NAADA Board of Directors, 2013-14 Work Plan by Program Area Priorities--XXX



2013-14 Work Plan by Program Area Priorities

Purpose: To ensure that the expectations and needs of current members are met; identify and facilitate the
recruitment of new members; and engage members so as to develop new leaders and provide opportunities for
networking and interaction with colleagues.
Education Committee
Chair: Jamie Lucero / Provide professional development through an annual conference offering sessions for alumni, development, student, and communications professionals and alumni volunteers. / Activities: In cooperation with the Conference Planning Committee, coordinate speakers and sessions. Manage speaker budget. Invest in an outside vendor to provide workshops related to communication tactics in all areas of advancement. Investigate the possibility of an Advancement Think Tank Session.
Status: Twenty four educational sessions are scheduled for the conference in addition to sessions for track networking and beg, borrow, and steal. For a fee, Poynter Institute will provide three of the sessions. The Advancement Think Tank will address issues impacting our professions, our institutions, and NAADA. Many sessions cross tracks. Development tracks address newcomers and seasoned professionals. PSU planning chairs are ordering university-themed gifts for speakers.
Outreach Education Committee
Chair: Lisa Cox / In support of member professional development, provide five Virtual Coffee Breaks per year focusing on all professional areas of NAADA—alumni, development, student professionals, communications, and volunteers. Record and/or post Powerpoint presentation and notes on NAADA web site. / Activities: Solicit ideas for topics from the membership—possible ideas may come from membership survey. Develop a schedule of topics and work with staff to publicize to the membership. Follow up to be certain coffee break is posted to NAADA web site. Explore the possibility recording VCBs and posting on the Knowledge Center.
Status: We just completed our pre-conference VCB with tips & information to first time attendees on how to get the most out of their experience. About 10 new members participated. This should be set as a yearly VCB, pre-conference, and if it’s marketed earlier to new attendees, I think we could have more participate. The next VCB will most likely be about alumni & student international travel. This will be scheduled for late summer, early fall and will be the one we record. Need additional ideas on desired topics for additional VCB’s.
Education Committee / Coordinate and schedule topic(s) and speaker(s) for pre and/or post conference sessions. / Activities: Working together, investigate possible topics and speakers. Follow through on speaker arrangements within speaker budget.
Status: Conference planning committee selected and scheduled pre-conference session. Development 101 program was planned by another committee.
Membership Committee
Chair: Joe Leisz / Provide mentors to conference newcomers through the NAADA Buddies program. / Activities: Recruit mentors, publicize program to newcomers (in the conference program registration), and provide orientation session at conference. Follow up with newcomers after the conference through buddies to continue to engage them in NAADA. Shorten orientation program and provide short, one page info sheet on NAADA.
Status: 53 1st-Timers self-identified on their registration forms and were paired with Buddies for the NAADA Conference. Buddies were encouraged to contact their 1st-Timers via e-mail, and 1st-Timers were sent a quick ‘Welcome to NAADA’ e-mail. The orientation program was re-designed to include an intro of board members, brief 15 minute power point overview, 15 minutes of ‘get to know you’ time with the paired partners, and 15 minutes of ‘report-outs’ to small groups centered on the individual tracks
Student Programs
Chair: Jill Tyson / Engage members connected to student programs to utilize the resources available through NAADA. / Activities: Serve as a consultant for the student professionals track rep to develop programming for those connected to student programs. Serve as a consultant for the membership chair to help increase membership in student program areas. (Suggestion to contact a new member in all tracks to be sure we are engaging the new members ways they feel are beneficial.)
Plan a social at the conference for those who identify as part of the student programs areas to learn more about NAADA and how to stay connected year-round.
Status: A HaSPy Hour Social is planned for Tuesday, June 17th to be held in conjunction with the conference for those in the student professionals track. It will be from 9:00-11:30 at the Allen Street Grille.
Student Professionals Track Rep / Expand engagement to all areas of the Student Professionals track (recruitment, career development and advising, donor stewardship, etc.) / Activities: When scheduling conference sessions, address all areas.
Executive Committee / Continually engage past presidents in NAADA to maintain that important network and contributions. / Activities: Coordinate annual luncheon, regularly make contact (phone or email) with past presidents to solicit their ideas and feedback regarding future NAADA direction and programming.
Status: Invitations were sent after conference registration launched, 8 people to attend the luncheon.
Executive Committee / Investigate the possibility of partnering with other organizations to provide additional benefits to NAADA members (e.g., BoardSource, ACE, etc.) / Activities: Continue to reach out to BoardSource, ACE, etc. and evaluate value of partnership.
Status: Sent ACE seminar with Porter Gale to members through the track listservs on February 24. Reached out to Becky Koch and will be sharing VCB information in the future with ACE as appropriate.
Development 101 Program Task Force / Investigate, create and implement at least one revenue generating program/project either in connection with annual conference or through a regional event throughout the year. / Activities: Brainstorm ideas among committee members for revenue generating webinars, regional trainings or other professional development opportunities.
Status: A course called “Completing the Puzzle: A development newcomers guide to mapping out your future success in fundraising ” will be offered from 9-3 on Monday at the Conference for $175. The course will feature the following 10 speakers with 45 minutes per session. 11 people registered for the first session.
Membership Committee / Develop and nurture relationship with new members. / Activities: Highlight new members in newsletter. Promote benefits of membership on web site. Reach out to new members with 5 Top Benefits of membership (by track).
Status: Welcome calls were made to two new members and they were featured in the newsletter.
Purpose: To promote the value and opportunities of the organization to various stakeholders including current
members, prospective members, College administrators, sponsors, and the general public.
Marketing/Communications Committee
Chair: Jason Hedrick
Staff / Publish monthly online newsletters with at least three articles that provide an update on the organization’s activities/accomplishments and at least one article that serves as a resource and/or learning opportunity for members. Investigate possibility of developing and publishing more scholarly pieces in the newsletter. / Activities: Work with other committees and board members to develop an editorial calendar; solicit and compile articles for each newsletter; send newsletter by the 15th of every month; ensure newsletters are archived on website.
Status: Have developed a calendar system so that each board member can providea post in regards to his/her content area. This will keep communication fresh, timely, and consistent. A proposal will be shared at spring board meeting.
iCenter Advisory Group
Chair: Julie Obermayer / Continue marketing efforts with posters, press releases, post cards, and other communication pieces. / Activities: Work with staff to produce and distribute within constraints of budget.
Marketing/Communications Committee
/ Continually ensure website content is up-to-date, comprehensive, and organized in a manner that allows visitors to easily navigate and find what they need. / Activities: Work with other committees and board members to ensure all relevant materials are included on the website (virtual coffee break summaries, new information added to the Knowledge Center, resources from past conferences, etc); develop content for homepage in collaboration with other committees.
Membership Committee
Annual Host Conference Committee
/ Conduct one conference survey every year and one membership survey every other year, reviewing results and incorporating suggestions for improvements into annual planning process. / Activities: Work with past surveys, update, and send to membership via Survey Monkey. Hold a conference call to discuss survey results, note important suggestions to incorporate into the annual planning process.
Status: Membership Survey Scheduled for 2014-15 and conference evaluation is ready to send after the conference.
Knowledge Center Task Force or Outreach Committee / Create Task Force to develop process to review, maintain and market Knowledge Center on website. / Activities: Recruit members for task force. Task force will report to Executive Committee and board regarding process.
Status: Jillian will work on this as Past President.
Marketing/Communications Committee
/ Promote membership and engage members through listservs and social media beginning with Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, in addition to face to face meetings and phone contacts. Engage board members to help with posts and tweets. / Activities: Work with Outreach Education Committee, Membership Committee and Track Representatives to organize and implement coordinated communication plan.
Executive Committee / Annually report to the membership on NAADA's accomplishments. / Activities: Develop report of year’s highlights. Distribute message at Annual Business Meeting (in writing and from President). Also include in online newsletter and email to each member from President.
Status: 2013-14 Annual Report will be included in the conference folders and will be presented at the annual conference. Reports available here:
Purpose: To initiate and organize revenue generating activities, ensure long-term financial stability and provide
fiduciary guidance.
Membership Committee / Collect 100 percent membership renewals for 2013-2014 and gain one new organizational member. / Activities: Work with Staff to collect membership dues. Follow up with non-renewals via telephone.
Status: Membership Committee last met on February 14 and divided up the list of non-renewed members to contact. Nearly all non-renews requested an invoice for payment or the check was being processed. Follow-ups showed interest in renewing and verbal/e-mail commitments from all members, but as of June 1 two organizations (FFA, AFB) had not sent in their dues. Two new members joined and we exceeded budget expectations. Additionally, the committee contacted some 14 past member institutions and encouraged them to re-join NAADA. One did.
Finance/Sponsorship Committee
Chair: Nelson Loftus / Increase conference sponsorship level to
Institutional Sponsors
$5,000 Penn State University Ag Alumni Society
$2,500 Penn State Alumni Association
$2,500 Penn State Office of University Development
$1,000 University of Kentucky
$1,000 University of Georgia
$1,000 Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
$1,000 University of Minnesota
$1,000 Virginia Tech
$1,000 North Carolina State University
$1,000 Texas A&M University
$1,000 The Ohio State University
$500 Cornell University
$18,500 Total Institutional / Activities: Work with Staff, Conference Planning Committee and the Board to identify leads and approach potential sponsors, using other board members and their contacts. Consider alumni boards as NAADA sponsors. Report progress towards goal in newsletter and recognize alumni boards that have contributed.
Current Corporate sponsors include:
$7,500 CHS Foundation
$2,500 BASF
$1,000 Dow AgriSciences
$1,000 Angus Foundation
$1,000 AmericanHort
$1,000 Bayer CropScience
$1,000 Monsanto Company
$1,000 Land O' Lakes
$1,000 Explorations by Thor
$1,000 Agriculture Future of America (AFA)
$500 Voyager Trips
In-Kind Amanda Hills Water
$18,500 Total Corporate
$37,000 Grand Total
Finance/Sponsorship Committee / Update sponsorship brochure and review levels of giving. Work with Staff to distribute to board members to assist in securing sponsors. / Activities: Work with Staff and committee to review and make necessary changes to brochure and distribute.
Status: Scheduled Board Conference Call on Sponsorship on December 4. Brochure updated in fall with color scheme for 2014 conference. Sponsorship levels revised to include 2 registrations at Silver Level.
Finance/Sponsorship Committee / Maintain ongoing relationship with conference sponsors to steward future gifts and support. / Activities: Implement the NAADA stewardship plan.
Status: Emails were sent to all sponsors with reminder information in advance of the conference. Several sponsors will be sending representatives to the conference and Board support is requested to help them meet with their targeted audiences.
Land O Lakes – Student Professionals
Explorations by Thor – Alumni Professionals
Finance/Sponsorship Committee
iCenter Advisory Group / Establish process for identify and approaching potential iCenter sponsorships. / Activities: Work with Staff and Board to identify leads and approach potential sponsors, using other board members and their contacts.
iCenter Advisory Group / Increase the number of job postings by National Companies and the number of our NAADA members and students using the iCenter. / Activities: Continue articles in NAADA newsletter. Send main career center contacts from our member institutions information on iCenter. Offer Virtual Coffee Break on how to use iCenter to career service centers and/or employers. Present on iCenter at National FFA during collegiate activities at national convention. “Ask Me” about NAADA and iCenter flyers for our collegiate booths. Request HR rep contact info on sponsorship brochure. Send iCenter flyer to entire NAADA listserv for use at career fairs, mentoring programs, etc.
Executive Committee / Increase the number of donations to the endowments and restricted funds (Legacy Fund, McSwain Endowment and Jane Longley-Cook Endowment). / Activities: Evaluate current publicity materials for the fund and develop a renewed effort to reach members on the importance of giving to this fund. Promotion of Legacy Fund donation in honor of NAADA awardees in the printed Awards Program. Inclusion of promo on all funds and endowments in the annual conference printed program.
Status: Information for each of the endowments will be distributed at the annual meeting and contributions will be requested at that time.
Purpose: To ensure active participation and service to the organization from its membership that is beneficial to NAADA and
Nominations Committee
Chair: Mary Buschette / Continue formalized the nominations for board and committee positions. / Activities: Update online survey of NAADA membership to gather nominations for open board and committee positions. Present Action Item to board with slate of candidates for open board and committee positions for approval. Publicize call for nominations on social media and web.