Permission for Scholar to Walk Home
Dear Parent or Legal Guardian of a Kindergarten – 4th Grade Scholar:
Our regular protocol is to release your scholar at the end of our school day only to you or to someone authorized by you in writing on our Dismissal Form.
However, if your home is within 1 mile of BelovED, or if your scholar rides one of our buses and your home is within 1 mile of your scholar’s bus stop, you may instruct BelovED through this Permission Form to permit your scholar to walk home from school or his or her bus stop provided that you submit this form at least 2 days before the arrangement is to go into effect (verbal instructions will not be accepted), and that
o Your scholar is either in Grade 3 or 4, or
o Your Grade K-2 scholar is accompanied on the walk by a sibling in Grade 3 or higher.
Scholar Name: ______Grade:______For scholars who will be walking home from school, please check the boxes below that apply:
I live within 1 mile of BelovED Community Charter School.
Please permit my grade 3-4 scholar, above, to walk home from school.
Please permit my grade K-2 scholar, above, to walk home from school accompanied by one or more of the following grade 3 or higher siblings:
(Continued on back.)
For scholars who will be walking home from their bus stop, please check the boxes below that apply:
I live within 1 mile of my scholar’s bus stop.
Please permit my grade 3-4 scholar, above, to walk home from his/her bus stop.
Please permit my grade K-2 scholar, above, to walk home from his/her bus stop accompanied by one or more of the following grade 3 or higher siblings:
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Phone Number:______Date: ______