


21st October 2010

Minutes of the meeting of Pershore Town Council, held at the Town Hall, 34 High Street, Pershore, Commencing at 7.30pm.

Present:- Cllr C D Parsons MBE (Mayor)

Cllr J Daniels

Cllr J T Grantham MBE

Cllr D Hughes

Cllr G B M Hughes MBE

Cllr P Merry

Cllr T D G Rose

Cllr K E P Rowe

Cllr D Shaw

Cllr C Smith

Cllr C Tucker

Cllr V Wood

a. Mr Michael Amies, Chairman of the Pershore Market Town Partnership attended the meeting and was invited by the Mayor to speak under agenda item 11.

b. Mr David Harbidge from Barclays Bank plc attended the meeting and updated members on the performance of their investments. He advised that he anticipated that income of 5% would be maintained as 80% of the Council’s investments were in high interest bearing bonds. He also noted that the capital value had recovered somewhat over the past year although he still believed that such assets were undervalued in the market place. Mr Harbidge also felt that the 80:20 split between bonds and equities was prudent in the current economic climate and low risk policy of the Council.

In response to questions Mr Harbidge advised members that he anticipated that income for the coming year would remain at the 5% target and he would be disappointed if the Council’s investment income did not improve upon this figure.

Cllr Tucker asked whether this was a time for the Council to consider investing any more of its funds and Mr Harbidge stated that if the Council felt it could invest now would be a good time to consider such a move.

Cllr Parsons concluded the presentation by thanking Mr Harbidge for attending and stating how valuable members found his annual reports.

c. There were no declarations of prejudicial interest

101. Apologies

Apologies were accepted from Cllrs Amphlett and M Rowe who were unwell and Cllr Palfrey who was working.

102. Declarations of Interest

Cllr Grantham declared an interest in agenda item 10 as he was a District Councillor and

was a member of the Development Control Committee who would determine the planning


Cllrs Parsons and Rose declared personal interests in agenda item 16, Allotments

103. Mayor’s Announcements

The Mayor congratulated Mr Amies on his forthcoming Golden Wedding Anniversary.

104. Items brought to members attention by the Town Clerk

There were none

105. Minutes

It was proposed by Cllr K Rowe, seconded by Cllr Smith and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 9th September 2010 be signed as a true record of the proceedings.

106. Matters of report from the minutes

a. The Clerk reported that she had no progress to report on the necessary works required by Severn Trent at the top of Allesborough Hill to remedy the wet area and she would continue to press for information.

b. The Clerk advised members that Harriet Baldwin MP had not felt able to support the Town Council’s request to sign the Early Day Motion concerning Nuclear Power Stations.

c. The Clerk advised members that she had advised the Riverside Youth Centre of Cllr Smith’s re-election as the Town Council’s representative on the Board of Trustees until May 2011.

d. The Clerk advised members that crocus bulbs had been planted by Rotary in the walkway and St Andrews Gardens as agreed

107. Finance

a. Members approved the budget comparison to the end of September 2010

b. The Clerk had not received the valuation of investments to the end of September but advised from information obtained that current income was 4.6%.

c. It was proposed by Cllr Merry, seconded by Cllr Tucker and RESOLVED that the cheque payment list for the month of October 2010 be accepted.

Pershore Town Council
Vchr. / Cheq. / Cde. / Name / Description / Amount
622 / 568 / 80 / British Gas / Town Hall Gas / 626.27
623 / 569 / 61 / Opal / Telephone / 45.56
624 / 569 / 90 / Opal / Telephone / 22.80
Subtotal Cheque No. 569 / 68.36
643 / 570 / 83 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500007544 / 49.00
644 / 570 / 80 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500152996 / 435.00
645 / 570 / 80 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500153006 / 145.00
Subtotal Cheque No. 570 / 629.00
646 / 571 / 83 / Budget Skips / Skip for cemetery / 180.01
647 / 572 / 60 / Konica Minolta / Photocopying / 395.08
648 / 573 / 92 / Civic Society / Town Walk / 16.34
649 / 574 / 84 / MER Industries Ltd / Security Alarm Service / 88.13
650 / 575 / 61 / Namesco / Domain Name / 176.24
651 / 576 / 42 / Mrs R Grinnell / Twinning visit / 92.43
652 / 577 / 60 / Letterbox Marketing Services / Newsletter delivery / 80.39
653 / 578 / 86 / Limebridge Rural Services Ltd / Mowing Contract / 47.00
654 / 578 / 86 / Limebridge Rural Services Ltd / Shrubbery Maint / 56.40
655 / 578 / 86 / Limebridge Rural Services Ltd / St Andrews Paths / 940.00
656 / 578 / 87 / Limebridge Rural Services Ltd / Mowing KGF / 287.88
Subtotal Cheque No. 578 / 1,331.28
657 / 579 / 84 / County Security / Town Hall locking up / 179.19
658 / 580 / 116 / Andy Thornton Ltd / Bandstand / 2,366.45
659 / 581 / 80 / Executive Cleaning (Worcs) Ltd / Town Hall cleaning / 321.69
660 / 582 / 83 / npower / Cemetery electricity / 87.81
661 / 583 / 83 / Cox's Cars Ltd / Fuel for cemetery / 68.76
662 / 583 / 80 / Cox's Cars Ltd / Fuel / 43.00
Subtotal Cheque No. 583 / 111.76
663 / 584 / 116 / Wychavon D.C. / Bandstand electrical works / 4,933.24
664 / 585 / 85 / W L Brown / Town Hall Maintenance / 6.99
665 / 586 / 60 / Veldonn Printers Ltd / Newsletter printing / 706.00
666 / 587 / 84 / phs group plc / Sanitary disposal contract / 272.62
667 / 588 / 80 / Rob Dob's Cleaning Services / Window Cleaning / 264.00
668 / 589 / 98 / Worcestershire CC / Street Lighting / 6,500.00
669 / 590 / 61 / Opal / Telephone / 37.96
670 / 590 / 90 / Opal / Telephone / 25.38
Subtotal Cheque No. 590 / 63.34
671 / 591 / 60 / Paperstation Ltd / Stationery / 41.73
672 / 592 / 60 / West Mercia Supplies / Stationery / 85.18
680 / 593 / 82 / Salary 7 / Salary / 1,008.61
681 / 594 / 82 / Salary 9 / Salary / 225.68
682 / 595 / 1 / Inland Revenue / Tax and NIC / 801.73
683 / 595 / 5 / Inland Revenue / Tax and NIC / 27.17
684 / 595 / 6 / Inland Revenue / Tax and NIC / 144.00
685 / 595 / 10 / Inland Revenue / Tax and NIC / 22.33
686 / 595 / 4 / Inland Revenue / Tax and NIC / 2.53
687 / 595 / 82 / Inland Revenue / Tax and NIC / 81.20
688 / 595 / 2 / Inland Revenue / Tax and NIC / 499.88
689 / 595 / 82 / Inland Revenue / Tax and NIC / 210.91
690 / 595 / 3 / Inland Revenue / Tax and NIC / -12.80
Subtotal Cheque No. 595 / 1,776.95
691 / 596 / 9 / Worcestershire CC / Superannuation / 231.98
692 / 596 / 82 / Worcestershire CC / Superannuation / 76.46
Subtotal Cheque No. 596 / 308.44
693 / 597 / 60 / Mrs A Dobbins / Postages / 32.00
694 / 597 / 65 / Mrs A Dobbins / Toner cartridge / 29.99
Subtotal Cheque No. 597 / 61.99
695 / 598 / 69 / Thomson and Bancks / Fees re Football Club lease / 298.66
696 / 599 / 60 / Post Office / Postage stamps / 85.50
641 / DD / 66 / Barclays Bank / Payroll fees / 27.53
642 / DD / 61 / Entanet Int / Internet Fee / 23.21
673 / DD / 1 / Salary 1 / Salary / 2,298.77
674 / DD / 5 / Salary 2 / Salary / 695.63
675 / DD / 6 / Salary 3 / Salary / 575.99
676 / DD / 3 / Salary 5 / Salary / 489.32
677 / DD / 4 / Salary 6 / Salary / 496.85
678 / DD / 10 / Salary 10 / Salary / 655.67
679 / DD / 82 / Salary 8 / Salary / 325.05

108. Items from the Finance and Property Committee

a. Members agreed the recommendation from the Finance and Property Committee to award the Floral Displays contract to the current contractor.

b. Members agreed the recommendation from the Finance and Property Committee to award the Grounds Maintenance Contract to the current contractor as, whilst not the cheapest, his reliability and quality of work was proven.

109. Items from the Cemetery Committee

a. Members considered the recommendation from the Cemetery Committee that no more pre purchase of grave space at Pershore Cemetery be permitted with effect from 1st January 2011. Upon the death of a loved one, relatives would be at liberty to choose a plot from those available.

Cllr Shaw felt that this recommendation should not be implemented until consultation with local residents had taken place, possibly through the newsletter. Cllr Tucker could understand that, with the limited space left in the cemetery, the proposal made sense but considered it would be a good idea to seek the views of residents. Cllr Daniels felt that some people may wish to make arrangements for their funeral and to deny them the opportunity to purchase a grave space in advance would be a shame.

The Clerk explained that there are a number of plots at the cemetery that were purchased many years ago and the owners can no longer be contacted. However, the plots cannot be used until the length of the deed of grant expires and these were originally for 100 years.

It was proposed by Cllr Rowe, seconded by Cllr Tucker that members accept the Cemetery Committee’s proposal and stop pre purchase of plots at the cemetery from 1st January 2010 and this decision be notified to residents in the December newsletter.

Cllr Shaw proposed an amendment, seconded by Cllr Daniels, that the public be consulted through the newsletter before any decision was made. Upon putting the amendment to the vote it fell by 6 votes to 5. Upon putting the original proposal to the vote it was RESOLVED by 6 votes to 5 that the Town Council stop pre purchase of plots at the cemetery from 1st January 2010 and this decision be notified to residents in the December newsletter.

b. Members were asked to consider whether they wished to suggest plans for a memorial garden at the cemetery and if so to contact the Clerk for the dimensions of the available space.

110. Three Springs Road Development

Cllr Merry explained the deliberations on the planning application for Three Springs Road and the committee’s concerns over the lack of information about the drainage proposals for the site. Cllr Wood stated that the committee had felt that the traffic management and drainage were the two main concerns about the development. Cllr Rowe felt that Pershore needed more houses and members should consider agreeing to the housing but ensuring the concerns were noted. Officers at the District Council should be trusted to ensure the plans would work.

Cllr Tucker thanked the planning committee and Cllr Merry in particular for his hard work on the application and whilst he agreed with Cllr Rowe that more houses were needed in the town he felt that the development should be opposed until proper modeling of the infrastructure had been undertaken both traffic and drainage.

Cllr Merry reminded members that the planning committees recommended comments did not suggest refusal but made comments about the detail of the planning application which needed to be brought to the planning authority’s attention.

It was proposed by Cllr Wood, seconded by Cllr Shaw and RESOLVED by 7 votes to 2 with Cllrs Tucker and Grantham recording their abstention, that the comments recommended by the planning committee concerning the planning application be forwarded to Wychavon D.C. as below:

Initially members request that Wychavon D.C. agree to defer any decision on this application until all the necessary information is available for an informed decision to be made. Members noted that no report was yet available from consultees regarding the surface water drainage proposals and the Town Council would wish to be reconsulted once such reports were to hand.

Should Wychavon D C not feel able to defer their decision, the Town Council would object to the proposal on the following grounds:-

·  In accordance with the revised PPS3 regarding housing density, members feel that whilst the reduction in numbers is welcomed, the density is still over development in comparison to the density of other developments in the immediate vicinity.

·  Local knowledge of the area indicates that the consultant’s Traffic Management Plan showing 50:50 left hand and right hand turns from the development is unlikely. It is far more likely that 75% of vehicles will exit the development and turn left towards Worcester Road as schools, employment, adjacent towns and motorway junctions are all accessed off the B4084. This will put considerably more pressure on a junction that is already over capacity at peak times and which, it is acknowledged in the report, will be 25% over capacity even if only 50% of vehicles turn left from the development.

It is also considered that some vehicles will turn right to avoid the congestion so increasing traffic problems at other junctions in the town.

·  Members have some concern over the clarity of drawings which does not clearly indicate the continuity of the footway along the front of the development from the front of the cemetery, past numbers 62 and 60 to connect with the existing footway.

·  Members have concerns over the new Flood Risk Assessment and surface water drainage proposals which do not address point 3 of the reasons for refusal in the previous application.

·  Members note that the application proposes to collect surface water from agricultural land above the site (an area considerably greater in size than the site itself) by various measures including a “cut-off soakaway ditch” on ground which the applicant has identified as being unsuitable for this purpose. It is also proposed that ultimate disposal of any excess agricultural surface water is via the SUDS system and then into the STW sewer in Three Springs Road where there is a consent limit of 22 litres per second – this consent, it is acknowledged by the applicant, would be fully used in disposal of surface water arising from rainfall within site itself.