


9th April 2015

Minutes of the meeting of Pershore Town Council, held at the Town Hall, 34 High Street, Pershore, Commencing at 7.30pm.

Present:- Cllr A Rowley (Mayor)

Cllr D Annis

Cllr P Colloby

Cllr R Gillmor

Cllr J Palfrey

Cllr C Parsons MBE

Cllr G Price

Cllr R Speight

Cllr C Tucker

Cllr D Watt

Cllr M Winfield

Cllr V Wood

Revd Jennings advised members of hustings taking place at the Baptist Church on 3rd May at 7.30pm when all prospective parliamentary candidates would be present to answer questions.

1134. Apologies

There were none

1135. Declarations of Interest

There were none.

1136. Mayor’s Announcements

Cllr Rowley reminded members of the forthcoming visit from Plouay the following week.

1137. Items brought to members attention by the Town Clerk

There were none.

1138. Minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Palfrey, seconded by Cllr Wood and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held 19th February 2015 be signed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings with the alteration to a typographical error in minute 1123.

1139. Matters of Report from the minutes

a.  It was noted that the Clerk had again queried when the District Council Remuneration Panel was likely to meet and it was suggested this may now not be until after the May elections.

b.  It was noted that the Clerk had sent the necessary paperwork for the designation of the Holloway Fields as Centenary Fields and a site visit was planned for later in the month.

c.  The Clerk had been advised that light levels in Broad Street met the standards required and improvements could only be made if the heritage style lamp standards were replaced with more modern type of lighting. Cllr Wood asked that the Clerk check whether lighting levels were sufficient for the CCTV camera to be effective.

d.  The Clerk advised that the Council were now registered to be accredited with Quality Gold status and she would be working towards this over the coming months.

e.  The Clerk reported that she had advised the District Council of members objections to the recent street trading licence application.

  1. The Clerk reported that a date had now been agreed in June for a meeting to discuss the Leisure Centre lease.

1140. Finance

a. It was proposed by Cllr Watt, seconded by Cllr Speight and RESOLVED that the budget comparison to the end of the financial year be accepted. The deficit was noted and the Clerk explained the reduction in dividend income and the payment of Library rates for which reimbursement was awaited accounted for the majority of the deficit. Cllr Tucker advised that a meeting with possible alternative investment management companies was anticipated in the next few months.

b. The valuation of the Council’s investments to 5th March 2015 was accepted.

c. It was proposed by Cllr Annis, seconded by Cllr Tucker and RESOLVED that the payment list for the month of March as below be accepted.

Vchr. / Cheque / Cde. / Name / Description / Amount
754 / 484 / 299 / Budget Skips / Skip Hire / 199.00
757 / 485 / 83 / British Gas / Cemetery Electricity / 48.16
758 / 486 / 88 / Pershore Tyre Services Ltd / Vehicle repair / 63.00
759 / 487 / 84 / Mercia Radiotelephones Ltd / Shopwatch Radio / 36.00
760 / 488 / 89 / Miss Emily Goddard / Allotment Rent / 10.00
761 / 489 / 60 / Paperstation Limited / Stationery / 65.46
762 / 490 / 294 / Stannah Lift Services Ltd / Lift Contract / 60.00
763 / 491 / 94 / Eon UK plc / Christmas Lights power / 64.17
764 / 492 / 88 / Cox's Cars Ltd / Fuel / 54.00
765 / 492 / 86 / Cox's Cars Ltd / Fuel / 16.78
Subtotal Cheque No. / 492 / 70.78
766 / 493 / 294 / Best Vending Ltd / Vending machine at Library / 72.15
767 / 494 / 92 / National Express Limited / National Express / 23.02
768 / 495 / 294 / West Mercia Energy / Library electricity and gas / 1,007.89
769 / 496 / 287 / T M Baulch / Chapel window repair / 4,525.00
770 / 497 / 92 / Wychavon D C / Advertisement / 132.00
771 / 498 / 299 / Greenhatch Group Ltd / Cemetery Lodge mapping / 900.00
772 / 499 / 294 / Evesham Mechanical Services Ltd / Library boiler service / 687.60
773 / 500 / 90 / Shine Internet Ltd / Domain Name renewal / 222.00
774 / 501 / 85 / Screwfix / PPE / 51.98
775 / 502 / 80 / Executive Cleaning (Midlands) Limited / Town Hall Cleaning / 305.04
776 / 502 / 294 / Executive Cleaning (Midlands) Limited / Library cleaning / 460.50
Subtotal Cheque No. / 502 / 765.54
777 / 503 / 92 / Diversified Business Communications / CDC Year Book / 178.80
778 / 504 / 80 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500152996 / 504.00
779 / 504 / 294 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500244199 / 1,809.75
780 / 504 / 83 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500007544 / 60.00
Subtotal Cheque No. / 504 / 2,373.75
781 / 505 / 42 / Cllr A Rowley / Mayor's Allowance / 500.00
791 / 506 / 1 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 895.14
792 / 506 / 2 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 8.05
793 / 506 / 3 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 97.40
794 / 506 / 4 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 97.80
795 / 506 / 6 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 48.75
796 / 506 / 8 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 101.64
797 / 506 / 9 / H M Revenue and Customs / Employers NIC / 443.36
Subtotal Cheque No. / 506 / 1,692.14
798 / 507 / 2 / Worcestershire County Council / Superannualtion / 45.00
799 / 507 / 6 / Worcestershire County Council / Superannuation / 54.21
800 / 507 / 10 / Worcestershire County Council / Employers Pension Conts / 388.27
Subtotal Cheque No. / 507 / 487.48
801 / 508 / 84 / County Security Ltd / Town Hall Locking Up / 280.46
802 / 508 / 83 / County Security Ltd / Cemetery Locking Up / 304.42
803 / 508 / 89 / County Security Ltd / Allotment Locking Up / 76.28
Subtotal Cheque No. / 508 / 661.16
804 / DD / 70 / Barclays Bank / To fixed assets / 876,489.61
755 / DD / 68 / Barclays Bank / Payroll fees / 6.83
749 / DD / 61 / Entanet Ltd / Internet Fee / 23.70
750 / DD / 61 / Plusnet PLC / Telephone / 34.36
751 / DD / 61 / BT / Telephone / 78.00
752 / DD / 90 / Plusnet PLC / Telephone / 25.19
753 / DD / 68 / Barclays Bank / Investment Management Fee / 1,174.75
782 / DD / 1 / Salary 1 / Salary / 2,609.28
783 / DD / 2 / Salary 2 / Salary / 710.46
784 / DD / 3 / Salary 3 / Salary / 390.10
785 / DD / 4 / Salary 4 / Salary / 485.40
786 / DD / 5 / Salary 5 / Salary / 340.20
787 / DD / 6 / Salary 6 / Salary / 843.98
788 / DD / 7 / Salary 7 / Salary / 400.00
789 / DD / 82 / Salary 8 / Salary / 62.40
790 / DD / 82 / Salary 7 / Salary / 331.52
Subtotal Cheque No. / DD / 884,005.78
TOTAL / 898,902.86

It was proposed by Cllr Watt, seconded by Cllr Gillmor and RESOLVED that the payment list for the

month of April as below be accepted

Vchr. / Cheque / Cde. / Name / Description / Amount
1 / 511 / 83 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500007544 / 60.00
2 / 511 / 80 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500152996 / 504.00
3 / 511 / 294 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500244199 / 1,812.00
Subtotal Cheque No. / 511 / 2,376.00
4 / 512 / 60 / Konica Minolta Business Solutions (UK) Ltd / Photocopying / 634.51
5 / 513 / 63 / Scribe 2000 Ltd / Software licence / 531.00
6 / 514 / 61 / Namesco Ltd / Domain Name renewal / 257.88
7 / 515 / 87 / Wychavon D C / Trade Waste collection / 1,187.61
8 / 516 / 60 / Paperstation Limited / Stationery / 72.57
9 / 517 / 60 / Veldonn Printers Ltd / Newsletter Printing / 746.00
10 / 518 / 96 / Worcestershire Wildlife Trust / Subscription / 32.00
11 / 519 / 60 / Newsquest Ltd / Newsletter Delivery / 80.28
12 / 520 / 86 / OHMS Ltd / Machinery repair / 18.72
13 / 521 / 80 / Rob Dob's Cleaning Services / Window Cleaning / 102.00
14 / 521 / 294 / Rob Dob's Cleaning Services / Window Cleaning / 145.00
Subtotal Cheque No. / 521 / 247.00
15 / 522 / 92 / National Express Limited / National Express / 112.92
16 / 523 / 83 / County Security Ltd / Cemetery Locking Up / 365.62
17 / 523 / 84 / County Security Ltd / Town Hall Locking Up / 379.91
18 / 523 / 89 / County Security Ltd / Allotment Locking Up / 74.40
Subtotal Cheque No. / 523 / 819.93
19 / 524 / 43 / H Weston & Sons Ltd / Twinning costs / 360.00
28 / 525 / 1 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 892.39
29 / 525 / 2 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 20.72
30 / 525 / 3 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 102.00
31 / 525 / 4 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 159.00
32 / 525 / 6 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 43.96
33 / 525 / 7 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 70.08
34 / 525 / 9 / H M Revenue and Customs / Employers NIC / 488.27
Subtotal Cheque No. / 525 / 1,776.42
35 / 526 / 6 / Worcestershire County Council / Superannuation / 59.82
36 / 526 / 2 / Worcestershire County Council / Superannualtion / 50.00
37 / 526 / 7 / Worcestershire County Council / Superannualtion / 49.32
38 / 526 / 10 / Worcestershire County Council / Employers Pension Conts / 647.53
Subtotal Cheque No. / 526 / 806.67
39 / 527 / 111 / Evesham and Dist Music Club / Grant as agreed / 200.00
40 / 528 / 111 / Friends of Avon Meadows / Grant as agreed / 500.00
41 / 529 / 111 / Pershore Carnival / Grant as agreed / 600.00
42 / 530 / 111 / Pershore Jazz / Grant as agreed / 400.00
43 / 531 / 111 / Pershore Open Gardens / Grant as agreed / 100.00
44 / 532 / 111 / Pershore Plum Festival / Grant as agreed / 600.00
45 / 533 / 111 / Pershore Town Choir / Grant as agreed / 400.00
46 / 534 / 111 / Pershore Volunteer Centre / Grant as agreed / 500.00
47 / 535 / 111 / The Milestone Society / Grant as agreed / 100.00
48 / 536 / 111 / Remember the Fallen / Grant as agreed / 100.00
49 / 537 / 111 / WWT Blackhouse Wood Appeal / Grant as agreed / 100.00
50 / 538 / 43 / Mrs A Dobbins / Twinning costs / 45.00
51 / 539 / 294 / Evesham Mechanical Services Ltd / Heating repair / 67.38
52 / 540 / 80 / Executive Cleaning (Midlands) Limited / Town Hall Cleaning / 305.04
53 / 540 / 294 / Executive Cleaning (Midlands) Limited / Library cleaning / 531.88
Subtotal Cheque No. / 540 / 836.92
54 / 541 / 299 / Budget Skips / Skip Hire / 199.00
55 / 542 / 87 / Continental Landscapes Ltd / Mowing Contract / 114.00
56 / 542 / 86 / Continental Landscapes Ltd / Mowing Contract / 48.00
57 / 542 / 83 / Continental Landscapes Ltd / Mowing Contract / 1,440.00
Subtotal Cheque No. / 542 / 1,602.00
58 / 543 / 40 / Mayor's Charity account / Mayor's Charity / 28.00
20 / DD / 1 / Salary 1 / Salary / 2,687.36
21 / DD / 2 / Salary 2 / Salary / 819.05
22 / DD / 3 / Salary 3 / Salary / 408.25
23 / DD / 4 / Salary 4 / Salary / 751.80
24 / DD / 6 / Salary 6 / Salary / 899.81
25 / DD / 7 / Salary 7 / Salary / 400.00
26 / DD / 82 / Salary 8 / Salary / 441.65
27 / DD / 82 / Salary 7 / Salary / 331.02
Subtotal Cheque No. / DD / 6,738.94
TOTAL / 23,176.75

1141. Items from the Pershore Cemetery Committee

Cllr Parsons advised the window in the south chapel had been completely rebuilt and the contractor had discovered that at some time in the past the entire window had been coated in a type of varnish which had had to be removed. The window was now watertight and a very good job had been done.

Cllr Parsons also advised that an initial set of draft plans for the lodge had been produced which would include alterations to the internal layout of the building and a new, safer, staircase. A planning application would need to be submitted and members agreed they would wish to approve the plans before they went to the local planning authority. It was hoped these could be brought to the May meeting of the Council.

1142. Items from the Finance and Property Committee

Cllr Tucker commended the list of approved grants to members and noted there had been fewer applications than usual so there were still some funds available for future applications.

Cllr Tucker proposed, Cllr Wood seconded and it was RESOLVED that the Council continue its membership of the Lengthsman Scheme.

1143. Items from the Amenities and Environment Committee

It was proposed by Cllr Parsons, seconded by Cllr Winfield and RESOLVED that the recommendation from the committee to name the Tempwood development “Bredon View Close” be ratified. The Clerk will advise the District Council accordingly.

1144. Election of Mayor Elect

Cllr Rowley was proposed by Cllr Wood and seconded by Cllr Speight as Mayor elect for the coming year. There being no further nominations Cllr Rowley was duly elected.

1145. Election of Deputy Mayor Elect

Cllr Gillmor was proposed by Cllr Tucker and seconded by Cllr Wood as Deputy Mayor Elect. There being no further nominations Cllr Gillmor was duly elected.

1146. New Council Flag

Following the budget deficit for the 2014/15 financial year members noted that this purchase was not in the budget and agreed to defer any decision to the May Council meeting when the new council would be sitting.

1147. Northern Link

Cllr Tucker explained the work to be undertaken to enable the technical requirements of the northern link road to be established so that a planning application could be submitted. The funds

were being found by the partnership of the Local Enterprise Partnership, County Council, District and Town Councils and the Town Council were being asked for £25,000 rather than the previously agreed £20,000. These funds to come from the New Homes Bonus allocation to the Town Council.