Peralta Community College District

CIPD Agenda and Meeting Notes

February 3, 2014

Board Room District

Present: Dylan Eret, Joseph Bielanski, Jennifer Lowood, Robert Brem, Sheila Lau, Lynn Torres, Amy Bohorquez, Laura Bollentino, Elmer Bugg, Alexis Alexander, Steve Pantell, Alejandria Tomas, Amany Elmasry

Absent: Lilia Celhay, Carlos Cortez, Jayne Matthews, Inger Stark, Maurice Jones, Patricia Nelson, Denise Richardson, Tamika Brown, Stacy Thompson, Tae-Soon Park, Michael Orkin, Adela Esquivel-Swinson, Matthew Goldstein, Karolyn van Putten

Facilitators: Amy Bohorquez

Guest: Jon Murphy, Ronald Nelson, Trudy Walton, Char Perlas

Note taker: Alejandria Tomas

Next Meeting: March 3, 2014 (3:00 to 5:00). Board Room, District

Topic / Discussion / Follow-up Action & Recommendations / Responsible Party / Timeline /
Curriculum: College of Alameda / None submitted / Completed / Robert Brem
Berkeley City College / None submitted / Completed / Dylan Eret
Laney College / Deactivations (in dropbox)
Approved as submitted / Send to Board / Amy Bohorquez
Amany ElMasry / Effective date Spring 2015.
Curriculum: Merritt College / Deactivations (in dropbox)
Approved as submitted
New Courses (in dropbox)
The following course was returned to the college: CIS 50
The rest of the new courses on the list were approved as submitted.
New Programs (in dropbox) / Send to Board
Return to College
Send to Board
Return to College / Alexis Alexander
ElMasry / Effective date Spring 2015.
CurricUNET Meta Meeting
Monday, February 10, 2014
3:00 to 4:00 / Demonstration of Meta and Program Review and Assessment modules
Board Room, District Office OR
Via “Go to Meeting”
Email sent 1/26/14 from Jayne Matthews / “Go to Meeting” Information to be sent prior to 2/10/14 / Jayne Matthews
Steve Thyberg
Priorities for Curriculum Specialists / Memorandum to VPIs and Curriculum Chairs dated 1/26/14 from Michael Orkin (in dropbox)
Concerns were raised by Dr. Bugg re:timeline for completion. He is concerned about overtime for the Curriculum Specialist at Merritt.
Jenny Lowood and Joseph Bielanski felt the last bullet read as an either/or concerning SLOs/Curriculum Updating. And did not agree with the statement.
Amy Bohorquez explained that it is not either or, but that Curriculum Updating is also important for accreditation and state law.
Discussion continued concerning SLOs and Curriculum Updating. / VPIs
Curriculum Chairs
Curriculum Specialist
Reassigned time for Curriculum Chairs
Future meeting
Agenda Items

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