gEORGIa depARTMENT of education (GADOE)

Office of Technology Services - Technology Management

FY2012 Student Record Data Collection
Data File Layout - Student Level

Document Revision Updates










Initial layout





Edit updates





Edit Updates



EIP Subject Code


New edit



Student ID/GTID


New edits





Formatting changes





Additional comments for Student ID edits E061, E059.



Filler at end of layout


Correction of filler size from 1 to 3



EIP Subject Code


Removed E335 for FY2012.

Georgia Department of Education

Dr. John D. Barge, State Superintendent of Schools

January 05, 2012- Page 1 of 28

All Rights Reserved.

Georgia Department of Education

Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent

April 3, 2012 - Page 1 of 28

All data elements have been defined.

Additional edits may be added.



Student Level Record Layout (C01)

Student-level data elements - Information maintained at each school for each student enrolled in the school at any time during the 2011-2012 school year. These data include demographic, enrollment, and program participation information.

For each school, one student-level record must be submitted for each student that has been enrolled in the 2011-2012school year. One record must be submitted for each student regardless of whether the student is active or inactive at the end of the school year. No-Show students are not reported.

Student Level Record Layout (C01)
ID / Layout
ID / Element / Field Type / Format / Length / Starting Position / Ending Position / Description / Edits / Edit
STU001 / C001 / FISCAL YEAR / A / yyyy / 4 / 1 / 4 / Fiscal year of record. / yyyy is complete year.
‘2012’ is the value for this current fiscal year. / E010
STU002 / C002 / PERIOD / A / x / 1 / 5 / 5 / Reporting period of record. / Always equal to ‘1’. / E021
STU003 / C003 / SYSTEM CODE / A / xxx / 3 / 6 / 8 / School System Code. / Must be an active SYSTEM CODEin the Facilities Database in the range 601-799. / E040
STU004 / C004 / SCHOOL CODE / A / xxxx / 4 / 9 / 12 / Number that identifies a school within a system. / SCHOOL CODEis missing or not valid for this system. Refer to the Facilities Database. / E050
Duplicate SCHOOL CODE reported. / E046
All schools that reported FTE for this school year must also report students in Student Record. / E056
STU005 / C005 / STUDENT ID / N / nnnnnnnnn / 9 / 13 / 21 / Student’s Social Security Number or a state-approved Social Security-like number.
  • STUDENT ID is a unique identifier for each student reported in any Georgia public school system
  • From each school, a student should have only 1 student record:
    active or inactive.
  • A student may have multiple records in a system if the student had been enrolled at different schools at different times.
/ The STUDENT ID submitted does not match the STUDENT IDin GTID. Make updates in GTID before re-validating. If not same student, contact GTID Admin by dticket.
The STUDENT ID submitted,for this withdrawn student, does not match the STUDENT ID in GTID. Make updates in GTID before re-validating. If not same student, contact GTID Admin by dticket. / E043
STUDENT ID not valid. ID cannot be all one number or an invalid series.
(Ex: 111111111, 123456789, etc.) / E059
Must be 9-digit number. Leading ‘000’not allowed. / E061
Each student should have only 1 student record reported at a given school. No duplicate STUDENT ID’s are allowed in the school. To resolve this error, remove duplicate(s) from the extract file and re-upload the file in Student Record. / E063
File has more than 10 records with null, blanks, or '0' in STUDENT ID field. Please correct file and resubmit. / E058
If students are reported at a school, school level data must be reported for that school. / E051
All students in the 12th grade generally should have at least 4 course records reported. / W903
All students reported as active in FTE-1 or FTE-3 must be reported in the Student Record Data Collection. See SR071 FTE/SR Exceptions Report for a list of students reported in FTE but not in Student Record. / E057
STUDENT ID is being reported in another system in the state with a different GENDER code. / W2572
STUDENT ID is being reported in another system in the state with a different age. / W2574
Active student has same name but different STUDENT IDin more than one school. / W2675
All active full-time regular education students in grades 06-12 must report at least four courses. / E902
All race indicators cannot equal N / E292
No Address Record exists for this student. / W3030
Issue error when Student ID reported by district has more than one GTID reported in the state. Include all active and withdrawn students. Both (or all) districts reporting the same Student ID should get the error. / STUDENT IDchanged between FTE 1 and SR. Enter old STUDENT IDin PREVIOUS STUDENT IDfield.
More than one GTID has been reported for this STUDENT IDduring this fiscal year. See reportSR064for details and more information. / E165
STU006 / C006 / RECORD TYPE / A / xxx / 3 / 22 / 24 / Identifies record layout. / Equals ‘C01’ for Student Level Record Layout. / E820
STU007 / C007 / GENDER / A / x / 1 / 25 / 25 / Identifies the student’s gender. / Must equal one of the following codes: / E200
‘F’ / Female
‘M’ / Male
Active Student was reported with a different GENDERwithin the school system. / E2571
Withdrawn student was reported with a different GENDERin another school system within the state. / W2594
Filler / Filler / Filler
(formerly Race/
Ethnicity) / 1 / 26 / 26 / Filler / Filler / Filler
STU009 / C009 / BIRTH DATE / D / yyyymmdd / 8 / 27 / 34 / Date of student’s birth. / yyyy is complete year (19yy), mm is month (01-12), dd is day (01-31). / E541
DATE OF BIRTHmust not be blanks or zeros, and must be in MMDDYY format. / E542
Cannot show general education student is younger than 4 years old as of September 1 or special education student younger than 2 as of September 1. General education student cannot be older than 5 if GRADE LEVEL is PK or UK. / E546
Student must be 5 if GRADE LEVELis U1. / E5431
Age is 4 and GRADE LEVELis not PK or UK. / W5492
Active student’s age is above/below age range for this GRADE LEVEL. Please verify BIRTH DATE. / E549
Age cannot be greater than or equal to 23 as of September 1, 2010. / E2521
Student was reported with a different BIRTH DATE within the school system. / E2573
Withdrawn student was reported with a different DATE OF BIRTHin the state. / W2595
STU010 / C010 / SCHOOL SYSTEM OF RESIDENCE / A / xxx / 3 / 35 / 37 / Code for the Georgia system where the student resides while attending public school.
  • Use code of ‘800’ if the student is a non-resident of the State of Georgia.
/ Must be an active SYSTEM CODEin the Facilities Database in the range of 601-799, equal to ‘800’ (non-resident). ‘801’ is a valid value only for International Exchange Students.
See Data Element Detail for valid codes.
SCHOOL SYSTEM OF RESIDENCE= ‘801’ in FTE Cycle 1 but does not = ‘801’ in Student Record.
SCHOOL SYSTEM OF RESIDENCE= ‘801’ in Student Record but does not = ‘801’ in FTE Cycle 1. / E095
STU011 / C011 / COUNTY OF RESIDENCE / A / xxx / 3 / 38 / 40 / Code for the Georgia county the student resides in while attending public school.
  • Use code of ‘800’ if the student is non-resident of the State of Georgia
  • City system codes are not valid.
/ Must be an active SYSTEM CODEin the Facilities Database in the range of 601-759, equal to ‘800’ (non-resident)
See Data Element Detail for valid codes.
STU012 / C012 / PLACE OF BIRTH / A / xxxx / 4 / 41 / 44 / This is the country of birth. / PLACE OF BIRTHmust be one of the valid codes 0010 – 2460, or 9999. Blanks are not allowed.
SCHOOL SYSTEM OF RESIDENCE = ‘801', PLACE OF BIRTH cannot = ‘U.S.’ or ‘Puerto Rico’.
STU013 / C013 / DATE OF ENTRY TO U.S. SCHOOL / D / yyyymmdd / 8 / 45 / 52 / The date of entry to a United States school, if student ‘s country of birth is not the U.S. / If PLACE OF BIRTH is not U.S. or Puerto Rico, then DATE OF ENTRY TO U.S. SCHOOL is required. Date must be in yyyymmdd format.
Date must be on or after student’s Date of Birth.
yyyy cannot be greater than current fiscal year.
DATE OF ENTRY TO U.S. SCHOOL must be on or before current School Entry Date.
DATE OF ENTRY TO U.S. SCHOOL was reported, but is not required when PLACE OF BIRTH is U.S. or Puerto Rico.
Filler / Filler / Filler / 2 / 53 / 54 / Filler / No edits. / N/A
STU014 / C014 / RETAINED / A / x / 1 / 55 / 55 / Identifies whether the student was retained in the same GRADE LEVEL at the end of the school year.
Withdrawn students cannot be retained. / Must equal one of the following codes: / E211
‘Y’ / Yes, the student wasRETAINED in the same grade level at the end of the school year.
‘N’ / No, the student was not RETAINED in the same grade level at the end of the school year, but was promoted to the next grade level.
RETAINEDcannot be ‘Y’ if WITHDRAWAL CODE is entered.
See Data Element Detail.
STU015 / C015 / DATE ENTERED THE 9TH GRADE / D / yyyymmdd / 8 / 56 / 63 / Date the student enrolled in the 9th grade for the first time. / yyyy is complete year (19yy), mm is month (01-12), and dd is day (01-31). Dd may be reported as 00 if exact day is unknown. / E340
yyyy cannot be greater than current fiscal year. / E341
Required if GRADE LEVEL equals 09-12. / E071
DATE ENTERED THE 9TH GRADE cannot be the same as date of birth. / E342
STUDENT ID is reported in the state during the current cycle with a different year for DATE ENTERED NINTH GRADE. / E3022
Year of DATE ENTERED THE 9TH GRADEreported in Student Record has changed from previous year. / E0715
STU016 / C016 / GEORGIA TEST IDENTIFIER (GTID) / A / xxxxxxxxxx / 10 / 64 / 73 / The identification number assigned to each student to uniquely identify the student throughout his/her public education years in the Georgia public school system. / GTID missing or invalid number sequence.
Duplicate GTID found for active student.
File has 50 or more records with all 0s in GTID field. / E048
Filler / Filler / Filler / 5 / 74 / 78 / Filler / No edits / N/A
STU017 / C017 / GRADE LEVEL / A / xx / 2 / 79 / 80 / GRADE LEVEL in which the student was enrolled for the 2011-2012 school year. / Must be one of the valid FTE grades for this school in the Facilities Database. / E070
All GRADE LEVELS reported for a school in FTE for this school year should be reported for Student Record.
SCHOOL SYSTEM OF RESIDENCE = ‘801’, GRADE LEVEL must = ‘9’, ‘10’, ‘11’ or ‘12’.
Reported GRADE LEVEL, for regular ed student, compared to last fiscal year, is greater than or less than the normal one year increment.
Student with PRIMARY AREA has GRADE LEVEL, compared to last fiscal year, that is greater than or less than the normal one year increment.
Pre-K GRADE LEVEL is not valid for student reported with Title I participation. Check Title I flags in Student level record. / W056
STU018 / C018 / GRADUATION PROGRAM OF STUDY / A / x / 1 / 81 / 81 / Type of diploma toward which a high school student is working.
Does not have to be coded for graduated seniors. i.e., those students where WITHDRAWAL CODE = ‘G’.
  • ‘A’ - ‘Certificate of Performance’ is NOT a valid GRADUATION PROGRAM OF STUDY code. See Data Element Detail for more information.
  • GRADUATION PROGRAM OF STUDY should be blank for students that entered 9th grade in FY 2009 and beyond.
/ Must equal one of the following codes: / E321
‘B’ / Both College Preparatory Diploma and Technology / Career Diploma
‘C’ / College Preparatory
‘D’ / College Preparatory with Distinction
‘H’ / Technology / Career Preparatory
‘M’ / College Preparatory with Distinction and Technology / Career Preparatory with Distinction
‘N’ / College Preparatory with Distinction and Technology / Career Preparatory
‘Q’ / College Preparatory and Technology/ Career Preparatory with Distinction
‘S’ / Special Education Diploma
‘U’ / Technology / Career Preparatory with Distinction
Blank / N/A
GRADUATION PROGRAM OF STUDYmust be entered for all students that entered 9th grade prior to FY 2009. Leave field blank for students that entered 9th grade in FY 2009 or later.
Filler / Filler / Filler / 20 / 82 / 101 / Filler / No Edits. / N/A
STU019 / C019 / ETHNIC HISPANIC / A / x / 1 / 102 / 102 / Hispanic or Latino
Not part of race indicators. Identifies Hispanic ethnicity. For definition, refer to the Data Element Detail document. / ‘H’= Hispanic
‘N’= Not Hispanic
ETHNIC HISPANICmust be ‘H’ or ‘N’ / E284
STU020 / C020 / RACE INDIAN / A / x / 1 / 103 / 103 / American Indian or Alaska Native One of the five race indicators that can be set to yes or no for a student. More than one can apply. For definitions, refer to the Data Element Detail document. / ‘I’= American Indian or Alaska Native
‘N’= Not This race
RACE INDIANmust be ‘I’ or ‘N’. / E285
STU021 / C021 / RACE ASIAN / A / x / 1 / 104 / 104 / Asian
One of the five race indicators that can be set to yes or no for a student. More than one can apply. For definitions, refer to the Data Element Detail document. / ‘S’= Asian
‘N’= Not This race
RACE ASIAN must be ‘S’ or ‘N’ / E286
STU022 / C022 / RACE BLACK / A / x / 1 / 105 / 105 / Black or African American
One of the five race indicators that can be set to yes or no for a student. More than one can apply. For definitions, refer to the Data Element Detail document. / ‘B’= Black or African American
‘N’= Not This race
RACE BLACK must be ‘B’ or ‘N’ / E287
STU023 / C023 / RACE PACIFIC / A / x / 1 / 106 / 106 / Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
One of the five race indicators that can be set to yes or no for a student. More than one can apply. For definitions, refer to the Data Element Detail document. / ‘P’= Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
‘N’= Not This race
RACE PACIFIC must be ‘P’ or ‘N’ / E288
STU024 / C024 / RACE WHITE / A / x / 1 / 107 / 107 / White
One of the five race indicators that can be set to yes or no for a student. More than one can apply. For definitions, refer to the Data Element Detail document. / ‘W’= White
‘N’= Not This race
RACE WHITE must be ‘W’ or ‘N’ / E289
STU025 / C025 / ESOL / A / x / 1 / 108 / 108 / Indicates whether the student has been enrolled in the state-funded ESOL program at any time during this school year.
All students in grades K-12 must have ‘Y’ or ‘N’. Students in PK must have ‘N’ for ESOL.
  • All ESOL students must be marked EL = ‘Y’.
/ Must equal one of the following codes:
 See Data Element Detail. / E225
‘Y’ / Yes, was enrolled in the ESOL program.
‘N’ / No, was not enrolled in the ESOL program.
ESOLequal ‘Y’ not valid if GRADE LEVELis ‘PK’. / E244
STU026 / C026 / FREE OR REDUCED PRICE MEAL ELIGIBILITY / A / x / 1 / 109 / 109 / Indicates whether the student was eligible for the Free or Reduced Price Meal Program during the year. Report the most recent status.
  • Coding each student is not necessary if FREE OR REDUCED PRICE MEAL ELIGIBILITY - SPECIAL ASSISTANCE STATUS in the school-level record layout = ‘Y’.
/ Must equal one of the following codes:See Data Element Detail. / E290
‘F’ / Student is eligible for free meal program
‘R’ / Student is eligible for reduced price meal program
‘N’ / Student is not eligible for free or reduced price meal program.
STU027 / C027 / GIFTED REFERRAL CODE / A / x / 1 / 110 / 110 / Method by which the student was referred to the Gifted program this school year. / Must equal one of the following codes: / E237
‘1’ / Referred by system’s automatic referral procedure
‘2’ / Referred by teacher
‘3’ / Referred by parent / guardian
‘4’ / Referred by self
‘5’ / Referred by peer
‘6’ / Referred by other
‘9’ / Not referred.
STU028 / C028 / GIFTED ELIGIBILITY CODE / A / x / 1 / 111 / 111 / Eligibility status in the gifted program. / Must equal one of the following codes:
See Data Element Detail. / E235
‘2’ / Initial eligibility established this year
‘3’ / Initial eligibility established in a previous year
‘4’ / Referred this year, but not eligible
‘5’ / Referred in prior year, but not eligible.
‘9’ / Never eligible.
Student ineligible for gifted services but reporting a gifted delivery model. / W2597
STU029 / C029 / GIFTED SERVICE CODE / A / x / 1 / 112 / 112 / Service status of gifted eligible students this school year. / Must equal one of the following codes if GIFTED ELIGIBILITY CODE= ‘2’ or ‘3’: / E238
‘1’ / Served this year
Blank / Not served this year
GIFTED SERVICE CODEmust equal ‘1’ if GIFTED DELIVERY MODELnot blank. / E236
If GIFTED ELIGIBILITY CODE= ‘4’, ‘5’, or ‘9’, then GIFTED SERVICE CODE must be blank. / E3149
GIFTED SERVICE CODE must equal ‘1’ if gifted segments reported in FTE 1 or FTE 3. / E3025
STU030 / C030 / ENGLISH LEARNER (EL) / A / x / 1 / 113 / 113 / Indicates whether or not the student has limited proficiency in English.
NOTE: All ESOL students by definition have limited proficiency in English. All ESOL students must also be marked EL= ‘Y’. / Must equal one of the following codes:
See Data Element Detail. / E215
‘Y’ / Yes, student has limited English proficiency.
‘N’ / No, student does not have limited English proficiency.
‘M’ / Student Monitored
‘F’ / Former EL Student – no longer monitored
EL must equal ‘Y’ if ESOL equals ‘Y’.
Student reported with EL = ‘M’ for more than two consecutive years.
EL='Y' last FISCAL YEAR. EL must be 'Y' or 'M' this FISCAL YEAR. / E217
STU031 / C031 / MIGRANT / A / x / 1 / 114 / 114 / Indicates whether or not the student was enrolled in the Migrant Education Program at any time during the school year. / Must equal one of the following codes: / E212
‘Y’ / Yes, student is in the Migrant Education Program.
‘N’ / No, student is not in the Migrant Education Program.
All students reported by Migrant Office must be reported in Student Record as Migrant = ‘Y’. / E078
If Migrant = ‘Y’, then student must also be reported as migrant by the Migrant Education Office.
Filler / Filler / Filler / 1 / 115 / 115 / . / No Edits
STU032 / C032 / PRIMARY LANGUAGE / A / xx / 2 / 116 / 117 / Student’s primary spoken language if other than English.
NOTE: PRIMARY LANGUAGE must be some language other than English. / Must equal one of the language codes specified in the Data Element Detail.
See Data Element Detail. / E216
Cannot be blank if EL= ‘Y’ or ‘M’.
STU033 / C033 / REMEDIAL EDUCATION SUBJECT CODE / A / x / 1 / 118 / 118 / Academic subject(s) for which the student received Remedial Education Program (REP) services at any time during this school year.
This applies to grades 6-12 only.
(ELA=English Language Arts) / Must equal one of the following codes: / E257
‘3’ / Remedial English/LA
‘4’ / RemedialELA/ Reading
‘5’ / Remedial ELA/Writing
‘6’ / Remedial Mathematics
‘7’ / Both ELA/Reading and Mathematics
‘8’ / Both ELA/Writing and Mathematics
‘9’ / Both ELA/Reading and Writing
Blank / N/A
A Remedial Education Subject codemust be reported for all students with an FTE PROGRAM CODEof ‘J’. / E262
Codes ‘3’ - ‘9’ valid only for GRADE LEVELS06-12. (Should beBLANK for elementary students) / E258