14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro Md. 20772

Permit Reviewer: Mary Hampton 22830-2008-U

Telephone Number: 301-952-5411 July 24, 2008

Fax Number: 301-952-4141

Permit Status:

The following comments were generated from permit review. Any questions or concerns regarding the following should be directed to the reviewer at the phone number provided above.

APPROVED 9/18/2008 (MPH)

1. This permit is for a church with 60 seats in the R-55 Zone on Lots 1-3 which has a lot area of 6, 000 s.f. Churches located on a lot less than one acre is size are only permitted by special exception. Prior permit 5701-80-CU was approved for a church with 24 seats based on 6 parking spaces provided. At this time the use of the church was permitted. However on August 31, 1993, Council Bill 23-1993 amended the Prince George’s County Zoning Ordinance to require a special exception for churches located on less than 1 acre. If the property has been used as a church since August 1993, has not ceased operation for more than 180 consecutive calendar days to the present date, and the site is in conformance with the previously approved plan, then the church may qualify for certification of nonconforming use for 24 seats. I called and left a message for the applicant. 8/7/2008 – Applicant submitted NCU application and documentation. See additional comments below.9/18/2008 - OK per documentation submitted.

7/28/08 – I called applicant and explained permit comments. I referred her to Mary for more information on nonconforming use. MTH

7/28/2008 – Valerie Copeland came in picked NCU application and instructions. She said the church has been in continuous operation. This church has been using the property since 1993.

8/7/2008 – These additional comments were generated after the review of the NCU application and documentation:

1.  Additional documentation of continuous operation is required beginning with just prior to August 1993 through July 2005 (every 6 month interval). The following was submitted:

October 3, 1994 – Letter from State of Maryland regarding tax exemption

October 10, 1995 – Newspaper article about the existing church

October 17, 1997 – Newspaper article about the existing church

April 4, 1999 – Pastor and church anniversary letter and flyer

November 2000 – Magazine article about renovation of the church

December 2005 thru July 2008 – adequate documentation provided with church bulletins

2.  It appears from the pictures of the renovations from 2000 that the existing driveway (the 6th parking space) is no longer existing. That leave 5 parking spaces in the parking lot and therefore only 20 seats can be approved. I faxed the revised comments to Valerie Copeland at 301-336-1283. 9/18/2008 – Ok per documentation submitted.

8/18/2008 – Additional documentation was submitted. Documentation for the following dates must still be submitted:

December 1993/January 1994 9/2/08 still needed - 9/18/08 OK per documentation submitted.

June/July 2001 9/2/08 – OK 9/2/08

December 2001/Jan 2002 9/2/08 – OK 9/2/08

Nov/Dec 2002 9/2/08 – still need

May/June 2003 9/2/08 – OK 9/2/08

Nov/Dec 2004 9/2/08 – OK 9/2/08

May/June 2005. 9/2/08 - OK 9/2/08

8/18/2008 - I faxed the comments to Valerie Copeland at 301-336-1283.

9/2/2008 - Additional documentation was submitted. The only documentation that must still be submitted is December 1993/January 1994 and then Nov/Dec 2002. Once this is received the permit can be approved. I called and discussed the comments with Valerie Copeland. I faxed the comments to Valerie Copeland. 9/18/2008 – OK per info submitted.