July 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians

I am writing to clarify the school’s expectations on school uniform.

Positive working relationships are essential to support the learning of students at Bishop Fox’s School. We have a very smart uniform that students take great pride in wearing. The vast majority of students wear their uniform appropriately and adhere to the school’s rules for uniform, thus avoiding unwanted conflicts and confrontations during the school day. To prevent future conflicts, please can parents/guardians help us to maintain the standard of uniform and ensure that when new items of uniform are bought they comply with our standards.

Students are expected to:

  • Wear school skirts of an appropriate length (just above the knee) and be tailored (not a stretchy skirt). To assist in clarifying this issue we are now able to provide a school skirt for sale from Taunton Uniforms. The ‘Colchester’ skirt starts at £12.99 for the smallest sizes, increasing by a supplement of either £2.26 or £4.00, depending on waist size/length required.
  • Wear appropriate school trousers. These should not be skinny jeans or chinos, but plain fitted black trousers with side pockets.
  • Wear either black or grey socks or neutral or plain black tights.
  • Wear black school shoes and not trainers, daps or canvas shoes(such as vans) to and from school and in school except when playing sport on the hardcourt/field at recess and lunchtime. The only time students are allowed to wear daps is if they are provided by ourselves as an emergency temporary measure.
  • Wear the school tie, such that it touches the shirt collar at the front and is worn to its proper length. Top buttons must be done up.
  • Wear only discreet makeup and jewellery. There should be no extreme of hair fashion or colour. Unnatural hair colours are not permitted. If ears are pierced, studs or small discreet earrings can be worn. These should only be in the lower part of the ear (ear lobe) and not in the upper part of the ear. Spacers/stretchers and not permitted. Nose studs or any other body piercings are not allowed. The use of plastic studs or a plaster to cover any of these items is also prohibited.
  • Wear only the school V neck jumper under the blazer during periods of cold weather in addition to the school blazer.
  • Ensure that shirts are tucked into trousers/skirts at all times.
  • Refrain from facial piercings other than in ear lobes. Nose, eyebrow or other facial piercings are not acceptable.
  • Wear a dark coat when required – NOT a hoodie.

Students are expected to adhere to these expectations while in school and on the journey to and from school.

Where students fail to do so, items of inappropriate clothing will be confiscated, daps will be issued in place of trainers and any student breaking the uniform expectations will be required to perform community service at lunchtime. In extreme cases students will be withdrawn from the school community until the problem is resolved. The uniform expectations are illustrated below. Students failing to follow these expectations are likely to be asked to change, placed in withdrawal or sent home to change.

I trust I can rely on your support in this matter.

Yours sincerely