As a member of staff at Maypole Primary School you are responsible for working with the staff, parents, pupils and other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children at the school.
The Class Teacher will:
- Teach a class of pupils and ensure that planning, preparation, recording, assessment and reporting meet their varying learning and social needs;
- Maintain the positive ethos and core values of the school, both inside and outside the classroom;
- Contribute to constructive team-building amongst teaching and non- teaching staff, parents and governors;
- Ensure that the current national conditions of employment for school teachers are met.
The Class Teacher will:
- Teach consistently at a good or outstanding level.
- Implement agreed school policies and guidelines;
- Support initiatives decided by the Headteacher and staff;
- Plan appropriately to meet the needs of all pupils, through differentiation of planning and tasks;
- Be able to set clear targets, based on prior attainment, for pupils’ learning;
- Provide a stimulating learning environment, where resources can be accessed appropriately by all pupils;
- Keep appropriate and efficient records, integrating formative and summative assessment into weekly and termly planning;
- Report to parents on the development, progress and attainment of pupils;
- Maintain good order and discipline amongst pupils, in accordance with the school’s Discipline and Behaviour policy;
- Participate in meetings which relate to the schools’ management, curriculum, administrations or organisation;
- Communicate and cooperate with specialists from outside agencies;
- Lead, organise and direct support staff within the classroom;
- Participate in the performance management a system for the appraisal of theirown performance, or that of other staff.
Monitor your subject and provide a written report on standards and progress annually.
- Keep up to date with recent changes and developments and keep staff informed by booking PDMs with the Headteacher, or running INSET days.
- Share your good practice.
- To be involved in target setting and to monitor and report on standards achieved in your subject area.
- Ensure staff are following relevant policies and schemes through monitoring.
- Assess the quality of the school’s resources and audit need on a yearly basis linking to the School Improvement Plan.
- Run a budget and keep a record of yearly expenditure.
- Ensure resources are well cared for and stored in order that they are easily accessible for staff.
- Organise training for staff.
- Liaise with other subject leaders.
- Keep parents and governors informed.
- Aim to improve your own knowledge and understanding of the subject and aim to enthuse other staff.
- To discuss aspects of the curriculum at staff, parents and Governors' meetings, as and when necessary.
- Be proactive in your own professional development. Keep up to date with current developments through reading, an awareness of good practice and attendance at 'INSET'.
It is understood that areas of responsibility are from time to time subject to review and are negotiable in the light of the needs of the school and the professional development of the staff.
Agreed by ………………………………………………………………………………
Name and signature of job holder
Name and signature of appraiser……………………………………………………..
Date agreed……………………………….