A Christmas Story

  • WHEN do we move into the theater?We start Load-In at8 AM on Monday,November 6, 2017.
  • WHERE is the theater?500 Castro Street in downtown Mountain View, on the corner of Mercy and Castro. Enter through the stage door in the free parking lot on Mercy Street.
  • HOW do we enter the building?. This may be used for the theater door in the garage. Please enter the theater through the door in the garage for all tech rehearsals and performances. Please park in the underground garage and enter through the recessed door that is closest to the garage driveway (only use the lobby entrance when you are seeing a performance). Once through the door, proceed up the stairs/elevator to the 1st floor. There will be someone there to greet you and tell you where to go next.
  • To enter The Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts, please park in the underground parking garage; the entrance is on Mercy Street between Castro and Bryant. The recessed door into the performing arts center is close to where you enter in your car. The door code is 41212#. Once inside, please close the door behind you, to ensure the safety of all children, and then proceed up the stairs/elevator to the 1st floor. There will be someone there to greet you and tell you where to go next. Please have your child enter the theatre only from the underground garage, not any of the exterior street-level or back/side entrances; only use the lobby entrance when attending a performance. Please do not stop in the underground lot in front of the entrance door - this causes cars to back up, and is dangerous. Please do not walk up or down the garage ramp, as it is closed to pedestrians and this is dangerous as well
  • WHO needs to come on Monday night?ALL new families (at least one parent) should attend Monday night. There will be a tour of the theatre, a discussion of what to expect during tech week and the performance run, and a makeup demo. Returning families are welcome to attend.
  • WHO needs to come on Tuesday night?ALL cast members with at least one parent, and ALL volunteers who are working on a committee at the theater need to attend.The Gypsy Robe Award presentation will begin promptly at 5:00 PM. The safety talkwill follow directly after the Gypsy Robe presentation. Individual committee meetings will follow.
  • WHEN should you bring your costumes?Bring your costumes on Tues night of tech and put them in your assigned dressing room when you arrive. If you share a costume, either you or your double will be assigned during check out to bring it over to the theater.
  • WHAT should you wear under your clothes/costumes:You must wear undergarments: undershirts and bike shorts for boys, and nude colored leotards or undershirts and bike shortsfor girls.
  • WHAT do you need to do if you wear a microphone:A list of individuals who wear microphones will be posted on the callboard at the theater. If you are on that list, check the schedule next to the list to see when you are supposed to pick up and return your microphone. Make sure to be at the mic room wearing your undershirt and shorts or leotard under your costume.
  • WHEN are the committee meetings: Committee meeting will begin at 6:00 PMon TUESDAYnight, and will probably last around 30 minutes. Actors are called until 10PM
  • Costumes (Costume Shop- 2nd Floor)
  • Cueing (Back Hallway)
  • Follow Spot (Back of House)
  • Makeup & Hair (Green Room)
  • Microphone and Sound (Sound Board)
  • Props (Mic Room)
  • Tech Dinners (Green Room)

See over for more information…


  • Please remember that once you sign in at the theater you can not leave until the show is over (even if you are over the age of 18).
  • Parents and other family members (including siblings) are NOT allowed backstage during Call Time, Intermission OR any other time during Performances. Only volunteers working backstage are allowed.
  • Do not bring electronics (iPod’s, cell phones, video game systems, etc).Books and laptops may be used for homework. The cast member must assume responsibility for all items brought to the theater and may not leave personal items in the care of parent volunteers, staff members, or other cast members. This privilege will be revoked if it is abused or if it interferes with the rehearsal process in any way.
  • Cast and committee members working at the theatermust wear closed-toe shoes in the theater at all times.
  • All committee members working at the theater need to wear black clothing.
  • All cast members and committee members working at the theaterneed to sign in every day (sign-in sheets will be on the bulletin board in the back hallway) and check the Call Board for notes.
  • All committee members need to wear a badge while working.
  • Label all costumes and accessories, including makeup and hair supplies.
  • All cast members must show up with their hair and make-up done. The make-up committee is only there for touch up and emergencies.
  • Cast members are responsible for keeping the bathrooms and dressing room areas picked up. Use the wastebaskets and put your costumes back on costume rack. Put your water bottles in the recycling bins or take them home.
  • Food, soda and gum are not allowed in the dressing rooms or in the house. Only water is allowed. Cast members cannot eat or drink (except water) in their costumes. Please bring a large, button-down shirt to wear over your costume during the tech week dinner breaks, which will be held in the Green Room.
  • All costume pieces must remain in the theater. They may not be taken home for any reason.
  • All hand-held props and costume pieces are to be put back in their designated places. Cast members cannot take any of these items home.
  • Cast members must treat the theater and all of the items within it with the utmost respect. Defacing walls, mirrors, furniture or anything else within the theater is not permitted and will result in significant consequences.
  • Only the technical crew, and those people who have been cued to be on stage, belong in the wings.
  • Final dress rehearsals are closed. Only the cast and crew are allowed in the theater.
  • Cast members are not allowed to wait in the lobby or the parking garage or outside the building for their ride. They need to be picked up ON TIME in the back hallway by using the garage entrance. CAST MEMBERS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE VIA THE LOBBY ENTRANCE. PLEASE GO TO THE BACKSTAGE HALLWAY BY WAY OF THE GARAGE ENTRANCE TO PICK THEM UP. Please allow for an additional 30 minutes after performances so that cast members can greet their guests, and remove their costumes and makeup.