Application for the

Outstanding Student Scholarly and Creative Activities Award


The Outstanding Student Scholarly and Creative Activities Awards recognize excellence in student participation in research or creative activities. The award is presented to one undergraduate and graduate student per college who are working independently on a research project or creative activity, or collaboratively with a faculty member. All current CSUF students are eligible. Faculty must nominate students and may nominate students outside of their own college. But all students, no matter who nominates them, are considered in relation to students in their college (not the college of the nominating faculty member, if different from the student’s). Faculty, to nominate more than one student, please submit separate applications.

Student Information

Name: Email Address:

College: Department:

Graduate (MS/MA or Doctorate)

Undergraduate (1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year)

(Please bold selection. Indicate class standing for the period when the student worked on the project.)

Faculty Mentor/Advisor Information

(For co-mentors, please include all mentors’ information.)

Name: Email Address:

College: Department:

(A) Provide a 250-word description of the student’s research/creative activity. Begin with a brief overview of the project, including the significance of the project to the discipline/community, and then clearly describe the student’s role(s), responsibilities, and contribution to the project.

(B) Provide a 150-word bio of the student. Include the student’s scholarly interest(s), current project(s), and honors or awards.

(C) List the student’s participation in the following:

a. Presentations/Performances/Exhibits

b. Publications

c. Work Experience

Save this application as: Student’s Last Name SCAR Award 2016 in a Word doc or pdf file. Send to (Subject Line: Student’s Last Name Student Award Nomination 2016) by 5:00 pm, Monday, March 7th, 2016.

For more information, please email Terri Patchen () or Nathalie Carrick (), Student Creative Activities and Research (SCAR) Faculty Fellows.