Our Ref: N/Belgium//LS

27 November 2015

Dear Parent/Carer

History Department visit to the battlefields of World War One 21- 25 October 2016

I can confirm that your son/daughter has been allocated a place on the History Department visit to the battlefields of World War One. Please could you send your deposit of £60.00 in to school by Thursday 3 December, payments should be taken to Mrs Staton in the Student Payment Office, located in the Languages Block on Monday Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday break times only. Cheques should be made payable to Scalby School, or, alternatively you may access your account via Parent Pay.

The total cost for the visit, which includes travel by coach, insurance, all entrance fees and accommodation in Ypres, Belgium, including food, is £360. This figure is made up of the deposit of £60.00, followed by 5 monthly instalments of £60.00. If you prefer to make smaller, more frequent payments please feel free to do so. Please note that the final balance for the trip must be paid by the end of June 2016. The cost of the visit includes a voluntary contribution towards the cost of the travel and individual visits whilst abroad as under the terms of the 1988 Education Act we are not permitted to levy a charge for this element. However no LEA or School funds exist to cover these costs and we are therefore seeking a voluntary contribution per student. However, it will not be possible to run the visit unless we receive the full contribution.

You should be aware that cancellation charges will apply if you withdraw your child from the visit once the deposit has been made. Similarly, the school reserves the right to withdraw your child from the visit if their behaviour is deemed to be a serious health and safety risk and/or likely to damage the reputation of the school.

You are reminded that your son/daughter will require their own passport and aEuropean Health Insurance Card and I will require details of these nearer the time.

A Parents’ Evening to provide final details relating to the trip including clothing and other items to take, spending money, itinerary and health and safety issues will be held before the trip takes place. In the meantime if you have any immediate questions please do not hesitate to contact me at school.

Yours sincerely

A Sutcliffe

Head of History