First-Round applications are due Monday, January 25th at 11:59 PM to . After sending in your application please sign up for an interview slot outside of Dean Martinez’s office (Stokes 111c) that will be made available Wednesday, January 27th at 10 AM. Please sign up by Thursday, January 28th at 5 PM. Please save the document as either a word or PDF document with both of your names in the title and PAFapp. (i.e. Nguyen_NguyenPAFapp.docx or Nguyen_NguyenPAFapp.pdf)

Please abide by the word count!

Names and class-years

Answer Separately: (200 word limit)

1.  Describe your partner and why they would be a good PAF. What qualities do you have that will complement your pairing? What is one possible concern you have with working with your partner and how would you address that?

2.  What are your own strengths and weaknesses and how would they pertain to

being a PAF?

3.  Why do you want to be a PAF? What does it mean to you?

Answer Together: (350 word limit)

4.  Pick a current event and describe how you would incorporate it into a PAF session. What questions would you ask? How would you make the session more enjoyable?

5.  If your pair could pick a third person to be PAFs with, who would it be and why?

6.  How would you explain the importance of the PAF program to someone who has never heard of it? Why is the PAF program structured the way it is?

7.  Pick a song that the committee can listen to on repeat FOR HOURS on end!

8.  Please submit a photo of your pair! We love creativity but we would love to be able to see your faces more!

9.  Please also submit a peer recommendation. The peer recommenders should attest to how your pair works together and the strengths and weaknesses of the pairing. If you are currently a part of the customs program, we encourage you to pick a first-year to be your recommender to speak to how you work as a current or past customs team member, though this is not required. There is no required structure to this recommendation, but we ask that the recommender keep it to a 1 page single-spaced letter. Please have the recommender email it to us at separately. If you or they have any questions, please email us at the PAF email and we’ll be happy to help!

10.  Please have a creative project ready to show the committee during the time of your interview (5 minute tops!). The creative project should serve as a way for your pair to show the committee your pair’s personality and a way for us to get to know you better BUT it should also show an engagement that your pair has to being a PAF and the topics that you might engage with your future first-years. Creative projects can be pretty much anything! Such as: online forums, Tumblr pages, videos, board games, songs, poems, etc.!