KML Bible Study TODAY! -Raising Godly Children: A Partnership Between Home, Church, and School. This topical study begins with a statistical evaluation of the mass exodus of young people from Christ's visible church. Parenting challenges in today's secular society make our teaching and raising children an important message for our Christian households. The partnerships of home, church, and school can be strengthened if our goals remain aligned. Child care will be provided for ages 0-3. Sunday School is available for all other ages.
ADULT BIBLE STUDY - 2 Samuel - A Bible study on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 pm – 8:30pm in the classroom which is located near the copier room in the lower level school hallway. Bring your point of view because you will be able to give it during our discussions.
2018 Men of His Word Conference - The 9th annual Men of His Word Conference will be held at the Best Western Premier Waterfront Convention Center in Oshkosh on Saturday, February 24, 2018. Please go online at to register and to get details about schedule, breakout sessions, keynote speaker, cost, etc. You may also use the mail -in Registration with a check payable to “Men of His Word.” Registration forms are on a table in the narthex. Hope to see you there! Or Join us carpooling. (see carpool sign up)
January - SENIOR ADULT BIBLE STUDY – Book of 1 Peter The people to whom Peter wrote this letter were experiencing hardship and suffering due to their Christian faith. They needed encouragement, even as we do today. The epistle of 1 Peter reminds us of the hope we have through Christ, not only for this life, but for the life to come. The class is taught by Staff Minister Hering in the Church Office Classroom on Tuesdays at 10:30 am, now through March 20th.
Our Savior Night- The Board of Stewardship is pleased to invite all members and friends of Our Savior to our special annual fellowship and activity night on Friday, February 23, beginning at 6 pm. The primary emphasis is FELLOWSHIP. Basketball, volleyball and the “bounce house” will be available in the gym while ping pong and tables for games will also be played in the lower lobby (byog – bring your own game). Snacks and beverages will be provided. There is no cost to attend. Come one, come all… and enjoy the fellowship of brothers and sisters in Christ!
SAVE THE DATE! SPRING PIZZA SALE! - Our Savior School will again be offering home-made pizzas in April and we need your help to make them! Please reserve Saturday April 14, 2018 on your calendar and look for pizza order forms and sign up information arriving in church mailboxes in March!
2018 ALTAR FLOWERS - The Flower Chart for 2018 is on the table in the back of church. Please consider providing flowers for the front of church for your wedding anniversary, birthdays, in memory of a loved one, etc.
HEARTS TO HANDS - Join Hearts to Hands Monday, February 12th at 6:30 pm in the mezzanine of the school building. All are welcome, beginners and experienced alike. We have hooks. needles, and yarn to share. Hope to see you there. Contact with questions: Laurel Polheber 262-483-2102.
From the Board of Stewardship - God rescued the Israelites from their bondage and mistreatment from the Egyptians. He was concerned about their suffering, and He showed His compassion by rescuing them. To help them to remember His goodness to them, God commanded that His people take some of the firstfruits of the produce that God had given them and put them into a basket to give to the priests to place on the Lord’s altar (Deuteronomy 26). The firstfruits were brought to the Lord in thankful response to what He had done for them. In the same way that God provided for His people in the Old Testament, He provides for us today. Especially as we begin this Lenten season we witness anew how God provided for us by sending His Son, Jesus, to suffer and die for us. How are you showing your gratitude and love to God through your “firstfruits?”
Mid-Week Thursday Services 3:30 & 7:00 pm
Our Savior Ev. Lutheran Church
February 13/14 / Ash Wednesday / Mark WagnerGreat / Hebrews 1:1-3
February 22 / Midweek #2 / Mark Wagner
Perfect / Hebrews 5:7-9
March 1 / Midweek #3 / Paul Kelm
Compassionate / Hebrews 4:14-16
March 8 / Midweek #4 / Mark Wagner
Self-Sacrificing / Hebrews 10:5-12
March 15 / Midweek #5 / Joel Hering
At the Great Altar / Hebrews 13:10-16
March 22 / Midweek #6 / Mark Wagner
Makes Us Priests / Hebrews 10:19-25
March 25 / Palm Sunday / Mark Wagner
Appointed / John 12:12-19
KML Annual Charity Auction- Join us in travelling Back to the Future for our 20th Annual Charity Auction on Saturday, April 21, 2018. Visit to make a donation, register to attend, purchase raffle tickets, or learn more about this event. Do you work at a company willing to donate something to the silent or live auction? Know someone willing to donate time, service, or an item? Contact Mrs. Sue Neuberger ().
BAND FESTIVAL-KML will be hosting the first-ever WELS Middle School Honors Band Festival on Saturday, February 24. Over 60 students from five different WELS elementary band programs were selected to participate in this event, including 15 from KML’s program. The guest clinician and conductor for the group will be composer Michael Sweeney. The day will conclude with a performance in KML’s Performing Arts Center Auditorium at 6:30 PM. There is no cost for admission. A freewill offering will be collected. We hope you can join us and bring a friend!