Pennard PrimarySchool

Ysgol Gynradd Pennard

Personal and Social Education


Pennard Primary School
Ysgol Gynradd Pennard

The United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is at the heart of

our school’s Planning, Policies, Practice and Ethos. As a Rights Respecting School we

not only teach about children’s rights but also model rights and respect in all


Our aspiration is that our values of the school guide the behaviour, actions and

relationships of all members of the school community.

Article 3: Everyone who works with children should always do

what is best for each child.

Article 12: The right to say what you think should happen and be listened to.

Article 19: The right not to be harmed and to be looked after and kept safe.

Article 29: The right to become the best that you can be.

Article 31:The right to play.

At Pennard Primary we recognise that:

  • Everyone has rights
  • Everyone has responsibilities

Aims, Values and Principles Statement

Our Mission Statement -

A supportive community with a focus on

life long learning

Our Values:




Mutual respect





Attitudes Learning

Positive Challenges

Confidence Self-reflection

Fairness Enjoyable

Mutual Support Experiential

Partnership Stimulating

Self Esteem Independent Learning

Lifelong Learning

Our Aims

1. To provide a safe, stimulating and challenging learning environment.

2. To inspire good moral conduct and a sense of responsibility.

3. To nurture everyone’s health and well-being.

4. To create independent and autonomous learners.

5. To make school a happy place to learn and play.

At Pennard Primary School it is our intention to create an environment where children and adults work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect, challenge and exploration. We believe that the child is central to the learning process and at the heart of all we do.

It is our aim to ensure we create – ‘A supportive community with a focus on lifelong learning’.

  1. A definition of Personal and Social Education

PSE comprises all that a school or college undertakes to support and promote the personal and social development and well-being of its learners.

“Each pupil should receive a broad and balanced curriculum which: promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society and prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life”.

(Section 352 – Education Act 1996)

“PSE enables children to develop a sense of self-worth and interact effectively with others. Learners are equipped to be more informed, confident and skilled in order to take an active and responsible part in society and enhance learning, motivation and achievement”.

(Welsh Assembly Government – Personal & Social Education Framework ‘08’)

PSE at Pennard Primary is an integral part of school life and permeates teaching and learning. Teaching methods throughout the school address inclusive methods and aspirations.

  1. Statutory Requirements

PSE is a statutory element within the basic curriculum for pupils aged 5 to 16. It is the responsibility of Pennard Primary to plan and deliver broad, balanced PSE provision to meet the specific needs of all learners.

This provision would include;

valuing all learners

promoting positive relationships and self esteem

effective co-ordination and staff training and support

good use of links with and involvement in the community

pastoral care, guidance and monitoring of progresses

opportunities for pupils to participate in decision making

extra curricular experiences such as school clubs, school council etc

positive behaviour approaches

planned PSE sessions, projects and courses

teaching and learning strategies which use interactive and experiential approaches

involvement in recognised national programmes

use of visitors and visits.

  1. Aims of PSE

PSE reflects the aims of the Foundation Framework and the PSE Framework for 7 to 19 year olds in Wales(2008) and specifically Pennard Primary aims to;

develop pupils’ self-esteem and a sense of personal responsibility

promote self-respect, respect for others and celebrate diversity

equip pupils to live safe, healthy lives

prepare pupils for the choices and opportunities of lifelong learning

empower pupils to participate in their schools and communities as active responsible citizens locally, nationally and globally

foster positive attitudes and behaviour towards the principles of sustainable development and global citizenship

prepare learners for the challenges, choices and responsibilities of work and adult life.

(Welsh Assembly Government – Personal &

Social Education Framework ‘08’)

4. Links with Other Policy Statements

Other policies refer to PSE-related issues and should be read in conjunction with this policy statement. These might include;

  • Home school Partnership
  • Food
  • Sex and Relationships Education
  • RE policy
  • Behaviour
  • Anti- Bullying
  • Child protection
  • Equal Opportunities

5.The Delivery of PSE

Addressing PSE in the Foundation Phase

Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity is at the heart of the foundation phase. Pupil’s skills are developed across all areas of learning through participating in experiential learning activities indoors and outdoors.

Motivation and commitment to learning is encouraged, as pupils begin to understand their own potential and capabilities. Pupils are supported in becoming confident, competent and independent thinkers and learners. They are encouraged to develop their self- esteem, their personal beliefs and moral values, and develop an understanding that others have differing needs, abilities, beliefs and views.

Positive attitudes are developed to enable pupils to become increasingly aware of, and appreciate the value of, the diversity of cultures and languages that exist in a multicultural Wales, as well as for enjoying and caring for their environment.

Addressing PSE at Key Stage 2

At key stage 2, Pupils build on the skills, attitudes and values, and knowledge and understanding they have started to acquire and develop during the Foundation Phase. The themes of PSE at key stage 2 are:

Active Citizenship

Health and Emotional Well-being

Moral & Spiritual Development

Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship

Preparing for Lifelong Learning

PSE offers learning opportunities and experiences which reflect the increased independence and physical and social awareness of pupils. Pupils need to be equipped with the skills to develop effective relationships, assume greater responsibility and keep themselves safe. PSE assists pupils to cope with the changes at puberty, introduces them to a wider world and enables them to make an active contribution to their communities.

(Welsh Assembly Government – Personal & Social Education Framework ‘09’)

Holistic PSE

  • Breakfast club/after school club
  • Fruit tuck shop
  • Water dispensers
  • Soap Dispensers
  • Salad bar at lunchtime
  • Healthy schools initiatives
  • Healthy lunch box initiatives
  • Snack/milk
  • Assembly/Collective Worship
  • Religious festivals/worship
  • Extra Curricular activities
  • Library/Swimming
  • Interim groups
  • Golden rules/golden time/golden leaf/golden table
  • Class Charters/Playground Charters
  • Rewards/praise/achievements
  • House teams
  • Outside agencies
  • Workshops; i.e. LAP/NAP/playgroup liaison
  • Community links
  • P4C
  • Circle time
  • Child led learning
  • Peer mediation, anti-bullying
  • Transition days
  • School Council/suggestion box
  • PACT (Pennard Active Children Together)
  • Eco club/committee/eco post
  • Safety squad
  • Recycling
  • Visits/visitors
  • Cwricwlwm Cymreig
  • Outdoors curriculum
  • Kerbcraft
  • Heartstart
  • Trim trail
  • Achievers/leavers assembly
  • Parental consultations
  • Reflection Diaries
  • Self evaluation/targets
  • AFL strategies
  • Staff training
  • Crucial crew
  • Safe routes to school/walking bus

6.The Management and Coordination of PSE

The PSE co-ordinator will;

  • Lead development of PSE in the school
  • Provide guidance to individual staff members
  • Regularly update staff on new resources
  • Monitor termly plans and key skills
  • Monitor, organise and order resources

7.The Content of PSE

PSE comprises the development of skills, the promotion of positive attitudes and values, and the acquisition of knowledge and understanding in accordance with the PSE framework.

We use a range of teaching and learning styles. We place an emphasis on active learning by including the children in discussion, investigation and evaluation. We demonstrate key skills of:

  • Communication
  • Problem Solving and Thinking Skills
  • ICT
  • Number
  • Working with Others
  • Spirituality
  • Curriculum Cymraeg
  • Improving own learning

The classroom teacher will also undertake the teaching of PSE with the support of the co-ordinator. This will be done using a variety of methods including circle time and discreet learning.

Curriculum Cymreig

PennardPrimary School recognises the need for pupils to explore their own cultural identity and inheritance. Learners should be given opportunities to develop and apply knowledge and understanding of the cultural, economic, environmental, historical and linguistic characteristics of Wales. Through PSE, learners develop an understanding of the nature of communities in Wales and the roles, relationships, conflicts and inequalities that affect the quality of life. Learners acquire the skills, values and knowledge that equips them to participate in decision making within their communities, locally, nationally and globally.

Learners are given opportunities to promote their health and emotional well-being and moral and spiritual development: to become active citizens and promote sustainable development and global citizenship: and to prepare for lifelong learning.


The LNF sets the skills we expect learners to develop. Within literacy we expect learners to become accomplished in:

  • oracy across the curriculum
  • reading across the curriculum
  • writing across the curriculum.

Within numeracy we expect learners to become accomplished in:

  • developing numerical reasoning
  • using number skills
  • using measuring skills
  • using data skills.

Teachers will be able to use the LNF to:

  • develop curriculum content to ensure that all learners have opportunities to develop and refine the skills set out in the LNF
  • integrate literacy and numeracy into their teaching – whatever the subject matter
  • inform discussions with parents/carers, learners and other teachers about learner performance
  • help learners with their own self-assessment activities and planning for learning
  • monitor, assess and report on individual learner performance
  • identify learners who may benefit from intervention or who are working beyond age-related expectations.
  1. Recognising Learner Achievement

PSE will be assessed in accordance with the school’s scheme of work and assessment policy. PSE targets are often used to inform pupil target setting and achievement supported and celebrated across the school. PSE teacher assessments are evidenced through a range of approaches including;

  • Foundation phase observations and assessments
  • Baseline assessments
  • End of year reports
  • SEN documentation - IEP and reviews
  • Reflection aspect of planning/ AFL
  • Questionnaires to parents and pupils
  • PSE scheme
  • Photos of activities/work/displays
  • Examples of work
  • Portfolio

Special Educational Needs and Inclusion

Many children have special educational needs at some time during their school life. The school meets the needs of pupils with special educational needs through careful planning and the effective use of differentiation strategies as outlined below. The provision made for individual pupils described in their Individual Education Plans (IEPs) ensures that learning objectives can be met through carefully selected activities which enable the child to make progress in small, achievable steps. Careful records are maintained for children who are identified as having special educational needs. These records form the basis for monitoring their achievements and keeping parents informed of their progress.

The school gives additional support to those pupils with mild / moderate learning difficulties as identified by the LEA’s annual reading survey. This is done through individual or small group support led by a teacher or Teaching Assistant. The school also identifies specific pupils to support during Interim Group activities in order to extend the middle (and moving into the upper) quartile group of children in each class.

Equal Opportunities

Pupils are actively encouraged to participate fully in all activities, irrespective of race or gender. Please refer to Equal Opportunities Policy.

More Able and Talented Pupils

The term 'more able and talented' encompasses pupils who are more able across the curriculum, as well as those who show talent in one or more specific areas. The identification of more able and talented pupils is linked to context and in every school there will be a group of pupils who require extended educational opportunities, regardless of how they compare to more able and talented pupils in other schools.

For more able and talented learners working at significantly higher levels, greater challenge should be incorporated by using material in ways that extend breadth and depth of study and opportunities for independent learning. The level of demand may also be increased through the development and application of Thinking, Communication, Number, and Information Communication Technology (ICT) Skills across the curriculum. More able and talented' pupils require opportunities for enrichment and extension that go beyond those provided for the general cohort of pupils.

More able pupils should be given extended opportunities, to not only discover but also develop their talents.

At PennardPrimary School we aim to develop an inclusive and supportive ethos and meet the needs of all pupils, regardless of emotional, social, linguistic, cultural, physical or intellectual differences. All pupils must be allowed to discover their potential through a curriculum of opportunity. All abilities and talents can then be nurtured through an enriched curriculum and extended learning experiences.Opportunities to further extend the learning of exceptionally able pupils will be detailed on an Individual Action Plan.

It is our aim and objective that by providing for the more able pupils we will be ensuring that they have the experiences that they require to match their needs.


Differentiation is the planning and organisation of work to ensure that individual pupil’s learning needs are met through the provision of purposeful and challenging learning experiences. In order to effectively meet the needs of all children, the teacher will need to work closely with the SENCo and take into account pupils’ IEPs when planning learning activities. Teachers will ensure that resources are provided to support differentiated work. They will make use of the strategies by which differentiation is achieved. For example, differentiation through:

  • Task
  • Outcome
  • Individual / small group
  • Time differentiation
  • Expectation

Pupils with English as an Additional Language

The school has adopted the LEAs policy for supporting pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL). Pupils with EAL have access to additional support from specialist teachers who work closely with the class teachers, planning and delivering the curriculum. The school also has access to a team of bi-lingual support workers who provide individual support to pupils in their home language, when required to do so.

  1. Monitoring and Evaluation

The PSE co-ordinator will be responsible for monitoring the standards of pupils learning and the quality of provision. The co-ordinator will support colleagues in the provision of PSE by;

  • Looking at planning of teachers including links with other subjects
  • Questioning pupils
  • Looking at evidence collated by the class teacher via

- Displays

- Portfolios

- Observations

- Questionnaires

- Assemblies

  • Audits of resources/wish lists of teachers

In addition the PSE co-ordinator will inform colleagues about current developments in the subject and will provide training, examine the suitability of resources and highlight and encourage the sharing of effective practice. This may be achieved through

  • Courses
  • Inset (school based)
  • Support from LEA
  • Visiting schools/BAECE meetings
  • Bursary
  • Whole school training
  • Audit Sow and resources
  • Police Liaison
  • Crucial Crew
  • Healthy schools
  • PSE Coordinator keeping a bank of resources to deal with sensitive issues

10.Arrangements for reviewing the policy

This policy will be reviewed and updated regularly by the coordinator in consultation with colleagues.

Staff Signature______

Governor Signature______

Pupil Signature______

Parent Signature______


September 2014