PEP notes for designated teachers
Action Plan ABShort Term Targets (To half term)
(SMART) / Action
(What will you do? Who?/when?) / Success Criteria
(What will you see?) / Pupil Premium/Bursary
(Cost linked to target) / Met? / Repeat?
Achieve attendance above 96% with 100% punctuality.
Without support understand a range of texts. Select essential points using inference and deduction where needed.
To spell 80% of all homophones correctly
Read and write numbers to at least 10000 in numerals and words.
Partition each digit in numbers up to 1000.
/ Learning Guide LCS to track weekly attendance figures and have a structured conversation with AB in Home team on a Monday
Differentiated whole school curriculum.
1-1Precision teaching using the Rapid Reading programme. 1 hour per week.
Interactive reading programme – Nessy. Access 3 x 20
Small group Language For Thinking programme – 2 hours per week.
Differentiated whole school curriculum.
Small group personalised Maths lessons 4 x 1 hour per week / 96% - 100% attendance and 100% punctuality
Make progress from start point – APS 2a by consolidating across all AFs in Reading and Writing at a level 2a
Make progress from start point – APS 2a by consolidating across all AFs in a level 2a / Precision teaching: 7 HRS X £15.00 PER LSA
Teaching, 3 HRS X £15.00 Planning and Assessment
Resources: 8 books @ £7.00 per half term
Nessy Interactive; £10.00 annual subscription
Language For Thinking: 14 HRS X £15.00 PER LSA
Teaching, 6 HRS X £15.00 Planning and Assessment
Resources £20.00. Photocopying
Resources £ 78.00 per learner per term for specific personalised intervention for AB
(1 LSA x£15.00 per hour x 4hrs per week = £60 split between a group of 10 =£6.00 per week x 13 weeks= £78.00)
TOTAL: £584
Medium Term Targets (To the next Review)
(SMART) / Action
(What will you do? Who?/when?) / Success Criteria
(What will you see?) / Pupil Premium/Bursary
(Cost linked to target) / Met? / Repeat?
Independently demonstrates an understanding of a range of texts.
Direct speech is generally contained within speech marks.
Partition each digit in numbers including those with decimals up to 2 decimal places / Differentiated whole school curriculum.
1-2Precision teaching using the Rapid Reading programme. 1 hour per week.
Interactive reading programme – Nessy. Access 3 x 20
Small group Language For Thinking programme – 2 hours per week.
Differentiated whole school curriculum.
Small group personalised Maths lessons 4 x 1 hour per week / Make progress from start point – APS 2a by consolidating across all AFs in Reading and Writing at a level 2a
Make progress from start point – APS 2a by consolidating across all AFs at a level 2a / Precision teaching: 7 HRS X £15.00 PER LSA
Teaching, 3 HRS X £15.00 Planning and Assessment
Resources: 8 books @ £7.00 per half term
Nessy Interactive; £10.00 annual subscription
Language For Thinking: 14 HRS X £15.00 PER LSA
Teaching, 6 HRS X £15.00 Planning and Assessment
Resources £20.00
Resources £ 78.00 per learner per term for specific personalise intervention for AB
TOTAL: £584
Long Term Targets (To the end of the year)
(SMART) / Action
(What will you do? Who?/when?) / Success Criteria
(What will you see?) / Pupil Premium/Bursary
(Cost linked to target) / Met? / Repeat?
READING Across a range of texts comments on the writer’s use of language.
The possessive apostrophe for both regular and irregular plurals
Compare and order any whole numbers; use the symbols =, ≠, ≤, ≥, <, >. / Differentiated whole school curriculum.
1-3Precision teaching using the Rapid Reading programme. 1 hour per week.
Interactive reading programme – Nessy. Access 3 x 20
Small group Language For Thinking programme – 2 hours per week.
Differentiated whole school curriculum.
Small group personalised Maths lessons 4 x 1 hour per week / Make progress from start point – APS 2a by consolidating across all AFs in Reading and Writing at a level 2a
Make progress from start point – APS 2a by consolidating across all AFs t a level 2a / Precision teaching: 7 HRS X £15.00 PER LSA
Teaching, 3 HRS X £15.00 Planning and Assessment
Resources: 8 books @ £7.00 per half term
Nessy Interactive; £10.00 annual subscription
Language For Thinking: 14 HRS X £15.00 PER LSA
Teaching, 6 HRS X £15.00 Planning and Assessment
Resources £20.00
Resources £ 78.00 per learner per term for specific personalise intervention for AB
TOTAL: £584
ANNUAL TOTAL: £1752.00
Extended / Out of School Targets
(SMART) / Action
(What will you do? Who?/when?) / Success Criteria
(What will you see?) / Pupil Premium/Bursary
(Cost linked to target) / Met? / Repeat?
General Behaviour
Issues / Action / By Who / Met? / Repeat?
Any Comments
Transition Plans – Where applicable
Child's Views
Well Being
Plan Revision
Plan Effective From
Personal Education Plan
Date of Next PEP? / To be reviewed within 6 months