T. L. Wallace, p.1 of 7

Tanner LeBaron Wallace

5946 Wesley W. Posvar Hall

230 South Bouquet Street

Pittsburgh, PA 15260


Ph.D.2008Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles

Specialization: Social Research Methodology

M.Ed.2002Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard University

Specialization: Adolescent Risk & Prevention

B.A.1999College of Arts and Sciences, University of Virginia

Dual major: English Literature & Asian Studies


Associate Professor  Psychology in Education  University of Pittsburgh2015 - present

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Co-ChairThe Motivation Center2015 - 2018

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Visiting ScholarStanford UniversitySummer 2015

Palo Alto, California

Center AssociateLearning Research & Development Center2013 - present

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Assistant Professor  Psychology in Education  University of Pittsburgh2008 - 2015

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Relationship-based classroom management

Social-relational contexts for motivation

Mindfulness-based teacher training

white critical race consciousness

External Grants and Funding—Awarded

Co-Principal Investigator (with Geoffrey Cohen), The role of psychologically2017 - 2018

wise teaching in student achievement, Raikes Foundation ($74, 465)

Co-Principal Investigator (with Timothy Nokes-Malach), Investigating 2015 - 2018

Motivation and Transfer in Physical Science through Preparation for

Future Learning Instruction, National Science Foundation ($593,278)

Principal Investigator, Employing Urban Adolescents’ Interpretations of2013 - 2014

Instructional Practices to Determine Ceiling Effect from Teacher

Proficiency in the Classroom Organization Domain

William T. Grant Foundation ($25,000)

Principal Investigator, Creating a Culture of Respect: 2011 - 2013

Case Studies of High-Performing Schools

Propel Charter Schools

U.S. Department of Education Charter Schools Program ($90,500)

Internal Grants and Funding—Awarded

Co-Principal Investigator (with Qiana Lighter-Lachaud)2018 - 2019

Transformative PedagogyProject

School of Education Student-Faculty Research Grant, University of Pittsburgh ($3000)

Co-Principal Investigator (with Timothy Nokes-Malach)2014 - 2016

Innovating Motivation Research: Insights from Urban Middle School Classrooms

on the Links between Psychosocial Support and Mathematics Learning

Learning Research & Development Center, University of Pittsburgh ($150,000)

Co-Principal Investigator (with Jasmine Williams)2014 - 2015

African American Students’ Opportunities to Learn: How Classroom

Climate Factors Condition Participation and Learning in High School Math Classrooms

Center on Race and Social Problems, University of Pittsburgh ($10,000)

Co-Principal Investigator (with Hannah Sung)2014 - 2015

Decomposing Teaching Practice in Mathematics

School of Education Student-Faculty Research Grant, University of Pittsburgh ($3000)

Principal Investigator, Beyond Belonging: The Meaning-Making2010 - 2011

Component of School Connectedness

Central Research Development Fund,University of Pittsburgh($6,000)

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals(* indicates graduate student)

Wallace, T.L.,Sung, H. C.*(2017). Student perceptions of autonomy-supportive instructional interactions in the middle grades.Journal of Experimental Education.85(3), 425-449.doi: 10.3102/0002831216671864

Wallace, T. L., Kelcey, B., & Ruzek, E. (2016). What can student perception surveys tell us about teaching?: Empirically testing the underlying structure of the Tripod student perception survey. American Educational Research Journal.53(6), 1834-1868.doi: 10.3102/0002831216671864

Williams, J.D.,*Woodson, A. N., & Wallace, T.L.(2016). “Can we say the n-word?”: Exploring psychological safety during race talk. Research in Human Development.13(1), 15-31.doi: 10.1080/15427609.2016.1141279

Horner, C.G.,*Wallace, T.L., Bundick, M. J. (2015).Adolescents’ interpretations of the role of emotion in high school.Teachers College Record.117(5), 1-34.

Wallace, T.L., Sung, H.C.,*& Williams, J.D.* (2014).The defining features of teacher talk within autonomy-supportive classroom management. Teaching and Teacher Education.(42), 34-46. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2014.04.005

Wallace, T.L.,Chhuon, V. (2014).Proximal processes in urban classrooms: Engagement and disaffection in urban youth of color. American Educational Research Journal.51(5), 937-973.doi: 10.3102/0002831214531324

Schall, J.,*Wallace, T. L., Chhuon, V. (2014). “Fitting in” in high school: How adolescent belonging is influenced by locus of control beliefs. International Journal of Youth and Adolescence.doi: 10.1080/02673843.2013.866148

Ye, F., & Wallace, T.L. (2013).Psychological sense of school membership scale: Method effects associated with negatively worded items. Journal of Psychoeducational Measurement.32(3), 202-215.doi: 10.1177/0734282913504816

Horner, C.G.,*Wallace, T.L. (2013). Measuring emotion socialization in schools. Journal of School Health.83(10), 697-703. doi: 10.1111/josh.12083

Hansen, M.,*Alkin, M.,Wallace, T.L. (2013). Depicting the logic of three evaluation theories. Evaluation and Program Planning. 38(2), 34-43.doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2012.03.012

McHugh, R.M.,* Horner, C.G.,*Colditz, J.,*Wallace, T.L. (2013). Bridges and barriers: Adolescent perceptions of student-teacher relationships. Urban Education. 48(1), 9-43.doi: 10.1177/0042085912451585

Wallace, T. L., Ye, F., Chhuon, V. (2012).Subdimensions of adolescent sense of belonging in high school. Applied Developmental Science. 16(3), 122–139. doi: 10.1080/10888691.2012.695256

Wallace, T.L.,Ye, F., McHugh, R.M.,*Chhuon, V. (2012). The Development of an Adolescent Perception of Being Known Measure. The High School Journal.95(4), 19-36.doi: 10.1353/hsj.2012.0010

Chhuon, V.,Wallace, T.L. (2012).Creating connectedness through being known: Fulfilling the need to belong in U.S. high schools. Youth & Society. 46(3), 379-401.doi: 10.1177/0044118X11436188

Wallace, T.L. (2011).An argument-based approach to validity in evaluation. Evaluation: The International Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice. 17(3), 233-246.doi: 10.1177/1356389011410522

Wallace, T.L. (2009).Evaluation theory as pedagogy.American Journal of Evaluation.30 (3), 437.doi: 10.1177/1098214009341661

Wallace, T. L.,Alkin, M. (2009). Refocusing accountability as improvement: Informed professional decision-making based on evidence. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation.23(1), 211-214.

Wallace, T. L., & Alkin, M. C. (2008). Process of evaluation: Focus on stakeholders. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 34(4), 192-193.doi: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2008.10.002

Wallace, T. L. (2008). Integrating participatory evaluation elements into an effectiveness evaluation. Studies in Educational Evaluation.34(4), 201-207.doi: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2008.10.008

Lee, J. S., Wallace, T. L.,Alkin, M. (2007). Using problem-based learning to train evaluators. American Journal of Evaluation.28(4), 536-545. doi: 10.1177/1098214007305613


Wallace, T.L. (2018). Comparing adolescent and adult assessments of teachers’ classroom management, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York City, NY.

Wallace, T.L. (2016). Investigating Cognition and Motivation at the Classroom-level, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Wallace, T. L. (2015).What Can Student Perception Surveys Tell Us About Teaching?:

Empirically Testing Theoretically-Proposed Dimensions of Effective Teaching, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.

Wallace, T. L., & Bundick, M.J. (2014). A Mechanism-Based Understanding of the Student Voice Process, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Wanless, S., Wallace, T. L. et al., (2014). Helping Preservice Teachers Feel Ready to Teach: Mindfulness and Self-Regulation, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Williams, J.D., Wallace, T.L., & Sung, H.C. (2014).Developing a Framework for Enhancing Student Connections in the Classroom, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Wallace, T. L., Sung, H.C., & Williams, J.D. (2014).Exploring the Ecological Validity of Autonomy Support Measures, Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, Austin, Texas.

Wallace, T.L. (2013). An Ecological Perspective on Classroom Management: Policy, Culture, Relationship, and Disposition, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California.

Wallace, T. L.(2012).Reaching-Down Reaching-Up Models of Applied Adolescent Development Research, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Wallace, T. L.,Chhuon, V., McHugh, R. (2011).Beyond Belonging: The Meaning-Making Component of School Connectedness, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Wallace, T. L. (2009). Increasing the Validity of Effectiveness Trials: The Participatory, Theory-Based Effectiveness Evaluation Model, Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting, Washington, District of Columbia.

Wallace, T. L. (2007). Identifying Critical Processes and Outcomes Across Evaluation Approaches: Empowerment, Practical Participatory, Transformative and Utilization-Focused, American Evaluation Association Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.

Invited Talks

Wallace, T.L. (Winter 2017). Trust and Betrayal in Learning Contexts, University of Pittsburgh’s Social Psychology Brown Bag Series, Pittsburgh, PA.

Wallace, T.L. (Spring 2016). Student Voice and the Motivational Power of Teachers' Autonomy-Supportive Talk, Learning and the Brain Conference, San Francisco, California.

Wallace, T.L. (Fall 2015). Conceptualizing Teaching as a Naturally Occurring Intervention, Psychological Interventions In Educational Settings (PIES) Stanford Graduate Student Research Group, Palo Alto, California.

Wallace, T.L. (Fall 2015). Qualitative Methods in the Psychological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh’s Cognitive Psychology Brown Bag Series, Pittsburgh, PA.

Wallace, T. L. (Fall 2014).The Role of Adolescents’ Perceptions and Values in Determining the Developmental Potential of a Classroom Experience,Carolina Consortium on Human Development, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Wallace, T. L. (2012).Adolescent-Adult Relationships in U.S. Urban High School Math Classrooms, The Motivation Supergroup, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Wallace, T.L. (2012). An Argument-Based Approach to Validity in Applied Research.Eastern Evaluation Research Society, Absecon, New Jersey.

Professional Service

Co-editor, Journal of Educational Psychology, Special Section on Reasoning2018

and Participation

Editorial board member, Journal of Educational Psychology2016 - present

Editorial board member, American Educational Research Journal2016 - present

Chair, Adolescence and Youth Development SIG,2014 - present

American Educational Research Association

Program Chair, Adolescence and Youth Development SIG,2013 -2016

American Educational Research Association

Newsletter Editor, Division E, Human Development and Counseling, 2012 - 2015

American Educational Research Association

Editorial board member, Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research2012 -2014

University Service

Social Justice & Diversity Committee chair, School of Education, University of Pittsburgh

2016 – present

Equity and Justic Scholars Program Coordinator, School of Education, University of Pittsburgh

2013 – present

Teacher Education Steering Committee member, School of Education, University of Pittsburgh

2014 -2016

Academic Affairs Committee member, School of Education, University of Pittsburgh

2013 - 2016

Center for Urban Education Advisory Board member, School of Education, University of Pittsburgh

2013 -2015

Panther Shout Out! First Year Retention Program volunteer, University of Pittsburgh

2011 - 2013

Faculty Residence Hall Mentor, Freshman Honors, Southerland West, University of Pittsburgh

2010 -2012

Professional Memberships

American Educational Research Association

Courses Taught

T. L. Wallace, p.1 of 7

PSYED 3632:Applied Research Design

EDUC 3104:Introduction to Qualitative Methods

PSYED 2265:Attentional Teaching Practice

PSYED 2405:Middle Child and Adolescent Development

Ad Hoc Reviewing

Journal of Educational Psychology • Journal of Adolescent Research • Teaching and Teacher Education •Urban Education• American Educational Research Journal • Applied Developmental Science• Journal of Adolescent Research • Journal of Early Adolescence• Learning and Individual Differences•The High School Journal• Spencer Foundation research proposal reviewer•William T. Grant research proposal reviewer•American Educational Research Association conference reviewer •Society for Research on Adolescence conference reviewer • Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness conferencereviewer •

Awards and Honors

Carol Weinstein Best Paper Award nomination2013

Classroom Management Special Interest Group, AERA

Measures of Effective Teaching Early Career Award2013

National Academy of Education

University of Pittsburgh, School of Education Faculty Research Award2013

Eastern Evaluation Research Society Invited Author Award2012

National Institute of Child Health & Human Development Fellow2011

Applied Research in Child and Adolescent Development Summer Institute

American Educational Research AssociationNew Faculty Mentee2011

Division E, Counseling & Human Development

University of California, Los Angeles Dissertation Fellow 2007 - 2008

Spencer Foundation Research Training Grant Fellow 2003 - 2006

Clinical Experience

Care Coordinator  Hamilton Choices, LLC2002 - 2003

Hamilton County, Ohio

Intern Collaborative for School andCommunity Services  Harvard University2001 - 2002

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Middle School Teacher Teach for America Corps Member1999 - 2001

Quitman County School District, Mississippi