Non-Exempt Hourly Performance Management Process Instructions—Paper Form
The purpose of Performance Management is to:
· Achieve our overall university goals and live our values in the work we do.
· Provide a method to give feedback on a regular basis.
· Provide a process that helps people do the great job they are capable of doing; so they want to come to work and say, “I’m proud of what I do!”
· Link pay to performance in a way that differentiates based on what is accomplished and how it is accomplished.
The process is a tool to help in being successful. See chart below for an overview of the process.
Employees and managers will be trained in the Performance Management Process. If training is needed, contact the Office of Human Resources.
Beginning July
At the beginning of the review period, the manager and employee discuss expectations and developmental plans for the next performance period. Utilizing the complete and finalized review from the prior performance period and the university goals for the upcoming fiscal year, the manager and employee should complete a plan for the year by entering information into parts 1, 2 & 5. This meeting should provide clarity of expectations to be accomplished and behaviors to be exhibited. At the discretion of the department and supervisor and depending on the availability of computer skills and equipment, hourly staff may use the automated Endeavor process instead of the paper form process.
Part 1 / Discuss the value-based competencies in Part 1 of the form and the associated behavioral models to gain a clear understanding of how behaviors might be exhibited.
· The prior performance review may identify areas of focus for the upcoming performance period.
Part 2 / Discuss and determine expectations for upcoming review period.
· The discussion should focus on how the employee’s job supports the university or departmental goals.
· Expectations are recorded in Part 2 of the form at the beginning of the review period.
· For the three standard expectations, there should be a discussion on what these mean for this particular position. Expectations can include established standards, specific job responsibilities, and/or “SMART” goals.
· Additional expectations set should follow a “SMART” format – Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Time Bound.
· Make sure additional expectations are aligned either with the university goals or with departmental goals.
· Goals may include key responsibilities of an individual’s job that requires focus.
· The Notes booklet can be used throughout the process to document Examples of Behaviors.
Part 5 / Review the performance results (Competencies and Expectations) from the previous year and determine the employee’s developmental activities.
· Developmental activities will be identified in Part 5 of the form
· Development may include activities to improve skills in the current position or to gain new skills for a different position.
· The manager’s role is to facilitate the discussion, support the employee by identifying potential opportunities for development, and provide feedback on progress.
· The employee’s role is to take ownership for their development, ask for feedback, and pursue opportunities for development.
Mid-Year Review
Throughout the review period, the employee should be working toward the successful accomplishment of the stated expectations and exhibit the competencies in how they do their job.
· Managers and employees should maintain notes from meetings and discussions throughout the entire year.
· Notes should include behaviors observed in relationship to the university values, progress toward achieving expectations, and accomplishments over the course of the year.
· The manager should provide feedback, coaching, and mentoring on a regular basis to assist the employee in achieving optimal performance.
· Feedback should include identifying what the employee is doing well, along with suggestions for improvement.
Year-End Review
The written review is completed at the end of the performance management process in the April-May time frame; the following steps should be followed:
Self-Assessment / Employee prepares a self assessment.
· The employee notes how they exhibited competencies associated with the university values in Part 1. Provide Examples of Behaviors demonstrated throughout the year.
· The employee evaluates his/her own performance by providing information that describes the level of achievement on the expectations in the Examples of Behaviors section of Part 2.
· For Part 1 and Part 2, the employee should provide ratings using the Performance Assessment Rating Categories.
· The employee can add additional comments in Part 4 at this time or after the review discussion.
· Include any personal development items you think may contribute to your success in Part 5 of the form. These can be discussed and adjusted during the review discussion.
· The self assessment is then provided to the manager prior to the Performance Management discussion.
Manager Assesment / Manager prepares a draft review.
· The manager completes Part 1, the Behavior Competency section, using information gathered throughout the year and from the employee’s self assessment. Specific behavioral examples need to be included.
· The manager completes Part 2, the Expectations section, using information from the self assessment, personal observations, notes, and information collected throughout the year.
· Part 3 is a section where the manager can include additional comments and/or expand on examples from Parts 1 and 2.
· Include any personal development items, which may contribute to the success of the employee in Part 5 of the form.
· The manager reviews the draft with his/her direct supervisor.
Year-End Review Meeting / Manager and employee engage in a Performance Management Discussion.
· The manager and employee meet to review, discuss and confirm each other’s understanding of the assessed Competencies and Expectations accomplished and the ratings.
· This meeting should include recognition of achievements, review of areas needing improvement, and a discussion of developmental actions for the next rating period.
Step 4 / Manager finalizes the written review.
· A final version of the form should be completed and include any changes discussed during the Performance Management Discussion.
· Changes in the employee’s self assessment ratings (if any) should be made on the final form.
· The manager should complete a performance summary in Part 3, Competency and Expectations, providing an overall rating for each.
· Part 3 can include notes on what the employee might need to do in the future. This might include steps to improve performance, complete a project, or to develop skills. It might also include notes regarding a new assignment that was discussed in the meeting.
· The manager provides the final review to the employee for their review and signature.
· Ensure that all of the information is completed on the front page of the form.
Step 5 / Employee reviews and signs the final review.
· An employee signature means that the employee has participated in the process, and that all of the information in the final review was discussed with the employee.
· A signature does not necessarily indicate agreement; it indicates the employee has seen the final document.
· The employee may comment on the performance for the year by adding a written summary in Part 4.
The employee has the opportunity to identify on the front page of the form if he/she would like to discuss the review with the next level supervisor and/or a Human Resources Business Partner.
Requires Improvement / · Regularly fails to meet established standards and goals.
· Fails to use resources appropriately.
· Lacks required skills/knowledge.
· Lacks willingness or capability to perform job properly.
· Fails to recognize effect on others and or does not make necessary changes when advised of the need.
· Behaviors not consistent with University values.
· May already be under corrective action or a performance improvement plan.
· Immediate and sustained improvement required for staff in this category.
Possible descriptions: “Unreliable.” “Uncooperative.” “Unwilling to learn.”
Developing / · Not fully functional in all aspects of the job and is progressing at the expected pace.
· Needs to gain proficiency in certain skills, knowledge, processes, speed and job standards.
· Continued development of proficiency at the expected levels anticipated.
Possible descriptions: “Gaining in proficiency at the expected pace.” “Engaged in and motivated by learning.” “Coachable.”
Performer / · Consistently meets all job requirements and occasionally goes beyond job requirements in terms of quality, quantity, innovation and initiative.
· Applies creativity & problem-solving skills in certain situations and willingly implements and adapts to new processes or enhancements.
· Performs in a manner that results in ongoing achievement of established standards.
· Successful in carrying out regular job duties while behaving in ways consistent with University values.
Possible descriptions: “Solid.” “Dependable and reliable.” “Fully knowledgeable.” “Responsible.” “Core team member.”
Performer / · Consistently and substantially exceeds requirements .
· Performs at maximum levels of effectiveness which by producing exceptional quality while meeting challenging demands.
· Exhibits role model level behaviors consistent with University values.
· Brings new ideas and innovation to own work and department which benefit the University.
· Proactively and creatively solves problems resulting in positive change.
Possible descriptions: “Role model.” “Distinguished.” “Remarkable.” “Extraordinary.” “Consistently exceeds expectations.” “Exceptional.”