May 2015

Contact: Helen L. Koven

Public Relations Consultant


For Immediate Release

Percy’s Imperfectly Perfect Family Helps Children Understand Divorce

-Connecticut Family Law Attorney Renée Bauer Pens First Children’s Book

(Hamden, CT) Attorney Bauer authored the children’s book, Percy’s Imperfectly Perfect Family (Archway Publishing) to help parents talk to their children about divorce and help children understand what the word “divorce” means.

Bauer created a character, Percy the perky penguin, whose world is turned upside down when he learns his parents are no longer going to live together. Bauer hopes this book will start conversations and open up discussions about the changes occurring in families and all too often the fear that goes along with change.

Family law is unique and sensitive in nature. Often, Attorney Bauer represents children who are being shuffled through a legal system and acts as their net when they fall. These children are treated with compassion and understanding. She listens very carefully to their wishes and feelings. She finds these are among the most special and rewarding experiences in her practice.

Renée C. Bauer founded the Bauer Law Group, LLC eight years ago because she knew all people deserved to have excellent family law representation. She focuses on people who have regular jobs and live regular lives that are stumbling through one of the most difficult times in their lives. Their victories are life-changing.

Family law often requires much more than just textbook knowledge of the law. “It requires an understanding of the client’s emotional needs,” states Bauer. “Family law is not one size fits all. Clients have individual needs and advocating with this in mind, helps clients reach a resolution that is more satisfying. Having Percy’s Imperfectly Perfect Family as a resource for parents and children going through the divorce process is my minor contribution to the turmoil of this life-altering saga.”

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About Percy’s Imperfectly Perfect Family

Your children may not understand what the word divorce means, but they understand how it makes them feel. Their little worlds are turned upside down. Percy the perky penguin feels the exact same way when he learns that his parents are no longer going to live together. Even though he has lots of friends and does well in school, he suddenly doesn’t feel so perky anymore. But he explores his concerns about what life will be like, and he learns that talking about his fears helps him work through his feelings. Change is hard, but he decides to adjust and find his perkiness again. Percy’s fears and those of other children stuck in the middle of a divorce may sometimes seem trivial to adults, but they’re very real. While you can’t promise them things won’t change, you can work as hard as you can to make sure they’re happy. It will take listening to them and talking with them – and starting a conversation becomes much easier with Percy’s Imperfectly Perfect Family.

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