The FifthInternational Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC2018)
Bath,UK, January 31st – February 2nd 2018
ICDC2018: Instructions For Authors
A. A. Author1, B. B. Author2 and C. C. Author3
1Department, Institution/University, City, Country
2Department, Institution/University, City, Country
3Department, Institution/University, City, Country
Abstract: The length of the abstract should be between 100 and 150 words.
Keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3
1. Introduction
Instructions for authors are intended to guide contributors to the International Conference on Design Creativity when preparing papers. We kindly ask you to prepare your paper by carefully following the enclosed instructions. A MS Word template is available for download from the conference website:
For the camera-ready submission, you will be required to submit a revised paper after taking into account all reviewers comments. This submission must occur electronically through the ConfTool conference management system. The paper must be prepared in both .doc/.docx and .pdf formats.
2. Technical requirements
The following sections give more detailed information about the layout and format of an ICDC paper. Please, when formatting your paper use style definitions as are specified in this document. In this document, the ICDC predefined styles are used for formatting and you can use this paper as an example. The MS Word style names used in template and this instructions start with the “ICDC” characters that are continued with the name of the section. Please use only the styles that start with the “ICDC” characters for your paper.
2.1. Format
The paper should be prepared in an A4 page with page margins as specified: 2.54cm left, 2.54cm right, 2.54cm top,3.2cm bottom. Pages should be numberedwith 10pt Times, right-aligned, within the page footer. The length of the paper is limited to 8 (eight) pages, including Reference, Acknowledgements, and Appendix as appropriate.
2.2. Paper title, author(s), affiliation(s), abstract and keyword(s)
The right margin of paper title section, author section, and keyword sectionis 4 cm. The title of the paper should be in 14 pt. Times bold, all caps, aligned left, single line spaced,preceded by 72pt space and followed by 24pt space. Authors’ name(s) should include initial of first and middle names, followed by family name. Authors names should be in 12pt Times regular, aligned left, single line spaced with 12pt space after. The following Affiliation(s) of the Author(s) (Department, Institution/University, City, Country) should be in 12pt Times regular, aligned left, single line spaced with 24pt space after. Affiliation(s) should consist of Department, Institution/University, City and Country – do not includethe address(es), email address(es) and tel./fax number(s). Please note that authors’ names and affiliations should not be included in the initial full paper submission. These should be added only when the paper has been accepted and revised for inclusion in the conference proceedings.
The keywords should be preceded by the word Keywords: and given in 12 pt Times italic, aligned left, single line spaced.
The main text should be in 11 pt. Times regular, single line spaced and full justified left and right.
2.3. Headings
Headings should not be numbered automatically, so please add heading numbers, followed by the dot character “.” and one space character before the heading text. First level headings should be in 13 pt. Times bold, with 12 pt. spacing before and 3 pt. spacing after, in sentence case (cap on first word only). Second level headings should be in 11 pt. Times bold, with 12 pt. spacing before and 3 pt. spacing after, in sentence case. Third level headings should be in 11 pt. Times italic, with 12 pt. spacing before and 3 pt. spacing after, in sentence case.
2.3.1. Figures
Figures should be centered on the page with 12 pt. before. Please do not insert text boxes over the figures. Figures should be numbered as is shown on the example below. Please prepare your figures having in mind the black and white proceedings press style. Figure caption should be in 11 pt. Times bold, centered, with 3 pt. spacing before and 6 pt. after, and placed below the figure. All figures should be referred to within the text using Figure with an initial capital letter.
Figure 1. Figure caption
2.3.2. Tables
Tables should be centered on the page and numbered as is shown on the example below. Table captions should be in 11 pt. Times bold, centered, with 12 pt. spacing before and 3 pt. after, and placed above the table. In-table text should be 10 pt. Times regular, centered, 1 pt. before and after. All tables should be referred to within the text using Table with a capital initial letter.
Table 1. Table caption
Table / Table / TableTable / Table / Table
If text immediately follows the table, leave one line of space before the text. This is not necessary when the table is immediately followed by a section heading.
2.4. Equations
Equations are left justified, 2 cm from left with equation number at the right margin.
2.5. Lists
Lists may be included either as numbered or unnumbered.
- Unnumbered lists should use bullets, and should be in 11 pt. Times regular, justified, with 0.63 cm hanging indent and 1.27 cm tabs.
- Numbered lists should be in 11 pt. Times regular, justified, with 0.63 cm hanging indent and 1.27 cm tabs.
2.6. Other Details
- SI units should be used throughout the paper
- Please delete all comments and tracked changes in the manuscript before submission.
3. Manuscript Submission
This template is for use for both the initial submission (for peer review) and the final, camera-ready submission, based on the notification of acceptance.
The manuscript should be submitted via the ConfTool conference management system (
This is an optional section. The acknowledgement heading should be an unnumbered, second level heading.Acknowledgement(s) (if any) should be in 11 pt. Times regular, full justified, before references, with title in unnumbered second level heading.
The references heading should be unnumbered second level heading. References should follow APA style ( References should be marked in the text by giving the name of the author and the publishing year in brackets, e.g. (Chakrabarti, 2009), or Goldschmidt & Tatsa (2005), or (Nagai et al., 2010). The reference list must be complete. The following examples are prepared according the APA style:
Chakrabarti, A. (2009). Design Creativity Research. In N. R. Srinivasa Raghavan & J. A. Cafeo (Eds.), Product Research: The Art and Science Behind Successful Product Launches, Part 1 (pp. 17–39). London: Springer-Verlag.
Goldschmidt, G., & Tatsa, D. (2005). How good are good ideas? Correlates of design creativity. Design Studies, 26(6), 593–611.
Nagai, Y., Taura, T., & Sano, K. (2010). Research Methodology for the Internal Observation of Design Thinking through the Creative Self-formation Process. Design Creativity 2010, London: Springer-Verlag, 215–222.
Runco, M. A., & Pritzker, S. R. (Eds.). (2005). Encyclopedia of creativity. Vol. 1–2, San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
This is an optional section. The appendix heading should be an unnumbered, second level heading. Please remember that the whole document you submit must not exceed 8 pages.