Permanent Change to Overall Instructional Hours Amendment Request

ThePermanent Change to Overall Instructional Hours Amendment Requestisusedto increaseor decreasethenumberof overallannualinstructionalhours for one or more educational programs provided by the Charter School.Thisis only used for a permanentchangeto thechartercontract;anotification is used to identify when the contracted instructionalhours will notbemet ina specific fiscalyear duetounforeseencircumstances(e.g.snow,poweroutage,roofcollapse).

AnyCharter Schoolmaysubmit aPermanent Change to Overall Instructional Hours Amendment Request. However, the request will not be approved to decrease contractual hours for any educational program offered by the school below the overall minimum annual instructional hours required in NMSA § 22-2-8.1

A substantivelycompleteamendment requestsubmitted byaCharter School willbeplacedontheagendaof aregular Boardmeeting.

Requests to increase the overall instructional hours will be placed on the consent agenda of a regular PEC meeting. Any request may be removed from the consent agenda either before the scheduled PEC meeting or during the scheduled PEC meeting. If an item is removed from the consent agenda and school representatives are not available, the item will be added for consideration at the next scheduled PEC meeting.

A finding that the Charter School is not in complianceinoneormoreoperationalareas(seepage5ofTheGuide) mayresultin a delay in considerationofthe request.

A recommendation for approval from the CSD does not guarantee the request will be approved by the PEC. The PEC is the final decision maker and is not obligated to accept the recommendations of the CSD.

Permanent Change to Overall Instructional Hours Amendment Requests may only be submitted for consideration at the November through May PEC meetings to go into effect in the subsequent fiscal year.

An administratively and substantively completePermanent Change to Overall Instructional Hours Amendment Requestwillreceivea staffrecommendation forthechange iftheCharter school’smeets thefollowing criteria.

The proposed instructional hours meet the overall minimum instructional hours required in Section 22-2-8.1 NMSA.
The Amendment Request proposes an increase in instructional hours or the change (decrease) does not change the essence of the school’s program.
The school has fully addressed the narrative prompts.

Ifyou have questions aboutcompletingtheformoruploading documents,contact the Charter Schools Division by emailing .Workthrough theform,filling in allrequired fieldsand attachments(denoted by"*").Besuretosaveyourwork,even ifyou aren'tprepared to submityourform,so thatyoudonotloseyourdata.


Field / Instructions
From* / IdentifyinFromthe number of overall annual instructional hours approvedforeach educational program offered by the school in thechartercontract.
To* / Enterthenumberofoverall annual instructional hours that will be provided for each educational program offered by the school. Please note, these numbers must conform to the overall minimum annual instructional hours required in NMSA § 22-2-8.1
FiscalYearEffectiveDate* / Entertheproposedfiscalyear in whichthe instructionaldayschangewilloccur.


Forfurtherinformation regarding specific documentation requirements,seepages6–15 ofTheGuideandthesubstantivecompletenessrequirementsfoundbelow.

Approved BoardMinutes*

Attach evidencethattheproposed changehasbeen approved bytheCharter school board.

School Calendar*

Providethe schoolcalendarforthe fiscalyear therequestwillbecomeeffective, clearly indicating any daysusing alternatedailyschedules (e.g. earlyreleasedays). If the school offers multiple educational programs, the school must provide a calendar for each program. If this is different from the calendar that was submitted to the PED School Budget and Financial Analysis Bureau, please provide documentation to demonstrate that the charter school has submitted the change to the Secretary and received approval of the change.


Providedailyinstructionalschedule(s)clearlyidentifyinginstructionaland non-instructionalperiods,foreachgradeserved. Includeanyalternateschedules(e.g.earlyreleasedays)identifiedin theschoolcalendar.If the school offers multiple educational programs, the school must provide daily scheduled for each program.


Upload a narrative thatrespondstothefollowing prompts:

□Describethe rationaleforthisrequest.

□Describehowtheproposedchange to instructionaldayswill improvepupilachievement in thetargetpopulation servedbythecharter.

□Describehowtheschoolcalendar(s)and dailyinstructionalschedule(s)submitteddemonstratecompliancewith NMSA § 22-2-8.1regarding annualinstructionalhours foreach gradeserved.

□Describe the budget impact of the change and explain how the change results in that impact.


☐ / Approved BoardMinutes
  • Comply with OpenMeeting Law
  • Board alignswith whatiscurrently on filewith PEC/CSD

☐ / SchoolCalendar(s)
☐ / DailyInstructionalSchedule(s)
☐ / Narrative,addressing all prompts


Thefollowingchecklistwillbeusedtodeterminesubstantivecompletenessforthisrequest. Eachcriterion(ifapplicable) willeitherbedeemedacceptableornotacceptable.

Review / Criteria
Approved Board Minutes / ApprovedBoardMinutesthat:
☐Indicatethattherequesthasbeen approved by the appropriateboard and isconsistentwith thesubmitted form
SchoolCalendar / Calendarincludesthefollowing:
☐Currentfiscalyear dates,including any alternatedailyschedules
☐Calendar is provided for each educational program offered by the school
DailyInstructionalSchedule(s) / Instructionalscheduleincludes the following:
☐Instructionaland non-instructionalperiodsforeachgradelevelserved; and
☐Anyalternatedailyschedules fromtheschoolcalendar.
☐Instructional schedule is provided for each educational program offered by the school
Rationale (Narrative) / Description includesthefollowing:
☐Rationaleforincreaseordecrease in instructionaldays
ImprovedPupilAchievement / Description includesthefollowing:
☐Howthechange willimprovepupil achievement
Compliance with
NMSA § 22-2-8.1(Narrative) / Description includesthefollowing:
☐Howtheschoolcalendarand schedule(s)submitteddemonstratecompliancewithNMSA § 22-2-8.1
Budget Impact / Description includesthefollowing:
☐How the change will impact the school budget and why that impact will result