County Clerk Legislative Committee Meeting

Minutes 8/22/2007



County Clerk Legislative Committee Meeting

August 22, 2007

Sacramento, CA

Attendee Representing

Vicki Petersen Committee Co-Chair Sonoma County

Kathie Moran Committee Co-Chair Colusa County

Sheila Harmon Ventura County

Barbara Chambers Contra Costa County

Craig Kramer Sacramento County

Marlene F. Smith Los Angeles County

Karen J. Hong Yee San Francisco County

Kenton Owyang San Francisco County

Katie Schramm San Diego County

Wardell House Santa Clara County

Gina Alcomendras Santa Clara County

Tricia Weber Santa Cruz County

Rosemary Dixon Butte County

Terri Lipscomb Alameda County

David Valenzuela Ventura County

Clancy Leland Legislative Representative

Matt Siverling Legislative Representative

Bill Siverling Legislative Representative

Vicki Petersen convened the meeting at 10:00 a.m.

Minutes of June 27, 2007 were approved.

Clancy reports on the status of the State Budget sessions.

Matt Siverling updated Committee on: AB 102, to be heard in Senate Appropriations

today (8/22); AB 349 Translation certificates, CACEO sponsored legislation, still 3rd reading; AB 1670 CACEO sponsored FBN bill, still 3rd reading; AB 935 CACEO sponsored legislation Retention of Records, Finance Committee wants to amend to add boilerplate mandate language designed to relieve the state of the expectation that counties would be reimbursed. Clancy stated that the reimbursement issue would continue to present itself, in the case of AB 935 we are not arguing a fee issue and if we accept the amendment the bill would likely be signed; however, the precedent of the inclusion of the amendment could effect future legislation. Craig Kramer suggests contacting CSAC to get their position on AB 935.

Review of legislation.

Status Report of Legislation Under Review (attached):

Extensive discussion is held on the need for the Committee to develop a Legislative Platform.

Motion by Craig Kramer, second by Marlene Smith that the County Clerk Legislative Committee will prepare a Legislative Platform for presentation to the membership.

Motion passed.

Craig reported on recent amendments to AB 1168. After discussion the Committee shifted from a “neutral” to “watch” position.

Clancy reported that he had just spoke with Steve Keil of CSAC re: AB 935 who said CSAC does not have a problem with the proposed amendment language.

Next Meeting confirmed for September 4, 2007 – Annual Conference in Fish Camp.


Kathie Moran