PEO Handbook for ExpressVoter

Updated 4-2014

Table of Contents

Before the Polls Open

Preparing to Open the Polls...... 2

Adding Absentee Records...... 2

Add Attester...... 3

Remove Attester...... 3

Searching for Voters

Overview...... 4

Barcode Scanner...... 4

In County Only Checkbox...... 4

Possible Matches...... 4

Possible Situations...... 5

Voter Not Found...... 5

Barcode Not Recognized...... 5

Processed Voters List

Overview...... 6

Processing Voters

Overview...... 7

Back Button...... 8

Return to Search...... 8

End Voter Session...... 8

Updating a Registered Voter’s Information...... 9

Changing Addresses...... 10

Declaration of Eligibility...... 11

Instruction Popup Windows...... 11

Processing Voters for the Primary Election...... 12

Election Day Registration (EDR)

Overview...... 13

Processing an EDR Voter...... 13

Possible Situations...... 15

Felon Match...... 15

Duplicate Voter...... 15

Prev Registration Check...... 15

Possible Voter Situations

Voter with Absentee Ballot...... 17

Voter Requested Assistance...... 18

ID Required...... 19

PEO Request ID...... 20

Provisional Voter...... 21

Voter Declines a Provisional Ballot...... 21

Address is Not Found...... 22

Challenged Voter...... 23

Withdrawing a Challenge...... 24

Underage Voter...... 25

Military Voter...... 26

Help Ticket...... 28

Curbside Voting

Starting Curbside Process...... 29

Registered Voters...... 29

Election Day Registrants...... 30

Processing Curbside Voters Using a Barcode Scanner...... 31

Registered Voters...... 31

Election Day Registrants...... 32

Processing Curbside Voters Without a Barcode Scanner...... 33

Registered Voters...... 33

Election Day Registrants...... 34

Before the Polls Open

Preparing to Open the Polls

Set up the ExpressVoter computer(s) and hardware.

Searching for Voters


Search for voters by “Last Name,” “First Name” or “Date of Birth.”

Best Practice: Enter a minimum of 3 characters in the “Last Name” and “First Name” fields.

Barcode Scanner

If using a barcode scanner, search for voters by scanning an Iowa driver’s license or voter registration card. The barcode printed on a form or label printed from ExpressVoter can also be scanned to search for a voter.

1. Place the cursor in the “Scanned ID Info” field by clicking in it.

2. Scan the barcode.

3. If the voter is registered within the county, the voter’s record is automatically selected.

If the voter is not registered to vote, the election day registration screen appears with the voter’s information populated in some fields.

In County Only Checkbox

To narrow the search results, check this box to only display search results for voters in the county. (DO NOT CHECK THIS BOX—if you are having a hard time finding voters make sure this box is not checked if it is checked uncheck it)

Possible Matches

The voters found by the search are listed under “Possible Matches.” The voters are color coded based on if they are registered to vote in the polling place, in a different polling place in the county, or in a different county.

  • Green: Voters who are registered within the polling place.
  • Yellow: Voters who are registered within the county but are not eligible to vote at the polling place.
  • Pink: Voters who are registered within the state but in a different county.

Possible Situations

Voter Not Found

If a voter is not found in the search results, click the “Election Day Registration” button to process the voter as an election day registrant. For more information on processing election day registrants, see the “Election Day Registration” section.

Barcode Not Recognized

If the barcode scanner does not recognize the barcode, a message appears stating: “Barcode Not Recognized.” This may occur because the Iowa driver’s license is expired or it is an out of state driver’s license.

If this happens, search for the voter by name or date of birth.

Processed Voters List


This lists the voters who have been processed. Each voter is assigned a “Voter #” based on the order they were processed during the day.

  • The “Prov” total is the number of provisional voters who have been processed.
  • The “Reg/EDR Total” is the number of regular and election day registration voters who have been processed.

If the laptops are networked together, the “Processed Voters” list includes the voters who were processed on the other laptop(s) at the bottom of the list.

Right-click on a processed voter to view the following:

 “Unprocess Voter”

Allows a user logged in as a chairperson to remove a voter from the processed list if a voter was incorrectly processed.

 “Voter Info”

Displays the voter’s registration information.

 “Reprint Forms/Labels”

Allows any user to reprint all the forms or labels that were printed at the end of processing the voter’s record and displays the instruction popups again.

 “View Ballot Style and Voter #”

Displays the ballot style the voter was given and the “Voter #.”

 “Voter Request Assistance”

If the voter requested assistance when voting, a user can select this option to print the “Affidavit of Voter Requesting Assistance” form.

Important Note: If computers in a polling place or vote center are synced or networked, these options are only available using the laptop on which the voter was originally processed.

Processing Voters


Once a voter has been selected, ExpressVoter walks you through the steps to process the voter.

Answer the questions on each screen before moving forward to the next screen. Questions that must be asked of the voter appear in purple text.

To move to the next screen, click “Next Screen.”

If a question is left unanswered, a message appears indicating the required field must be completed or answered before moving on to the next screen.

Back Button

Use the “Back” button to return to the previous screen. Any data changes made on the current screen will not be saved once the “Back” button is chosen.

Return to Search

Use the “Return to Search” button to exit the voter’s session and return to the “Voter Search” screen with the search results displayed. Any changes made to the voter’s record will not be saved.

End Voter Session

Use the “End Voter Session” button to exit the voter’s session and return to the “Voter Search” screen. The voter search results will be cleared. Any changes made to the voter’s record will not be saved.

Choose the appropriate reason for ending the voter’s session.

Primary Election

An additional reason “Voter declined to select a party” is available for the primary election. This option is available when the “End Voter Session” is selected on the “Political Party” screen.

Updating a Registered Voter’s Information

The following items may be updated on a voter’s registration record:

  • Name,
  • Date of birth,
  • Residential address, and
  • Mailing address. To update the information:

1. Click “No” for the appropriate question on the “Registered Voter Confirmation” screen. Click “Next Screen.”

2. Complete the appropriate change(s) and click “Next Screen.”

Changing Addresses

To change a voter’s address:

1. Clear out the previous address first.

2. Begin typing the voter’s address with the house number and the first letter of the street name. After the house number and part of the street name is entered, a drop-down appears listing the possible addresses matching that address.

Using the arrow keys on the keyboard, move down the list to the voter’s address. Hit “Enter” on the keyboard to select the address.

3. The city, state, and zip fields will automatically populate.

4. To enter an apartment number, lot number, etc., type the unit type and unit number in the appropriate fields.

Declaration of Eligibility

Every voter must sign a declaration of eligibility slip.

When using a printer, ExpressVoter prints a completed declaration of eligibility form after the voter has been processed. After it is printed, initial the form and ask the voter to sign the form.

Primary Election

For the primary election only, the voter’s party affiliation appears in the upper left corner of the declaration of eligibility form underneath the ballot style name.

Instruction Popup Windows

After a voter’s record is processed, at least one instruction popup window appears. These popup windows provide instructions on how to complete the required paperwork (if any) for the voter.

Items voters must complete appear in purple text.

Important Note: Pay close attention to which forms the voter must sign. Do not click “Ok” until the steps on the popup window have been completed.

Example Popup Windows:

Processing Voters for the Primary Election

A political party screen will appear after processing a voter.

If the voter is already registered to vote, inform the voter with which party the voter is currently registered. Then ask the voter if the voter would like to vote a Democratic or Republican ballot. If the voter chooses a different party than the one with which the voter is currently registered, the voter’s registration record will be updated to reflect the party affiliation for the chosen ballot.

If the voter used election day registration procedures, ask the voter if the voter would like to vote a Democratic or Republican ballot. The voter’s registration record will reflect the party affiliation for the chosen ballot.

If the voter does not wish to choose to vote a Democratic or Republican ballot, click “End Voter Session.” Select the reason “Voter declined to select a party.”


Election Day Registration (EDR)

After the pre-registration deadline, any person who is not already registered to vote in the county may register by proving identity and residency.

Election day registrants must also sign a election day registration form which includes voter registration form and a voter’s oath.

Processing an EDR Voter

If a voter is not found in the search results:

1. Click the “Election Day Registration” button to process the voter as an election day registrant.

2. Enter the voter’s information. After entering the voter’s information, click “Next Screen.”

3. Follow the screens to process the voter. Each step guides you through the process to ensure the voter provides the proper identification.

a. If the EDR voter does not have either proof of identity or residency or both, the voter may ask another registered voter in the precinct to be an attester.

b. To process an EDR voter using an attester, search for the attester’s information. To select the attester, double click on the attester’s name in the search results.

Possible Situations

Felon Match

If the EDR voter’s name and date of birth appear to match a felon record, a “Felon Check” screen appears.

Compare the information on the screen with the voter’s information.

If you determine the EDR voter is a match to a felon record, double click on the name in the results display.

A notice prints stating the voter is a potential match to a felon record. The voter may vote a provisional ballot if the voter is 100% certain they have received a restoration of rights.

If you determine the EDR voter is not a match to a felon record, click “No Match.”

Duplicate Voter

If the EDR voter’s name and date of birth match another record for another EDR voter, a “Duplicate EDR Check” message appears.

The name and date of birth of the potential match appear in the message window.

If the two voters are not a match, check the “No Match” box and click “Continue.”

If the voters are a match, do not continue to process the voter:

1. Double-click on the voter’s name or highlight the voter’s name by clicking on it and hit the “S” key on the keyboard.

2. Inform the voter it appears the voter has already cast a ballot in this election. Ask if the voter would like to vote a provisional ballot.

Prev Registration Check

If the EDR voter’s name and date of birth match another record for a voter already registered to vote, a “Previous Registration Check” screen appears.

If the voters are not a match, select “No Match” and click “Continue.”

If the voters are a match, double click on the voter’s name.

Possible Voter Situations

Voter with Absentee Ballot

If a voter has requested an absentee ballot for the election, the voter must surrender the absentee ballot to vote a regular ballot.

If the voter cannot surrender the absentee ballot, the voter must vote a provisional ballot.

Exception: Call the auditor’s office to confirm if a voter’s absentee ballot has been received, follow the instructions on the screen to call the auditor’s office and process

the voter:

  • If the voter’s absentee ballot has been received or you are unable to confirm with the auditor’s office, the voter must vote a provisional ballot.
  • If the voter’s absentee ballot has not been received, the voter may vote a regular ballot.

Voter Requested Assistance

Voters may request assistance when voting. There are two ways to generate the “Affidavit of Voter Requesting Assistance” form for the voter to sign:

1. When processing a voter’s record, click the “Voter Requesting Assistance” button before issuing a ballot.

2. From the “Processed Voters” list on the “Voter Search” screen, right-click on the voter’s name and select “Voter Request Assistance.”

ID Required

Registered voters are required to show identification before they are allowed to vote if:

  • Their voter registration status is “Inactive” or “Pending,”
  • They are not registered to vote in the precinct because they have moved from a different precinct, or
  • The PEOs do not know them and ask to see ID.

When processing voters who have inactive or pending status or who have moved into the precinct, instructions are provided on when to ask the voter for the proper ID and what forms of ID are acceptable.

Example Screens:

Provisional Voter

Voters must cast provisional ballots for the following reasons:

  • When they cannot prove they are qualified to vote by showing ID when required to do so,
  • When they requested an absentee ballot but cannot surrender it at the polls or it cannot be confirmed with the auditor whether the auditor has received the voter’s absentee ballot.
  • When their qualifications to vote were challenged and the challenge was not withdrawn.

When processing a voter under these circumstances, follow the instructions on the screens to issue the voter a provisional ballot.

Important Note: Pay close attention to what forms the voter must sign as well as to which forms you must sign.

Voter Declines a Provisional Ballot

If the voter declines to cast a provisional ballot, click “No.” Give one copy of the printed message to the voter. Store the other copy as directed by the county auditor.

Address is Not Found

When changing a voter’s address, an “Edit Voter Address Search” screen may appear. This occurs when the address entered is not found in the address library.

Try searching for the correct address. The possible address ranges matching the address will appear below.

Important Note: A house number and street name is required to search.

To select the address, click on the correct address range so it is highlighted. Click “Save and Continue.”

If the address does not match a possible address range, do not click on an address range. Click “Save and Continue” to move forward. A “Non Standard Address” screen appears.

Call the auditor’s office to determine which ballot style to issue the voter and which split to assign the voter.

After calling the auditor’s office, be sure the voter’s address is correct on this screen and choose the appropriate ballot style and split.

Challenged Voter

A registered voter in the county or a PEO may challenge the qualifications of any person offering to vote. To process the challenge:

1. At the end of processing a voter’s record, click the “Voter Challenged” button.

2. If a PEO is challenging a voter, select “PEO” from the “Voter/PEO Challenging” drop- down.

a. Enter the PEO’s “First Name” and “Last Name.”

b. Select the reason(s) for the challenge.

c. Click “Next Screen” to issue the voter a provisional ballot.

3. If another voter is the challenger, select “Voter” from the “Voter/PEO Challenging” drop-down.

a. Search for the challenger’s name.

b. Double click on the challenger’s name to select the record.

c. Select the reason(s) for the challenge.

d. Click “Next Screen” to issue the voter a provisional ballot.

4. The provisional ballot envelope will print. If the challenger was another voter, the forms or labels for the “Challenger’s Statement” will print.