Presented by Mr. Gyula Somogyi of Hungary,
Coordinator on Cooperation and assistance and Requests for assistance
ERW database[1]
(Requests for assistance and donor activities)
High Contracting Party or State non party:
National Point(S) of Contact:
Date of submission: ……………………………….
Form A
Scope of the ERW-related problems
Overall narrative:
Program details:
Identifier of program / Known/ suspected / General location / Any available relevant information describing the problem / Approximate numbers / Any additional relevant information(documents may be attached)
Guidelines to fill this from
UXO/AXO clearance and destruction problems:
Please describe here the current ERW clearance and destruction situation in your country. Please provide information (if possible) on Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) and/or Abandoned Explosive Ordnance (AXO) including the following data: general or specific location of the UXO/AXO (whether is already known or only suspected); the types of UXO/AXO or any other available relevant information (if applicable), such as the colour, size, shape and other relevant marking of UXO and AXO; the approximate number of UXO/AXO in the targeted areas or at each specific sites. Any additional relevant information may be attached e. g. maps, photos, reports from relevant agencies, IGOs, NGOs etc.
(If any of this information contains sensitive data, please mark.)
Victim Assistance related problems (care and rehabilitation; social and economic reintegration):
Please describe here the current victim assistance situation in your country. Please provide information on the approximate number of people who require victim assistance; the general location where assistance needed; any available relevant information about types of the problems your country faces: care and rehabilitation, social and economic reintegration. Please give details of each section (if applicable). Any additional relevant information may be attached e. g. maps, photos, reports from relevant agencies, IGOs, NGOs etc.
Measures taken to provide immediate and effective warning to population
and measures taken to provide risk education to population:
Please describe here the current risk education situation in your country. Please provide information on the approximate number of people who require risk education; the general location where these measure has to be taken; the current problems your country faces in taking measures to provide immediate and effective warning to population in pre-conflict and post-conflict situation. Please give details of each section (if applicable). Any additional relevant information may be attached e. g. maps, photos, reports from relevant agencies, IGOs, NGOs etc.
The above listed guidelines are provided for the sole purpose of filling out the Request for assistance. In other similar ERW-related cases please provide sufficient relevant information.
Form B
Appraisal of needs
Overall narrative:
Program details:
Identifier of program / Main objective / Implemented by / financed by / Start/End of project or expected duration of the project / Budget of project / Funding shortfall / Required resources / Usage of fundsGuidelines to fill this from
UXO/AXO clearance and destruction problems:
Recommended use of this section: Please describe here the current status of ERW clearance and destruction in your country. Please provide information (if applicable) on the following details: the main objective of the program; who implements and who finances the program (internally or internationally funded; when has your country started to implement the program and what is the foreseeable duration of the program. Please include the budget of each of the program. In the case of the programs for which your country is requesting assistance, please provide information on the following details: why does your country requests for assistance for this program (capacity building, funding shortfalls etc); what kind of assistance does your country need (in-kind assistance and/or direct funding, including the size of the funds required and/or nature of the in-kind assistance, e.g. clearing machines, expert training, training for evaluation of problems etc.) and how will your country use the assistance (national authority for ERW, third party implementation agency etc.).
Victim Assistance related problems (care and rehabilitation; social and economic reintegration):
Please describe here the current status of victim assistance programs in your country. Please provide information (if applicable) on the following details: the main objective of the program; who implements and who finances the program (internally or internationally funded); when has your country started to implement the program and what is the foreseeable duration of the program. Please include the budget of each of the program. In the case of the programs for which your country requests assistance, please provide information on the following details: why does your country requests for assistance for this program (capacity building, funding shortfalls etc); what kind of assistance does your country need (in-kind assistance and/or direct funding, including the size of the funds required and/or the nature of the in-kind assistance, e.g. nurses, training, medical equipments etc.) and how will your country use the assistance.
Measures taken to provide immediate and effective warning to population
and measures taken to provide risk education to population:
Please describe here the current status of risk education programs and the measures taken to provide immediate and effective warning to population in pre-conflict and post-conflict situation your country. Please provide information (if applicable) on the following details: the main objective of the program/measure; who implements and who finances the program (internally or internationally funded; when has your country started to implement the program and what is the foreseeable duration of the program; when has these measures taken. Please include the budget of each of the program. In the case of the programs for which your country requests assistance, please provide information on the following details: why does your country requests for assistance for this program (capacity building, funding shortfalls etc); what kind of assistance does your country need (in-kind assistance and/or direct funding, including the size of the funds required and/or the nature of the in-kind assistance, e.g. training for risk education, planning measures to provide immediate and effective warning to population etc.) and how will your country use the assistance.
The above listed guidelines are provided for the sole purpose of filling out the Request for assistance. In other similar ERW-related cases please provide sufficient relevant information.
Please use unique identifiers for each program (e. g. ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’) in order to establish link between a problem described (in Form ‘A’) and the program, which will address the problem (listed in Form ‘B’). Please study the provided sample forms. Feel free to add new columns or rows to the table, since the sample tables contain only the minimally required (if available) information.
Would you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the CCW Secretariat.
Sample Form
Form A
Scope of the ERW-related Problem(s)
Overall Narrative:
Following foreign intervention between 1960 and 1970 and civil war 1978-1982 the country is heavily contaminated with approx. 50 000 tons of different types of ERW, including approx 3.7 million sub-munitions, with a particularly serious economic and humanitarian impacts on the local community around Lake Kapos. In several areas ERW still represent an immediate threat for the civilian population. The national UXO Agency is actively implementing clearance programme...…
Identifier of program / Known/ suspected / General location / Any available relevant information describing the problem / Approximate numbers / Any additional relevant information
(documents may be attached)
1 / suspected / Lake Kapos / UXO are black, round shaped / NA / Please find attached photos taken about the UXO
2 / known / Around City of Akator / GYATA-64
AP Mines / 85 000 / Please find attached report of ICBL about the area
3 / known / Southern provinces / ERW victims / 2 500 / Please find attached the latest unemployment reports
Form B
Appraisal of needs
Overall Narrative:
Program ‘1’ intends to solve the situation around Lake Kapos. Based on the reports of the local community leaders hundreds of UXO have been found on the surface or underground. Since the exact size of the contaminated area and the number of UXOs is not known, the first stage will try to evaluate the scope of the UXO situation. In particular we need additional experts for our UXO Agency and funds to expand our local capacity. The second stage of the project will clear and destroy ERW from all contaminated areas.The implementation of Program ‘2’ is continuous we do not need assistance to run this program.
Program ‘3’ intends the establishment of a rehabilitation centre for victims of UXO in the area of …
Identifier of program / Main objective / Implemented by / Financed by / Start/End of project or expected duration of the project / Budget of project / Funding shortfall / Required resources / Usage of funds
1 / clear the target area and destruct the UXO / Country's own
UXO Agency / Host country / 5 years / USD 20 000 for the first stage. Second stage budget to be determined at a later stage / USD 10 000 / In-kind assistance (experts) and direct funds from the international community / co-operation with experts and capacity building for our UXO Agency
3 / To assist the reintegration of ERW victims / Host country and donor’s agency / Host country and donor / Start the project by December, 2007. Make the centre operational by December, 2009 / USD 20 million / USD 10 million / In-kind assistance (technical equipment) and direct funds / Establish rehabilitation centre for ERW victims in the city of …
[1]Pursuant to the above Decision the High Contracting Parties have agreed to establish a separate database on explosive remnants of war (hereinafter „ERW database”).