PeopleAdmin:Eastern’s OnlineCandidate Application System

Step-By-Step Guide to:

A: Updating Candidates’ Statuses within the System

B: Completing a Search & Starting a Hiring Proposal

Section A: Updating the Status for the Candidates

Once the search committee has reviewed all of the candidates who have applied, the search committee chair will login into PeopleAdmin and update the status of each individual candidate. Additionally, for candidates not selected for interview, the search committee chair must also select the most appropriate reason for why the individual candidate was not selected for interview.

Step-by-step instructions for logging in and update the candidates’ status aregiven on the next page. First, the table below provides a list of candidate statuses that search committees may select from, and the available reasons for why candidates were not selected for interview.

List of Possible Statuses to Select From / List of Possible Reasons to Select From:
For each candidate who has a status of either “Not Selected for Interview,” OR “Interviewed – Not Hired,” you must also select a reason for that status from the list below.
Selected for Phone Interview / MQ – education/degree
Selected for On Campus Interview / MQ – experience
Recommend for Hire / MQ – supervisory experience
Candidate Withdrew / MQ – certification or license
Not Selected for Interview / MQ – availability for work shift
Interviewed – Not Hired / MQ – other requirements
Lacks 1 or more of the preferred qualifications
Qualified, but less experience vs. interview candidates
Qualified, but interview candidates offer additional strengths
Inadequate references
These Statuses are for HR Use ONLY: / Application not complete
Removed from Eligible List / Can’t meet candidate salary requirements
Hired / Can’t meet relocation expense requirements
Does Not Meet Min Quals / Unable to contact candidate
Recruitment Cancelled / Candidate failed to respond

Prior to conducting interviews, committees must get permission to interview their desired candidates. Permission is obtained by first updating the candidates’ statuses within PeopleAdmin as explained on the next page. If your committee will be conducting both telephone interviews and on-campus interviews, the search committee chair must update the candidates’ statuses at each stage (prior to interviews). Once the candidates’ statuses have been updated, notify your HR Associate via email, who will then seek the necessary approvals on your behalf. When the interview candidates have been approved, your HR Associate will notify you that you may proceed and conduct the interviews.

Special Note for Faculty Searches: This process of updating the candidates’ status within PeopleAdmin replaces the processes associated with the Excel spreadsheet called “Candidate Screening Record.”

A: Updating Candidates’ Statuses in PeopleAdmin: Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Log in to People Admin at: The list of postings, both active and closed postings, should be displayed on the screen; for example:

  1. If more than one posting is displayed, look for the posting for the position you are ready to fill. Then, click on the link for “View” that appears under title for the position.
  1. At this point, all of the candidates will appear. To sort in alphabetical order, click on the arrow in the blue tab for name.

  1. Change the status for an (a) individual candidate or (b) for groups of candidates:

(a)Change the status for an individual candidate:

  • In the Status column, you will see the initial status of “Under Review by Manager” – that is the status the candidates have while under search committee review.
  • To change an individual candidate’s status, click on the “Change Status” link in this column, and the screen on the following page will appear.
  • Click the drop down arrow for Status in the middle of the page and the list of status options will appear as shown on the first page of this guide. Select the most appropriate status.
  • Then, if the selected status is “Not Selected for Interview,” or “Interviewed Not Hired,” you must also indicate the reason by clicking the drop down arrow for the next field, and selecting the most appropriate reason.
  • Click the big “Continue to Confirm Page” button at the bottom of the page:
  • On the Confirm page, click the big “Save Status Changes” button at the bottom of the page:
  • At this point, you will be returned to the list of candidates, and you’ll be able to see that you have successfully change the status for the individual candidate.

4.(b) Change the statuses for groups of candidates:

This step will be easier, if you prepare a list of the candidates in advance showing the candidates grouped together by their status; for example, a list showing all the proposed interview candidates grouped together, followed by other groups of candidates’ who have the same status as determined by the search committee.

  • Start by checking the checkboxes for the first “group” of candidates that have a shared status.
  • Then, click the big CHANGE MULTIPLE APPLICANT STATUSES BUTTON at the bottom of the list of candidates.


  • The following screen will appear:

  • Click the drop down arrow for Status at the top of the page and the list of statuseswill appear. Select the status that applies to that group of candidates.
  • Then, if the selected status is “Not Selected for Interview,” or “Interviewed Not Hired,” you must also indicate the reason by clicking the drop down arrow for the reason field, and selecting the most appropriate reason; note the following details:
  • If the reason is the same, you can select the reason at the top of the page, and the system will apply that reason to all of the candidates in the group.
  • If the reason is not the same (even though the status is the same), then as you can see in the screen shot above, you have the ability to select individual reasons for each individual candidate.
  • Once you have selected the applicable status for the candidates within the group, and the application reason or reasons, then click the big “Continue to Confirm Page” button at the bottom of the page:
  • On the Confirm page, click the big “Save Status Changes” button at the bottom of the page:
  • At this point, you will be returned to the list of candidates, and you’ll be able to see that their statuses have been changed.
  • Continue these steps for each group of candidates that share the same status.

Section B: Generating the Hiring Proposal

The hiring proposal is typically generated by the head of the department for non-faculty searches; faculty hiring proposals are generated by the Dean or the Dean’s delegate. Search committee chairs typically do not generate the hiring proposal unless specifically delegated to do so by the department head or by the Dean’s office (for faculty searches).

Prior to initiating a hiring proposal, the interviewed candidates’ statuses must be updated one more time following the steps in Section A. The candidate to be hired will have his/her status changed to “Recommend for Hire.” Once this change is saved and confirmed, the system will show this candidate’s status as “Recommend for Hire,” and will also provide a new link for “Begin Hiring Proposal” – see the screen shot on the next page.

The other interviewed candidates must also have their statuses changed to “Interviewed – Not Hired” and the appropriate reason must be selected for each candidate.

Then, once the interviewed candidates’ statuses have all been updated as described above, the system will return you to the list of candidates as shown below.

  1. Click the link for “Begin Hiring Proposal”

and the following screen will appear - note that two options appear for starting a Hiring Proposal:

  1. In most cases, you will click the “Start Action” link for the second option listed (“Hiring Proposal for Position Description Listed Below”) – assuming that only one position is listed.

If more than one position is listed, call Human Resources to discuss before proceeding!

In no positions are listed, call Human Resources before proceeding!

  1. Complete the fields for the hiring proposal as shown below:
  1. Save the hiring proposal. Scroll to the bottom of the page, after you’ve completed all the fields, and look for the big buttons as shown below:

Ignore the “Save and Stay on this Page” button. Instead, click the button for “View Action Summary.” The system will then show the following:

Note in the screen shot to the left, that the bubble for “Save” is automatically checked as a system default.

If you only want to save the proposal and come back to it later, click the “Continue” button, and then the “Confirm” button that will appear.

  1. Route the Hiring Proposal When It’s Complete: Once all of the fields are completed, click the bubble for the next level for routing as follows:
  • If you are the first level decision maker (such as a Director or Department Chair), click the bubble for “Send Hiring Proposal to Level 2”
  • If you are the Dean, or AVP, or other higher level authority, click the bubble for “Send Hiring Proposal to VP/Provost”

If you have any questions about the proposal or about routing the proposal, contact your HR Associate before you route the proposal.

  1. Click the “Continue” button, as shown in the screen shot above, and then click the “Confirm” button that will appear next.

That’s it! You’ve completed the hiring proposal and have routed it electronically for approval!

Remember – call your HR Associate if you need help or if you have any questions!