Pegasus Business Meeting November 14, 2012

Members Present: Doug Harnish, Shane Spickler, Chris Jackson, Eddie Miller, Joseph Ott, Bill Block, Don Freeman, Tobey Hook, Rick Marquiss, Brad Davy, John Mainville, Bill Bowen, Leo Hornbaker, Bill Kalb, Daniel Bradshaw, Mike Lutz, Mark Gaylor, Tom Middlekauff, Mike Frey, Tyler Bradshaw, Dennis King, Paul Mummert, Phil Mummert, Tyler Bradshaw, Ricky Brake, Jared Brake, Roger Mercier

  • Meeting begins at 7:30
  • President Doug Harnish opens
  • Moment of silence in honor of George Massie
  • Minutes were read and approved from the February 15, 2012 meeting
  • Treasurer’s Report:
  • Currently have 89 paid members compared to 91 in 2011
  • $1900 in the account (this does not include the deposit from the bulk fuel sale, approximately $700).
  • Essentially broke even financially for 2012
  • $3100 to mow the field, slightly less than 2011.
  • If anyone else wants itemized list Rick can get it to them.
  • Doug talked about Membership dues and would like continue with $50 per member. In an effort to bring in more revenue, we will begin to hold some more organized activities to increase members by at least 10.
  • Gate deteriorating and in need of replacement. New gate will cost about $100. John Maineville offered to pay up $100 of the cost of the gate if someone installs.
  • Events for 2013
  • January 1st Polar Bear event Chili Cookoff.
  • IMAC competition May 4th & 5th.
  • Organized by Fredrick Model Airplane Club, hosted by Pegasus
  • Spring work day Mid March exact date to be determined at a later date.
  • Flight For Cancer Fundraiser, June 15, 2012
  • Shrimp Feed in September, need to find a way not to use club funds.
  • Indoor Flying Event, Mike Frey checking into another location to fly indoor. $5 to fly suggested and donate to cancer fund.
  • The stones under the flight line tables are creating a hazard with respect to the lawn mowing, both to the equipment and personnel. The stones have migrated out from under the tables and are in the pit area. Solution: rake them up and move them to driveway. Eddie Miller and Shane Spickler have volunteered to do this. The suggestion that wheels be added to 2 of the legs of the tables to make them easy to move will be explored.
  • Many members have gotten away from the habit of getting a frequency pin when flying on 2.4GHz. We would like to see members either put their card in impound area, or have it on display (hat, shirt, etc).
  • Daniel Bradshaw suggested plaques to honor Mr. Hook and George Massey. Rick Marquiss suggested pot luck and donate $5 and money goes toward plaques.
  • Club sign along Old Forge Road is readable but faded, but do we have desire to clean it up?
  • George Massey; items for sale; drill press, ban saw, grinder, scroll saw, etc. Anyone interested can get cheap, money will help take care of final expenses. Interested let Doug know? Friday morning, brief ceremony at the field 9AM.
  • Nominate officers for 2013; open floor for nominations for president Joseph Ott nominated Doug Harnish, Bill Block second. Rick Marquiss nominated Dennis King for VP, Mark Gaylor second. Don Freeman nominated Eddie Miller for VP, Eddie declined. Treasurer, Rick Marquiss nominated by Daniel Bradshaw. Greg Barullo, from HarrisburgPA, nominated for Secretary Rick Marquiss read bio from Greg. Doug Harnish motioned, Daniel Bradshaw second. Safety Officer Mike Frey nominated by Daniel Bradshaw. Events Coordinater Chris Jackson nominated by Doug Harnish.
  • Greg Brulo will also take on some responsibilities for the website
  • Dennis King will be sending out much of the club e-mails
  • Meeting adjurned 8:06pm