14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro MD 20772.
Permit Reviewer: Tempi Chaney 15118-15133-2014-SGU
Telephone Number: (301) 952-4707 Edelen Village North
Fax Number: (301) 952-4141 Lots 1-3 C, 28, 51-62 D
Permit Status: May 20, 2014
Permits 15118-15121, 15127-15133-2014-SGU Approved 1/20/2015
Permits 15122-15126-2014-SGU HOLD 1/20/2015
July 24, 2015 – 15122-15126-2014-SGU - Permits Approved
The following comments were generated from permit review. Any questions or concerns regarding the following should be directed to the reviewer at the phone number provided above. Further comments may be generated when the appropriate information has been submitted. Revised plans and required information must be submitted to the Permit Review Section. To expedite subsequent review, all revised plans and required information must be submitted to the Permit Review Section in one package.
December 1, 2014 – Since this permit package is being separated, Park and Planning requires 1 complete set of plans to be submitted with the separation, not just the plans to address comments. Submit one complete permit package including site plans (cover sheet, approval sheet), landscape plans and TCP II plans. June 4, 2015 – Park and Planning has received the plans for permits 15122-15126-2014-SGU but did not receive receipts demonstrating all fees have been paid nor documentation the rec. facilities are complete and inspected. Tempi July 24, 2015 – OK, received copy of receipt for fire and EMS fees being paid. Tempi
Comments 1 and 2 are per SDP-0608/01 and pertain to the overall development. All permits from this point forward will be placed on HOLD until conditions 4 and 6 of SDP-0608/01 have been met.
1. Prior to approval of the 570th building permit or conveyance of the golf course property, whichever comes first, the applicant and the applicant’s heirs, successors, and/or assignees shall do the following:
e. Draft an easement to ensure the proper and final preservation of the golf course as permanent open space, to be approved by the Planning Board or its designee.
(e) The easement shall allow for appropriate recreational uses as set forth on the approved specific design plan.
(2) The easement shall allow for an appropriate access easement to the open space and recreational facilities to the benefit of the homeowners association (HOA) on land currently identified as golf course. The access easement shall contain a reverter clause in the event that the land is conveyed to the HOA.
(3) The easement shall set forth the rights, responsibilities including maintenance, and liabilities of the parties.
b. The approved easement shall be recorded in Land Records by the applicant.
c. Condition 4(a)(2) shall become null and void if an executed deed of conveyance between the applicant and the HOA for all of the golf course land is provided to the Planning Board or its designee, prior to the timeframe indicated above, for review and determination of adequate protection of the open space and access thereto.
2. Prior to approval of the 570th building permit, the applicant and the applicant’s heirs, successors, and/or assignees shall obtain approval of final plats for the golf course property in accordance with Section 24-119© of the Subdivision Regulations and Specific Design Plan SDP-0608-01, and the final plats shall reflect:
e. The liber/folio of a document abandoning the covenants for the preferential membership, Liber 15709/Folio 678. Liber 36105 Folio 095
b. The liber/folio of an easement to ensure the proper and final preservation of the golf course as permanent open space. Liber 36189 Folio 307
c. The liber/folio of the access easement to the open space including the recreational facilities to the benefit of the homeowners association (HOA). Liber 36189 Folio 307
d. The liber/folio of the amended or new recreational facilities agreement, with the trigger for construction prior to the issuance of the 640th building permit, with appropriate bonding required. 36246 Folio 333
e. Condition 6© shall become null and void if an executed deed of conveyance between the applicant and the HOA for all of the golf course land is provided to the Planning Board or its designee, prior to the timeframe indicated above, for review and determination of adequate protection of the open space and access thereto. December 1, 2014 – the record plats have been approved per SDP-0608/01 per PGCPB No. 13-02 and received all required information. Tempi
3. HOLD per Subdivision – Some of the distances are incorrect per Plat 237-46. Provide the correct distances on the plans. December 1, 2014 – OK per revised plans received. Tempi
4. Hold per Environmental Planning – provide the sheet of the TCP II plan which covers Lots 51-55 D. December 1, 2014 – OK per revised plans received. Tempi
5. Submit the template sheet showing the Palermo house type.
6. Demonstrate compliance to condition 7 of SDP-0318 – “Prior to the issuance of each residential building permit, the applicant, his heirs, successors and/or assignees shall provide evidence of contribution of $400.00 to the Piscataway Preservation Grant and Loan Fund.” December 1, 2014 – Received payment for permits 15118-15121, 15127-15133-2014-SGU. The permit group was separated because this project has reached the 720th building permit and the rec. fac. Must be completed. Tempi June 4, 2015 – Comment remains outstanding, received copies of plans. Tempi July 8, 2015 – OK, received copy of receipt demonstrating fees have been paid. Tempi
7. Demonstrate compliance to condition 24 of PGCPB 03-122 – “The applicant, his heirs, successors and/or assignees shall provide a fee to Prince George’s County, which shall serve as a fair-share contribution toward the construction of the Brandywine Special Study Area Station and acquisition of an ambulance and paramedic unit. The fee amount is based upon the construction cost of the station ($1,275,000) and the purchase price of an ambulance ($129,000) and paramedic unit ($129,000) divided by the total amount of population and employees within the proposed service area at projected buildout in 2006 (10,024). The fair-share fee for residential development is $479 per dwelling unit and shall be paid prior to the approval of each permit, and the fair share fee for commercial/historic uses is $7,646.50 and shall be paid prior to the issuance of the first building permit for nonresidential uses.” This fee is to be submitted to the county through Park and Planning’s Transportation Section – Wil Vines at 301-952-3943. June 4, 2015 – Comment remains outstanding, received copies of plans. Tempi July 24, 2015 – OK, received copy of receipt for fire and EMS fees being paid. Tempi
December 1, 2014 – Received payment for permits 15118-15121, 15127-15133-2014-SGU. The permit group was separated because this project has reached the 720th building permit and the rec. fac. must be completed. Tempi
8. June 4, 2015 – Have the rec. fac. been completed and inspected? If so, submit proof to this office that facilities have been inspected. Tempi July 8, 2015 – OK, rec. fac. Have been inspected and approved. Tempi
9. Once revised plans addressing the above comments have been submitted, review will continue and additional comments may be generated based on the revised plans. Submit all requested information in one package.
June 10, 2014 – Comments e-mailed to Melina Armiger. Tempi
1/21/2015 9:44:35 AM / Tempi Chaney / $479.00 per dwelling unit was paid towards the fair-share contribution toward the construction of the Brandywine Special Study Area Station and acquisition of an ambulance and paramedic unit. Condition 24 of PGCPB 03-122.1/21/2015 9:42:28 AM / Tempi Chaney / $400.00 was paid to the Piscataway Preservation Grant and Loan Fund per condition 7 of SDP-0318.
1/21/2015 9:40:35 AM / Tempi Chaney / NO Public Safety Surcharge Fee required - preliminary plat 4-03027 was approved 4/14/2003
July 8, 2015 – Comment number 7 is the only outstanding issue with permit 15122-15126-2014-SGU, Lots 51-55; Blk. D. July 24, 2015 – OK, all comments have been addressed. Tempi
July 8, 2015 – Comment e-mailed to Melina Armiger. Tempi