Eagle Ridge Elementary PAC

Meeting #4, School Year 2007/2008

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Attendance: Roberta Leslie (Principal), Carissa Maurice, Donna Hakala, Gloria Milne, Shannon Breckenridge, Shondrea Aasman, Carrie Toomey, Lisa Gard, Jacqueline Black, Leah Questroo

Co-President: Carissa Maurice

Recorded by: Shondrea Aasman


Motion to approve agenda

Motion moved: Carissa Maurice

Seconded: Donna Hakala

Motion passed

Motion to adopt minutes of November 9, 2007

Motion moved: Carissa Maurice

Seconded: Jacqueline Black

Motion passed

Motion to spend a maximum of $750 towards the annual pancake breakfast for the benefit of parents, students and staff on December 14, 2007, with the understanding that this amount may be lower if the PAC is able to secure the sausages by donation.

Motion moved: Carissa Maurice

Seconded: Shondrea Aasman

Motion passed

Motion to allot $2,000 towards funding of the Gym Sense program with an approximate cost of $2800, which program is coordinated by the Eagle Ridge Staff from the CoronationPark gaming funds account.

Motion moved: Carissa Maurice

Seconded: Gloria Milne

Motion passed

(Note: As Brandi Wong, Treasurer of PAC, is absent, we are using an approximate figure with respect to the amount of the CoronationPark gaming funds available. After consultation with Ms. Wong, if it is determined that there are additional monies, we will put forward a motion at the next meeting and may be able to fund more activities at that time.)

Motion to approve the funding of High Touch, High Tech program to a maximum amount of $2,200

Moved: Carissa Maurice

Motion seconded: Carrie Toomey

Motion passed.

Presidents’ Announcements

  • Food Drive

Eagle Ridge Elementary donated approximately 1000 pounds of food and $25 to the Share Food Bank. ($25 translates into x3 in actual spending dollars for the recipient) As it was determined there were no candidates in the school who were in need of the food, it was all delivered to Share. The winning class was Mrs. Schwartz’ class who received hot chocolate and cinnamon straws, courtesy of Starbucks

  • Celima Noon – Sexual Health Educator

Ms. Noon is a highly regarded Sexual Health educator who speaks to the students about the basics of sexual education in a scientific and non-threatening manner. We are interested in having her speak at Eagle Ridge, but due to illness, we are unable to finalize any arrangements. We will keep you apprised of further developments.

Ms. Noon recently spoke at Aspenwood Elementary to great feedback. Typically, her practice includes attendance at a PAC meetingprior to the night before at an additional cost. She gears her talk to the specific grades/ages: K-1, 2/ 3, 4-5

  • Letter from teachers re funding goals/healthy living

Due to the recentblending of the two schools and the formation of the new PAC, unfortunately, the application for the casino funds was not submitted and as such the PAC is operating without the benefit of these funds (approximately $6,000). Typically, these funds would have paid for various activities suggested by the teachers and other PAC members, including, in particular, the two items that have been highlighted by the teachers to implement in the school in 2008.

The teachers have provided us with a letter detailing their preferred activities which would be funded by the PAC, which keeps in with the school’s goal of healthy living:

Gym sense - $2800 for one month for whole school

High touch, high tech - $2100

We need to revamp our fundraising goals to reflect the loss of the gaming funds.

(See more re fundraising below).

  • Fundraiser re gift certificate/gift cards

This is a large undertaking, which could possibly be implemented in the New Year. By selling gift certificates to our members, the PAC receives a percentage per sales (3-8%)

Shop and Support – Shannon has a contact and can provide further


Parents could also order online – get charged 3%

Administration issue

  • Christie Wong – DPAC

Traffic safety survey online – issues re our school drop off etc. Add link to newsletter so our parents can answer.

Principal’s Report – Roberta Leslie

Please see attached report and summary below:

  • There will be a CARE assembly on December 12th;
  • Dress Rehearsals for the Christmas concert on December 16/17 – groupings for concerts
  • We will be collecting items for Jimmy’s Xmas Hamper and have placed blue boxes on front – theme for each week
  • Michael Mitchell concert – good results – order forms for the cd are in the office or HMV
  • Goals – literary support teacher now here all day Thursday;
  • Fitness/Health – intramurals at lunch, has been sport fit testing
  • Meeting at Winslow – food and beverage at school, January 2008, Choose Sometimes, Choose Most categories – guidelines to model healthy choices– website
  • Traffic – handicap bus now drops off later, which assists with the traffic flow. Still issues with left turns. Parents can call the city or RCMP

Parents also have the option of dropping the children off in front of office slightly earlier in the morning;

  • Students from Gleneagle Secondary – fundraiser to benefit EagleRidgeHospital – flyer to follow. This will be a craft day atGleneagle– kids can make a craft there. Sat. Dec 22 – 50-100 participants

Treasurer Report – (Brandi Wong absent)

Motion to approve money for Pancake breakfast (see above)

Committee Reports

Emergency Preparedness, CarrieToomey – shed has been delivered from CoronationPark. Carrie can follow up;

Fruit and Veggie Program, Leah Questroo - Starting in 2008, there will be a 12 week period where the school will not receive fruit and vegetables via the program. As such, it is suggested that the parents be asked if they are able to pay $5 to cover the cost of buying fruit and vegetables. Examples: snap peas, dragon fruit Cost is approximately $100-150 per week for whole school – can get at cost

Shannon and Leah would handle the notice and monies.

Secret Shopper – Gloria Milne – some spots empty

Location due to issues with scheduling – gym – Roberta will go over with staff and come back with specifics re logistics

Open Forum

Other Fundraising Events:

Bake sale at concerts – parents bring in, baking on a plate - $2, at all 4 concerts - -need help coordinating and helping (Leah and Carrie?)

Best Seat in the house – most comfy seat in the house (couch) – sell raffle tickets to sit there. – need someone to coordinate it and one person at every show

QSB – profit approximately $2,000 (Note, since date of meeting, December 4, 2007, it has been determined that the correct amount of profit on the QSB was $800.

Will do bike rodeo again

PAC covers the cost of 4 performing artists via a standing motion of allotting $2,000, (Michael Mitchell, Vancouver Opera) Funds have been allocated, but not forwarded to Roberta Leslie yet. We will probably not continue the traditions of standing motion

Staff appreciation party

Grade 5 Hoodies – Penny Fraser will take on this task – can not do any of the legwork at the school – target the grade 5 students

School outfits – true logo

Meeting Adjourned at 8:55 pm

Next Meeting scheduled for January 8, 2008at 7:00pm in the library