Indicates Matter Stricken

Indicates New Matter


April 7, 2004


Introduced by Rep. Walker

S. Printed 4/7/04--H.

Read the first time March 4, 2004.


To whom was referred a Bill (H.4904) to amend Section 563210, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the time period for registering and licensing a motor vehicle, etc., respectfully


That they have duly and carefully considered the same and recommend that the same do pass with amendment:

Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking all after the enacting words and inserting:

/SECTION 1. Section 563210(C) of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Act 251 of 2002, is further amended to read:

“(C) A dealer of new or used vehicles may issue to the purchaser of a vehicle at the time of its sale a temporary license plate that may contain the dealer’s name and location and must contain, in characters not less than onequarter inch wide and one and onehalf inches high, the expiration date of the period within which the purchaser must register the vehicle pursuant to subsection (E) of this section. The plate must contain the dealer’s name, city, and phone number, or the dealer’s name and computer website address. The plate also must contain a rectangular box, with a white background, centered on the bottom of the plate, in dimensions not less than six inches wide and two inches high. The rectangular box must contain, in characters not less than one quarter inch wide and one and onehalf inches high, the expiration date of the period within which the purchaser must register the vehicle pursuant to subsection (E) of this section. The expiration date must be clearly legible from a distance of at least twentyfive feet, written using a permanent black marker with at least a one quarter inch wide tip, and must contain a numerical month, day, and year. The expiration date may not extend beyond fortyfive days from the date of purchase. The temporary license plate must be made of heavy stock paper or plastic, inscribed with contrasting indelible ink, and designed to resist deterioration or fading from exposure to the elements during the period for which display is required. The bill of sale, title, rental contract, or a copy of either document must be maintained in the vehicle at all times to verify the vehicle’s date of purchase to a law enforcement officer. The bill of sale, title, rental contract, or a copy of either document must contain a description of the vehicle, the name and address of both the seller and purchaser of the vehicle, and its date of sale. Except as provided for in this section, a dealer may not use a temporary license plate for any other purpose, which includes, but is not limited to, vehicle demonstration, employee use ,or transporting vehicles from one location to another location. A dealer may not place a temporary license plate on a vehicle, regardless of whether the expiration date has been written on the plate, until the vehicle is sold to a purchaser. A dealer person who issues or uses a temporary license plate or allows a temporary license plate to be issued or used in violation of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined one hundred dollars for each occurrence.”

SECTION 2. This act takes effect on January 1, 2005. /

Renumber sections to conform.

Amend title to conform.

RONALD P. TOWNSEND for Committee.




Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:

SECTION 1. Section 563210(C) of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Act 251 of 2002, is further amended to read:

“(C) A dealer of new or used vehicles may issue to the purchaser of a vehicle at the time of its sale a temporary license plate that may contain the dealer’s name and location and must contain, in characters not less than onequarter inch wide and one and onehalf inches high, the expiration date of the period within which the purchaser must register the vehicle pursuant to subsection (E) of this section. The plate must contain the dealer’s name, location, and phone number, and may contain the dealer’s computer website address. The plate must also contain a rectangular box, with a white background, centered on the bottom of the plate, in dimensions not less than six inches wide and two inches high. The rectangular box must contain, in characters not less than one quarter inch wide and one and onehalf inches high, the expiration date of the period within which the purchaser must register the vehicle pursuant to subsection (E) of this section. The expiration date must be clearly legible, written using permanent black or dark blue ink, and must contain a numerical month, day, and year. The rectangular box must also consist of a holographic security image and a clear writeresistant overlay with security features so that any attempt to change or modify the expiration date on the plate will show an immediate sign of tampering. The holographic security image must be no smaller than onehalf inch high and seven inches wide. The holographic security image must also contain a delaminating feature which, when the hologram is tampered with or separated from the plate or overlay, must cause the holographic image to be destroyed. The writeresistant overlay must repel commercially available inks and marking pens. The plate may contain a line above the rectangular box for the dealer to write the vehicle description to include the identification number, make model, and year of the vehicle along with the dealer’s identification number. The expiration date may not extend beyond fortyfive days from the date of purchase. The temporary license plate must be made of heavy stock paper or plastic, inscribed with contrasting indelible ink, and designed to resist deterioration or fading from exposure to the elements during the period for which display is required. The bill of sale, title, rental contract, or a copy of either document must be maintained in the vehicle at all times to verify the vehicle’s date of purchase to a law enforcement officer. The bill of sale, title, rental contract, or a copy of either document must contain a description of the vehicle, the name and address of both the seller and purchaser of the vehicle, and its date of sale. Except as provided for in this section, a dealer may not use a temporary license plate for any other purpose, which includes, but is not limited to, vehicle demonstration, employee use or transporting vehicles from one location to another location. A dealer who issues a temporary license plate or allows a temporary license plate to be issued in violation of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined one hundred dollars for each occurrence.”

SECTION 2. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor.


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