Perception Data Summary for Small Group – Creating a Community: Girl Chat
Perception data for the Small Group lessons was collected through verbal activity evaluations and reflective journaling at the end of each session to monitor learning and understanding.
Lesson: / Perception QuestionsWho Am I? Lesson 1 / Verbal/Oral Evaluation: Ask students the following questions:
- After participating in this activity, do you believe there is an effect on the school’s overall atmosphere when there is persistent name-calling and teasing happening in our school? (9 out 11 girls or 82% said yes)
- After completing this lesson, are you able to identify ways of communicating without name-calling? (10 out of 11 girls or 91% said yes)
- Do you think you have learned constructive ways of resolving conflicts due to rumors and name-calling? (11 out of 11 girls or 100% said yes)
Name Calling – Lesson 2 / Verbal/Oral Evaluation:
- Do you think as a result of this lesson, you are able to identify common emotions when being a called a name?(10 out of 11 girls or 91% said yes)
- After completing this activity, are you able to identify ways of communicating without name-calling?(11 out of 11 girls or 100% said yes)
- After participating in this session, are you able to identify constructive ways of resolving conflicts due to rumors and name-calling? (9 out 11 girls or 82% said yes)
Diversity of Beliefs and Values - Lesson 3 / Verbal/Oral Evaluation: After completing this session, do you think it is likely that people can change their opinions on topics like the ones presented in this lesson?(10 out of 11 girls or 91% said yes)
If so, what kinds of things are likely to cause opinions to change? (discussion)
Stereotypes – Lesson 4 / Reflective Journaling Evaluation: Close this lesson by having students write in their journal about a stereotype that is held about a group to which they belong. Students will consider the following in their writing:
the stereotype that is commonly held about their group
their feelings upon hearing this stereotype
ways that the stereotype limits or hurts them or others who belong to the groupways that people might learn new information so as to not ignore individual differences that might exist among members of the group (discussion – 100% of students were able to answer)
Misinformation and Rumors – Lesson 5 / Journal Reflection Evaluation: At the end of the activity, ask students “Do you think this lesson helped you understand the meaning of the word ‘rumor’? Explain how you think this lesson helped you understand that some rumors get started innocently. (discussion – 100% of students were able to answer)
Prejudice – Lesson 6 / Verbal/Oral Evaluation: Do you think that after participating in these counseling sessions, that you learned that there are people or groups of people in this school or community who feel excluded? (11 out of 11 girls or 100% said yes)
-Do you understand how everyone is hurt when some people are made to feel excluded? (9 out 11 girls or 82% said yes)