Performance Review Process – County Extension Directors
*Includes work as a county Extension director and as an educator.
Component / Responsible / Description / TimelineGather feedback on teaching quality and document performance / Employee / Collect group EEETs on 3 to 4 teaching sessions during the year.
Accurately report activity and accomplishments through monthly communication with RD and in RiV. Performance data will be used by supervisor during the review process.
Send Annual Performance Report from RIV to RD by Jan 15.
Program Development and Evaluation unit will send an annual summary of EEET data to regional directors for educators in their region (data will include EEETs received by the PDE office by mid-December). / Ongoing – January 15
and performance planning / RD
Educator / Schedule review meetings with educators by the end of December or early January.
Request educators complete the Self-Review and Planning Tool and return it to RD.
Use information from informal discussions, specialization planning and performance feedback received to date, etc. Draft perfor-mance goals (3 to 7) and professional development goals (2 to 4). / October
(prepare for performance discussion when scheduled)
Review performance feedback, documentation, and goals for upcoming year; performance discussion / RD and CED / Using feedback received to date (e.g. self-review, performance documentation – RiV report for year-to-date) and personal observations, meet with employee for performance discussion. Use performance feedback and performance documentation
as a basis for a two-way discussion about performance expectations, past performance, and goals for the future.
Agree on a set of performance goals and professional development goals. / October to December
Assistant director feedback / AD / Provide feedback to RD for educators in program area. / November
to January
Write draft review
Calibration / RD / Using the information gathered above, complete the Performance Review and Plan: CED. All applicable sections of the review form should be completed fully.
Draft review to be used in the calibration process.
RDs meet for calibration (focus on communication among regional directors to develop a shared understanding of expectations and improve consistency across reviews for
CEDs and educators). / January 15
to March
Complete review with CED and acquire signature / RD / Completed Performance Review and Plan for CED will be reviewed with supervisor, and signature will be obtained. RD will send copy of Performance Review and Plan to assistant director following visit with CED. CED will have opportunity to provide written comments. Further discussion about written review can be part of ongoing coaching and feedback. / March
to April
RD rating
to Human Resources / RD / Submit performance ratings to HR (one rating for each educator). / Upon request
Last updated: 12/2016