Research on

Perceptions of Women Political Leadership in Vietnam

Oxfam is an international confederation of 17 organizations working together in 94 countries and with partners and allies around the world to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. In Vietnam, Oxfam is recognized as one of the leading international NGOs, especially in rural development, disaster risk reduction and humanitarian response, civil society development, ethnic minorities, and women’s empowerment.

Despite numerous supportive policies on women political leadership (WPL) promotion, the number of women in leading positions in all sectors in Vietnam is still low. For example, female representatives accounts for only 24.4% in the National Assembly, the lowest since 1997; the proportion of female leaders is higher at local levels, it is very unlikely that Vietnam will succeed in raising the number of its female deputies in People's Councils (at both provincial and district levels) to 35% by 2016 unless significant efforts are made; At the central government level, while the government has 22 ministers, only two are women.

A recent mapping exercise conducted by Oxfam in Vietnam reveals that many studies and interventions to enhance women political leadership (WPL) have been implemented by government agencies, civil society organizations (CSOs) and international development partners over the past 5 years.

Most studies and interventions have focused on identifying and addressing the barriers preventing women from participating in political leadership. Results showed that culture norms/gender stereotypes against WPL were important factors. However, previous studies did not specify how gender stereotypes can be challenged. This study aims to rectify this gap, providing recommendations to relevant agencies to design more effective interventions tackling these issues

Towards that end, Oxfam plans to conduct a research study on the perceptions of women’s political leadership in 5 provinces and cities across Vietnam. The second phase of this project is to create and build partnerships with relevant government agencies, NGOs, and other interested organizations. Findings of the research will be used to design and implement a national behavioral change campaign.

At Oxfam we believe that promoting women political leadership is one of the most important solutions to achieving gender justice in Vietnam. Therefore, challenging gender stereotypes on women political leadership has been considered the main objective of Vietnam Country Goal 2 (VCG2), under the Vietnam Joint Country Analysis and Strategy of Oxfam (JCAS2). Not only do we want to see women representing with an equal number as their male counterparts do at all levels of decision-making but we also want this representation to be meaningful and truly reflect their voices..


The audience include policy makers, mass organizations, local and international NGOs, international organizations, gender networks, media, and public

This research will directly contribute to a series of campaigns and advocacy work aimed at creating a positive change in the behavior and attitude of policy makers and the Vietnamese public towards women who choose to run for the 2016 General and Local Elections. In addition the research is expected to provide valuable inputs to the Evaluation of National Program on Gender Equality for the period 2011-2015 and also to the revision/formulation of next period of National Program on Gender Equality (2016-2020) led by Department of Gender Equality (MOLISA).

The research findings/recommendations and lessons learned from carrying out the campaign also will be used for designing a multi-year project on "Challenging gender stereotypes on women political leadership" of Oxfam in Vietnam. At the regional level, this research will provide insights and lessons learned in designing Oxfam strategies to promote women's leadership in Asia.


The main objective of the research is to provide policy makers, the mass media, the Vietnamese public and other stakeholders with a greater understanding of citizen’s perceptions of women’s political leadership.


These questions are tentative; we strongly encourage the consultant to come up with research questions that help explicate the issues in-depth.

1 / What does the concept of women’s political leadership mean to women and men of different population groups?
2 / What are people’s beliefs about, attitudes and behaviors towards women’s political leadership?
3 / What are the gender stereotypes against women’s political leadership in people’s perception, who are key players? What are the key factors that help reinforce gender stereotypes in individuals?
4 / How can gender stereotypes on female political leadership be challenged and how can positive changes in perspective, attitude and behavior towards women’s political leadership be made?

We are also open to discuss appropriate research method to answer the research questions, and also within our budget limit.

1 / Literature review/desk research
2 / Using either quantitative, qualitative, or mixed research method
3 / Gathering case studies/positive deviances
4 / Applying high technology and innovative approaches in order to capture public opinions that will be used to develop the IEC materials of the following campaign.

This research will be managed by Oxfam’s Advocacy and Communications team. The process of research design, implementation and dissemination will be consulted and shared with Oxfam in Vietnam, all partners and Oxfam in Asia.

One of the consultant’s first tasks will be working closely with closely with Oxfam’s Advocacy and Communication Team in Vietnam to identify who should be interviewed for the research.


Main tasks / Date due
1 / Finalize research framework (including the structure of discussion papers and full report) and develop the research tools / 15 August 2014
2 / Support Oxfam in the selection of research sites and arrange paperworks with relevant parties. / 31 August 2014
3 / Field works / 30 September 2014
4 / Submit the first draft of discussion paper / 15 November2014
5 / Submit the final discussion paper / 1 December 2014
6 / Submit the first draft of full report / 1 January 2015
7 / Submit the final full report / 20 January 2015
8 / Share the research findings/recommendations at some events of the following campaign / December 2014

Demonstrably strong research skills

Prior experience in the carrying out research on people’s perception or women leadership, as well as in policy advocacy is an additional advantage

In-depth knowledge/understanding of gender issues, especially women’s political leadership in Vietnam

Ability and willingness to apply technology and innovative approaches on people’s perception

Good relationships and networks with central and local authorities and would be advantages

Excellent command of English,

Strong research writing skills.


Applications (full curriculum vitae, research framework/technical proposal, budget proposal) to:

Ms.Tran Hong Diep - Email:

Program Officer of Advocacy and Communication Program

Oxfam - 22 Le Dai Hanh

Tel: 84 4 39454448 - ext 607

Application deadline is 5rd August 2014. Only short listed candidates will be contacted