Vasquez 1

Michelle Vasquez

Instructor: Jeff Sturges

English 101

15 November 2004


Bush vs. Kerry: The Battle For Our Country

The American Heritage Dictionary states that a president is “the chief executive of a republic, especially of the United States.” (1036) Technically this is the correct definition of a President. However, I define a president as someone who carries the weight of protecting a people on his shoulders. The President is responsible for the safety and welfare of the people. As far as I’m concerned Senator John Kerry could have done a much better job keeping us safe and protecting our welfare than President Bush has done thus far. Under the Bush administration the people of the United States have suffered tremendous job losses, economic problems, and great sadness as thousands of lives have been lost in the so called “war against terror.”

Many people have lost their jobs or can’t even find a job. Companies have found it cheaper to hire workers from overseas. As a result, people in the United States have lost their jobs. Instead of helping to end this situation, President Bush decided to give a tax break to those business owners who had their workforce in countries other than the United States. With more and more jobs being sent to foreign countries it makes it that much harder for people to find jobs. In turn such great job losses have had a negative effect on the economy.

Job losses throughout the United States have caused a dip in the economy. People without jobs have no source of income. Therefore, less money is being spent on purchases, causing businesses to loose money. The President hasn’t exactly done much to solve this problem. Instead he has raised taxes for the lower and middle classes and lowered taxes for the wealthy. President Bush has also spent the surplus of money that existed when he came into office. Not only that, but he managed to establish a multi-million dollar deficit. This deficit was created mainly by money spent to fund the "war on terror."

Fighting the war on terrors has cost millions of dollars. However, the loss of lives during the war is much greater than any amount of money. Lives which could have been saved had the President looked at all possible solutions so as to avoid the war. Many families have suffered the losses of their loved ones. Many people feel that the war could not have been avoided, but even then the United States could have gone about it differently.

As President, John Kerry could have helped repair the mess that the United States is in. He would have made healthcare more easily available to all, and helped to increase jobs. John Kerry would have truly made sure that no child was left behind, and that there was ample funding for education. In short, he would have corrected all the problems that President Bush has created during his term, and then some. I have no doubt in my mind that had John Kerry been elected President the United States would have made a turn for the better. Things can only get worse since President Bush has been re-elected. Although, it’s a little hard to imagine how much worse they could get.