Bright Water Elementary

Board Meeting Agenda

Date: April 30, 2015

5:30-7:30 pm

ItemPerson Responsible

Board Members / Committees / Term Began / Term Ends / In Attendance
Neeraj Mehta (chair) / Equity, Governance / 2013 / 2015 / x
T. Michael Rock (vice-chair) / Personnel / 2014 / 2016 / x
Taylor Rub (secretary) / Achievement Leap / 2014 / 2016
Linda Darling (Treasurer) / Finance, Technology, Governance / 2013 / 2015 / x
Malinda Lindquist / Achievement Leap, Development / 2013 / 2015 / x
Rose Dorer / Achievement Leap / 2013 / 2015 / x
Ann Luce / Development, Equity / 2013 / 2015 / x
Endel Kallas / Governance / 2014 / 2016 / x
JJ Haywood / Personnel / 2014 / 2016 / x
Sara Fegers / Achievement Leap, Finance, / 2014 / 2016 / x
Carla Pfahl / Finance / 2014 / 2016 / x
Angela Wroblewski
(Non-Voting Member) / x

Non-Board Members Present: none

Neeraj Mehta, board chair, opened the meeting.

  1. Community ForumChair
  2. Approval AgendaChair
  3. Approval of Consent AgendaChair

(Consent items are those which usually do not require discussion or explanation prior to school board action, are non-controversial and /or similar in content, or are those items which have already been discussed and/or explained and do not require further discussion or explanation. Items shall be removed from the consent agenda by a request by an individual school board member for independent consideration.)

1.1.Minutes from March 26, 2015

1.2.Contracts for 2015-2016 school year:

1.2.1.District 287 Itinerant Services in Deaf/Hard of Hearing and Educational Audiology

1.3.Donation Report: none

Endel moved to approve the consent agenda. Malinda seconded. All in favor, motion passes.

  1. Head of School Report – Curriculum/ProgramsAngela
  2. Dashboard
  3. Health Inspection Report
  4. Employment Letter of Agreements with Activities Sign-Ups

Head of School reported on the above 3 items.

5.4.Golden Gophers Gallery Night Report

GG reported the income for the gallery night to be a little over $200 but more importantly the community building that happened was priceless.

5.5.E2 Update

Head of School presented the plan to help strengthen E2classrooms.

5.6.Academic Performance Evaluation– Update from Audubon with proposed goals (needs approval)

Malinda moves to approve the proposed goals with Audubon. Sara seconds. All in favor, motion passes


Carla moves to approve the calendar as presented. Malinda seconds. All in favor, motion passes.

5.8.Employee Handbook

Malinda moves to approve the employee handbook with the changes as noted. T Michael seconds motion. All in favor, motion passes.

5.9.Parent Handbook

Sara moves to approve the parent handbook. Carla seconds. All in favor, motion passes.

  1. Governance (e.g. by-laws, elections, etc.)Chair
  2. Audubon Contract
  3. Board Elections & Recruitment
  4. Annual Meeting
  5. Strategic Planning Update
  6. Vision/Mission Update
  7. Health and Wellness Coordinator
  8. Family Engagement Coordinator
  9. PS Updates:
  10. Gala Budgeting
  11. Tuition Benefit for Elementary Teachers

Neeraj gave updates on board elections and strategic framework and status of two positions for next year.

Malinda moves to approve the Health and Wellness Coordinator and Family Engagement Coordinator job descriptions. Linda seconds. All in favor, motion passes.

  1. FinanceLinda
  2. Financial Dashboard

Linda moves to approve the finances. Sara seconds. All in favor, motion passes.

7.2.State of MN Annual Report Acceptance

7.3.FY2016 Budget

7.4.Lease Aid Application

7.5.Employee Background Check Policy

7.6.Sponsorship Policy


Waitlist / Budget Based On / Actual / Date: Fall
17 / 34 / Kindergarten
16 / 92 / Lower Elem
5 / 36 / Upper Elem
38 / 165 ADM / 161 / Total

Malinda moves to approve the Sponsorship Policy and the Employee Background Check Policy. Linda seconds. All in favor, motion passes.

  1. Achievement Leap CommitteeMalinda
  2. Fundraising/Development CommitteeSara Fegers
  3. Technology Committee –Linda
  4. Community Engagement and Equity Neeraj
  5. Personnel CommitteeT Michael/JJ
  6. Confirmation of date and time of next meeting May 28th at 5:30 p.m.
  7. Adjourn

T Michael moves to adjourn the meeting. Ann seconds. All in favor, motion passes.