Membership Application/Renewal form – Tondu Target Shooting Club
Please use BLOCK CAPITALS clearly written & every application must contain a contact number
1 / Full NameFamily Member(see note 4overleaf)
Relationship to Full member(Family only)
2 / Address
3 / Date of Birth
4 / Occupation
5 / Telephone number
Mobile number
Email address
6 / Do you possess a current Firearm or shotgun Certificate? / yes / no
If the answer to 6 is Yes then: Expiry Date (FAC details only if you have both)
If the answer to 6 is Yes then: Issuing Authority
If the answer to 6 is Yes then: Home club name or permitted land
7 / Have you ever had a Firearms or Shotgun Certificate refused or withdrawn? / yes / no
8 / Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence?(Other than minor motoring) / yes / no
9 / Have you ever had membership of a similar club refused or withdrawn? / yes / no
10 / Please tell us below of any certification or qualification that may be of use to the club / yes / no
(If you answer YES to 7, 8, 9, or 10 above please list in the Narrative box below or on a separate sheet.)
Narrative boxMembership fees
Full member joining feeFamily Member joining fee / £32
£32 / Note: Probationers only pay the Joining fee which is non-refundable.
Junior joining fee
Family Junior joining fee / £16
£16 / Annual fees are not due until full membership is approved
The annual fees are shown below and are liable to change at a Club AGM. The membership year starts on the 1st July. Senior membership is only available to members who have paid the full fee for at least five years.
Please check with the Membership secretary for the current annual fees : -
Full Fee / 2nd quarter / 3rd quarter / 4th quarter / June / MonthlyFull / £126.00 / £95.00 / £63.00 / £32,00 / £0.00 / £10.50
Senior / £94.50 / £7.88
Junior / £31.50 / £24.00 / £16.00 / £8.00 / £0.00 / £2.63
Family / £31.50 / £24.00 / £16.00 / £8.00 / £0.00 / £2.63
Please note the following points before signing the declaration below:
1. Cheques must be made payable to: Tondu Target Shooting Club.
2. The requisite fee mustaccompany this application or you must provide confirmation of an arrangement made with
the Treasurer in the Narrative box area overleaf .Completed applications are to be made in a sealed envelope
and posted “for the attention of the Membership Secretary” in the grey post-box inside the clubroom.
Tondu Target Shooting Club will store and use your personal data for the purposes of administering the club
and your involvement in club activities.The data will be collected and processed in accordance with the
Tondu Target Shooting club Privacy Policy. I understand that by submitting this form I am consenting to my
data being used in this way.
Family members need to submit individual membership application forms. A Family Member includes a spouse or partner plus any dependent issue, up to 21 years of age, or 25 years of age, if receiving full time education.
5. It is an offence for a person who is prohibited by Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968 to have a firearm or
ammunition in his/her possession at any time. This applies to:
5.1 Any person who has been sentenced to imprisonment, or to youth custody, or detention in any young
offenders institution for three months or more.
5.2 A person sentenced to a period of between 3 months and 3 years is prohibited for 5 years from the dateof release.
6. Any member, probationary or otherwise, who does not possess a valid firearms certificate, are warned that taking,
orattempting to take, live ammunition from the club premises, is a criminal offence, and will result in
immediate expulsion from the Club and criminal prosecution under the Firearms Acts.
Additional Probationary member requirements:
7. As a probationary member, there is a need to attend a club induction course during the probationary period.
Courses are held in the clubhouse at 10.30am on the first Saturday of each month.
8. A current passport sized photo must be provided with this application.
9. Where any probationary member has a Firearm Certificate, this must be seen and the verification certified below.
10.All probationers over the age of 18 are required to provide proof of identitywith the verification certified below.
I declare that the answers that I have given overleaf are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.I have read the above notes and agree to comply with all the above and to be bound by the Club Rules, policies and the Club Constitution.I agree to anyofficial club communication being made by phone, post or email, as detailed overleaf.I am aware that club photographs of events may be posted on the club website from time to time and that I can request removal for privacy reasons.
Applicant’s Signature: ______Date:______
In the event of the applicant being a probationary member the following will also need completion:
Form checked and Proposed by: (Full club member)______Date:______
Identity verified by: (Full club member)______Date:______
Type of verifiable identification shown such as Driving Licence / Passport / other ID card
(Delete as applicable: If ‘other’, then please list in narrative box overleaf) (only needed for probationers over 18)
If applicable: FAC sighted and verified by: (Full club member)______Date:______
For club use only.
Fee paid / Joining fee / Full feeAmount
Date received by Membership Secretary
Probationary Membership approval / Approved / Refused
Committee Date (Probationary membership application)
Key Holder / Yes / No
Revised May 2018