Per the NEX Photo Lab at RTC on 7/27/10:
IF a recruit orders Pkg A for $140 while IN boot camp, the Cruisebook (known as the Keel Yearbook) automatically comes with that package. IF a sailor or family member decides AFTER PIR weekend to order Pkg A, it does NOT come with it - and the price is not lowered due to this fact either. Reason: The Keel book is like a bonus feature for those who order early. Those who do not order Pkg A, but want a Cruisebook, can order one at the time photos are taken for $30. Very important: If a recruit orders Pkg A while in boot camp, but does not pay for it by PIR day, the Keel book will NOT be included in their photo order.
There are two exceptions: #1 - IF a parent/sailor walks into the NEX photo lab ON graduation day, they can order a Cruise book that day for $30 and #2 - IF a sailor is still at RTC for those few days after PIR, they have 5 days to walk in and order the book. The lab will NOT accept requests by mail or by phone for this book, even if you call or write within that 5 day period!
The reason for this is because they order the exact number of books that are paid for one week after PIR. Unlike photo re-orders that give you a year to re-order, you can never request a Keel Cruisebook after the fact.
Also, he wanted me to remind everyone that prices do change, so even if you see a post on N4M that states a photo costs "X" amount, that price could change by the time your recruit orders their photos. They can change things (like including the Keel book) at any time, but recruits will always know exactly what they are paying for when they make their order and those orders are safe from any changes that may go into effect later.
DVD's and VHS tapes of PIR are mailed out to the address given by the recruit approximately 5-7 weeks after PIR. The Cruisebook (Keel Yearbook) arrives 8-10 weeks after PIR.