Period 1 – Essay Planning for Of Mice and Men
I. Introduction paragraph:
THESIS STATEMENT: The theme of loneliness is shown in Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men through the isolation felt by Crooks, Candy, and Curley’s wife.
II. Body Paragraph 1: Topic Sentence (why thesis is true): Crooks feels isolation because of his skin color.
Reason1 (Why topic sentence is true): Crook’s skin color causes him to push others away from himself.
Example 1: Quote – “______” pg. 68
Explanation 1: At this point, Crooks now takes it upon himself to shun others away before they send him away.
Reason 2 (Why topic sentence is true): Crook’s is pushed away by the other men because of his skin color.
Example 2: Quote – “______” pg. 68
Explanation 2: Crooks says these words to reveal that he knows the other ranch hands dislike him and don’t want him in the bunkhouse; therefore, he feels apart from them.
Reason 3 (Why is topic sentence true?): Crooks experiences isolation by society’s treatment of blacks during the 1930s.
Example 3: Quote – “______” (Childhood experience) pg. 70
Explanation 3: This quote shows that society is instrumental in teaching Crooks that racial isolation is a way of life.
Closing sentence:
III. Body Paragraph 2: Topic Sentence: Candy feels isolation because of his age.
Reason 1: (Why is topic true): Because of Candy’s age, approximately 65 years old, he is alone and feels that he needs family before he dies.
Example 1: Quote – “______” section 4
Explanation 1: Candy’s words prove that he is searching for a place and the people to surround him when he dies.
Reason 2: (Why is topic sentence true?) Candy’s companionship with his dog represents the longevity of this relationship due to Candy’s age.
Example 2: Quote – “I’ve had him since he was a pup… pg.#
Explanation 2: This quote shows that Candy’s loss of his only companion will contribute to his sense of loneliness and thus his need for family.”
Reason 3: Candy’s age contributes to his loneliness because he no longer can participate in the same activities as the other men.
Example 3: Quote – “_____” sec. 4and sec. 5
Explanation 3: According to Candy, he knows he is too old to go to the flop house with the other men, but he still wants to contribute something to society so that he doesn’t feel isolated.
IV. Body Paragraph 3: Topic Sentence (why thesis is true): Curley’s wife feels isolation because of her gender.
Reason 1 – Curly’s wife is the only female on the ranch
Reason 2 – Curly’s wife didn’t get to fulfill her dream
Reason 3 – Curly’s wife doesn’t have anyone to talk to
V. Conclusion: Through the feelings that Crooks, Candy, and Curley’s wife have about belonging to society, the theme of loneliness appears in this novel.
Period 2
I. Introduction –
THESIS STATEMENT: Throughout Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men, loneliness is revealed by Candy, George, and Lennie’s sense of loss.
II. Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence: (Why is the thesis statement true?) Candy’s loss of youth contributes to his loneliness.
Reason 1: (why is the topic sentence true?) Candy’s age causes him to have a lack of strength and lack of motivation to work.
Example 1 – Quote – “have to be a swamper” pg. sec 4
Explanation 1 – This quote shows that Candy can’t work like other men, only has one hand; therefore, he feels lonely because he has to take a lesser job.
Reason 2: Candy’s age causes him to loose his companion, his dog.
Example 2: “Quote” pg 47 (Steinbeck 47).
Explanation 2: Candy’s dog is symbolic of how old age can be seen by others as disposable; therefore, Candy’s loss of his dog is foreshadowing the loss of his life due to his old age.
Reason 3: Candy’s loss of youth causes him to be excluded and different from the other ranch hands.
Example 3: Quote – “____” section 4
Explanation 3: This quote shows that Candy is aware that the other ranch hands don’t want him going to the flop house because of his age.
Closing sentence: Since Candy’s older than the other men, he feels left out and lonely amongst a group of young, healthy men.
III. Body Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence: George’s loss of his freedom causes loneliness because he has to be responsible for Lennie.
Reason 1: (why topic sentence is true) George protects Lennie from himself.
Example 1: Quote – “______” section 1
Explanation 1: George is telling Lennie that he would be better off without Lennie; therefore, George has acknowledges his loss of freedom his responsibility for Lennie.
Reason 2: (Why is topic sentence true?): George feels a loss of freedom because he made a promise to Lennie’s Aunt Clara.
Example 2: Quote – “______” section 1
Explanation 2: When George tells Lennie he had made this promise, George is aware that he has a commitment that keeps him from doing other things.
Reason 3: (Why is topic sentence true?) George feels a loss of freedom because without Lennie he will not be able to fulfill the dream of having his own ranch.
Example 3: Quote – “______” section 6
Explanation 3: In this quote, George explains to
IV. Body Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence: (Why thesis statement is true) Lennie’s loneliness comes from his loss of independence.
V. Conclusion
I. Introduction
THESIS: Loneliness is shown in Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men through the characters Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s wife because they all share a sense of isolation.
Period 4 – Essay Planning for Of Mice and Men
I. Introduction paragraph:
THESIS STATEMENT: Loneliness can be seen in Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men through Crooks, Lennie, and Candy’s sense of isolation.
II. Body Paragraph 1 – Topic Sentence (Why is thesis true?)
Crooks feels loneliness because of his skin color.
Reason 1 (Why topic sentences is true): Because of his skin color, Crooks can not live in the bunkhouse with the other ranch hands.
Example 1: Quote “I ain’t wanted..”pg 68 (Steinbeck 68).
Explanation 1: This quote refers to how Crooks sees the way the other men separate themselves from Crooks just because he is black and they are white.
Reason 2: Crooks feels loneliness because he was the only black person in his neighborhood as a child.
Example 2: Quote “If I say something…” (Steinbeck 70).
Explanation 2: This quote identifies how Crooks felt as a child and how society made him feel isolated as being the representative for all black people.
Reason 3: Because of his skin color, Crooks isolates himself from everyone else on the ranch.
Example 3: Quote “Don’t come no place you are not wanted” (Steinbeck 69).
Explanation 3: This quote shows that Crooks is willing to keep people from getting close to him because he has been alone for most of his life.
Conclusion Sentence: Not only does Crooks feel isolation from the men on the ranch and from society, he also isolates himself from others just because he feels different from people due to his skin color.
III. Body Paragraph 2 – Topic Sentence (Why thesis is true)
Lennie feels loneliness because of his mental disability.
Reason 1 (Why is topic sentence true?): Lennie’s feels loneliness because his disability causes society not to include him.
Example 1: Quote – “______” (Steinbeck pg.#).
Explanation 1: This quote refers to how society was uncomfortable having Lennie around due to his mental disability.
Reason 2: Lennie feels loneliness due to his disability because he does things that he feels he has no control over.
Example 2 Quote – “You’re so damn strong…” Section 2 or 3
Explanation 2 – These words show that even Lennie doesn’t understand his own strength and thus he ends up getting into trouble before he realizes.
Reason 3 -
IV. Body Paragraph 3 – Topic Sentence
Candy feels loneliness because he is disposable due to his age
V. Conclusion
Period 6 – Essay Planning for Of Mice and Men
I. Introduction paragraph 1: Starting with a quote from Burns
THESIS STATEMENT: Loneliness can be found in Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men when society labels Lennie, Crooks, and Curley’s wife as outcasts because of their differences.
II. Body Paragraph 2 – Topic Sentence (why is the thesis true?)
Crooks feels loneliness because of his skin color.
Reason 1 – (why topic sentence is true): Crooks is uncomfortable talking to whites.
Example 1: Quote – “______” pg. 70
Explanation 1: This quote identifies the Crooks feels he was unwanted while he was growing up because he was the only black family in his neighborhood.
Reason 2: Crooks isn’t included in the ranch hand activities.
Example 2: Quote – “______” pg. (section 5)
Explanation 2: The purpose of this quote is to show that Crooks doesn’t feel he belongs to the group of ranch hands.
Reason 3: Crooks shows his loneliness by excluding others from his life.
Example 3: Quote – “You ain’t wanted…” (Steinbeck 68).
Explanation 3: Crooks is saying that he doesn’t want to be around people because he doesn’t want to be a bother to anyone or get hurt.
Conclusion sentence: Because Crooks is a black man he has experienced feelings of loneliness due to isolation from society, his work environment, and his own choice to isolate.
III. Body Paragraph 3 – Topic Sentence
Lennie feels loneliness because of his mental retardation.
Reason 1: Lennie’s loneliness comes from his enjoyment of different activities than other people.
Example 1: Quote – “Like to pet soft things” (Steinbeck 90).
Explanation 1: Lennie identifies that he has a preference for soft things which makes him happen, but it separates him from other people.
Reason 2: Lennie’s mental disability forces Lennie to depend on other people.
Example 2: Quote – “I’ve got you, George” (Steinbeck –section1)
Explanation 2: Lennie’s disability makes him realize he has to have George to take of him.
Reason 3: Lennie is lonely due to his disability because he is excluded from the ranch hands activities.
Example 3: Quote “Everyone went into town: (Steinbeck 70).
Explanation 3: The men exclude Lennie from going into town because they worry he will get into trouble because Lennie can’t control himself.
Conclusion Sentence: Lennie’s disability causes him loneliness because he gets excluded, has to be taken of, and possess interests unlike other people.
IV. Body Paragraph 4 – Topic Sentence
Curley’s wife feels loneliness because of her gender.
Reason 1: Curley’s wife suffers from loneliness because she has no one to talk to.
Example 1: (Steinbeck 77).
Explanation 1: Without someone to talk to, Curley’s wife seeks out people and displays her feeling of loneliness through her actions.
Reason 2: Curley’s wife experiences loneliness because her original dream didn’t come true.
Example 2: Chapter 2 or 5
Explanation 2: Curley’s wife wanted her dream of becoming an actress, instead she became a rancher’s wife.
Reason 3: Curley’s wife appears lonely because she is the only female on the ranch.
Example 3: “What about me?” section 5
Explanation 3: This quote shows that Curley’s wife recognizes no one pays attention to her. Even Steinbeck doesn’t give her a name, rather calls her “Curley’s wife.
Conclusion Sentence: Curley’s wife shows the theme of loneliness in her desire for attention, her loss of a dream, and the lack of recogniti
V. Conclusion – restate the thesis and leave the audience with something to think about.