held on Wednesday 7 December 2016 at Pentney Village Hall

opened at 7.30pm closed at 9.05pm

Present :- Richard Stevens,Bryan Webster and Sarah Allen

Apologies :- Ben Howlett, John Adcock, Rob Wilton and Mike Parker

In attendance:- Cllr Moriarty, Bob Pannell (Clerk) and 3 Parishioner

1 The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed all those present

2 The Chairman reminded Council members of the rules regarding Declaration of


3 The minutes of the Council meeting of Wednesday 12 October 2016 were approved as

a true record and signed by the Chair.

4 Matters arising from the Council meeting of Wednesday 12 October 2016

Update on security and safety light at village hall.- Confirmedthat light is now installed

and working correctly by Bryan Webster

Re-route of footpath nearPentney Abbey – Chair reported that the matter had been

referred to David Hawes and he was still waiting for a reply. However, it can be part of

Mr Cooper’s planned annual walk of the village footpaths for comment.

Footpath by the bus shelter on Narborough Road – Mr Cooper has agreed the path

is generally OK. The footpath sign at Golden Gym needs to be replaced. Chair will

discuss with Ben Howlett.

Road sign at junction of Pentney Lane and A47 – give way not stop – Clerk will

take up with highways.

Purchase of new bin liner on Narborough Road – Chair advised liner installed.

New Dog Waste Bin – License now issued and bin on collection schedule

Garages associated with Church Close – state of repair. withFreebridge – Chair

advised that the matter was still under consideration.

5 To adjourn the meeting to allow members of the public to make representation.

No matters were raised.

6 Planning Applications

Planning consultation Oakland, Pentney Lane.

The applicant outlined the progress that had been made since the first consultation

with the Council. In order to progress the project within a reasonable timescale for

financial funding reasons it was necessary to sell the three outline plots. This would

facilitatetheplanned new entrance/exit into the business site on the A47 thus relieving

heavy transport from Pentney Lane. It would also generate additional employment

opportunities for the village as the site expanded.

Although the site is outside the village designated areas of development Council would

give due consideration to both the advantages and disadvantages to the village when

a formal application was received.

Council to note

16/01520/F – Land at Church Farm Barns – alterations to design for approved

semi-detacheddwellings – Application permitted by Borough Council


a)Accounts to 30 November 2016

Bank balance 30/9/16 £39,307.80

Bank intetc ------“------£ 2.94


Payments 1/10/16 to 30/11/16 £ 3,426.76

Bank charges £ 19.55

£ 3,446.31

Ledger balance 30/11/.16 £36,476.62

2016 2015

Current account £ 1,468.49 £ 587.11

Premier account £ 9,012.33 £15,505.85

Churchyard a/c £20,084.57 £12,072.53

Playing field a/c £ 5,910.94 £ 5,907.98

Pathway a/c £ 0.29 £ 09

£36,476.62 £34,073.76


Chq No 100906 – Chair’s expenses for course and CCTV at PF £148.00

Chq No 100907 – Void

Chq No 100908 – Narborough w Narford PCC (Remembrance wreath) £20.00

Chq No 100909 – URM Bottle Bank (September 16) £34.90

Chq No 100910 – URM Bottle Bank (October 16) £34.90

Chq No 100911 – CGM Group (Grass cutting (September 16) £44.40

Chq No 100912 – CGM Group (Grass cutting (October 16) £134.40

Chq No 100913 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (October 16) £159.58

Chq No 100914 – Clerks Salary & Expenses (November 16) £142.08

Chq No 100915 – CKW Accounting (Internal Audit 2015/16) £125.00

Chq No 100916 – Glasdon – Bin Liner replacement £30.18

Chq No 100917 – URM Bottle Bank (November 16) £34.90

8 Reports and information from the County and Borough Councillors

Councillor Moriarty updated Council onPentney Lakes planning application final stages.

Approval has been given in general terms for the development subject to the

satisfactory implementation of Section 106. This has to be done within a short time scale

or permission will be withdrawn.

2026 will see the final implementation of definitive maps for footpaths set.

Councillor Moriarty will supply details to the Clerk.

It is understood that Highways, Councillor Coke and MrOrsi have met on site regarding

discussions on the problems of flooding in Low Road.

Further work is being done on the Local Development Plan and indications are that there

will be no change to the status of the village.

Borough Council’s position, regarding the removal of cars at 10 Church Close, is as

follows. Planning Enforcement will seek permission from the Planning committee to take

Direct Action and arrange removal of vehicles off his land in order to recover the costs of

the legal processes.

Regarding the recent Grass Cutting Survey there was a wide variation in requirements

from those who responded. It would appear that 6 to 8 cuts would be planned but there

is a view to devolve where possible to the parishes. As always it will depend on


9 Allotments MINUTE BOOK PAGES 675

Drainage culvert – Substantial work has been completed successfully on this project.

September 2016 rents – two still outstanding for the September payment date.

The Clerk has issued final warning letters.

10 Playing Field

Enhanced facilities for the public – “Shelter” costs and details – Awaiting Will Fake’s


Spraying of field with suitable chemical to deter birds digging up surface – Rob Wilton

to update what action has been taken.

The Chair raised the issue of Grass Cutting and felt that for the time being it should be

suspended. Those present agreed and Bryan Webster will advise CGM. General

discussion then followed regarding the response from CGM on various matters that had

been raised with them. It was felt that the matter should be reviewed when

there were more Councillors present.

11 Correspondence


Police and Crime Commissioner ref. speeding and the Community Engagement Officer

PC Emily Carter.

Council Matters Came and Co Insurers

Call for Site and Policy Suggestions Consultation – Council to Note reason

for non- meeting- As Council had no available land to develop a meeting was not


Rangers visit

Several e-mails ref. Local Government Settlement Consultation (Effect on Precepts)

Council to note – Central Government has decided not to proceed with the matter

for the present

Mayor’s Civic Awards

Oaklands, Pentney Lane, Planning Consultation (covered agenda item 6)

12 Village Matters.

War Memorial – The Chairreported that thepre grant application had been rejected

by the War Graves Office on several points and he would seek advice from

Rev. Stuart Nairn on how to proceed.

Speed Signs – Bryan Webster reported that the latest information indicated a slight

increase in the average speed to between 30 and 35mph.

He felt that the signs needed recalibrating and he would contact the supplier.

He also briefly reported on “Speeding in your village” papers and felt that it would be

better to wait until more Councillors were present. Those present agreed.

Keeping the Village tidy – (Rubbish) CCTV coverage on Playing Field area has

been installed.

Village Web Site – Clerk had nothing to report.

PC Oil Buying Group – held over until next meeting.

13Neighbourhood Plan – No further action on this at the moment.

14 Any Other Business MINUTE BOOK PAGES 676

Meeting dates for 2017 confirmed as –

Wednesday 11 January

Wednesday 1 March

Wednesday 5 April

Wednesday 10 May

Wednesday 14 June

Wednesday 2 August

Wednesday 13 September

Wednesday 18 October

Wednesday 6 December

Question was raised regarding “Horse Riding “ road signs. Chair explained that the

County were trying to restrict the number of road signs but asked the Clerk to follow up.

Regarding potholes etc please keep Clerk informed by e-mail if you have any to report.

15 Date of the next Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 11 January 2017 in the

village hall commencing at 7.30 pm

There being no other business the Chair thanked all for attending and closed the

Meeting at 9.05pm

Chairman:-Mr Richard Stevens, Charnwood, Pentney Lane, Pentney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE32 1JE

Telephone:- 01760 339026

Clerk:- Mr Bob Pannell, 21 Baldwin Road, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. PE30 4AL

Telephone:- 01553 775724