Minutes from 15th August 2008


Meeting opened 7.00p.m.

Members present:

Mark Huddleston, Peter McMahon, Serge Naumenko, John McKenna, Alan Norton, David McCann, Tim Pledger, Jeff Ramm, Julie Ramm, Chuong Vo, Matt Rymill, Kathryn Pearce, Debbie Haskell, Jackie Zaknic, Charles Kywanio, Harue Ozqawa, Nina Naumenko, John Winwood, Medina Gouveia, Marie Georgeson, David Henderson, Grantley Haskell, Tony Meadows


Yvette Kennedy, Jamie McCann, Jody Svetlichny, Lee Richardson & Rowan Williamson.

Minutes from previous meeting accepted: Moved by Nina Naumenko

Seconded by Medina Gouveia

Presidents Report tabled by Serge Naumenko

Treasurers Report summarized by Jackie. Written report to be audited

Election of New Committee

President:Serge Naumenko

Vice PresidentPeter McMahon

Treasurer:David McCann

Secretary: Yvette Kennedy

Ass. SecretaryTim Pledger

Club captain:Matt Rymill

Junior Co-ordinatorJeff Ramm

Social Co-ordinatorNina Naumenko

Club Coach: Chuong Vo

Night Tennis Co-ordinator Jodie Svetlichny

Social Tennis Co-ordinator: Alan Norton

Committee Members:

John McKenna

Grantley Haskell – maintenance coordinator

Assistant-(Dave Henderson)

Deb Haskell – canteen coordinator

Julie Ramm

Medina Gouveia

Patron - John Winwood

  1. General Business

Membership fees- motion carried that membership fees paid before 1st December 2008 will be $150.00 otherwise $180.00 for adult full membership

summer season-

- junior nominations for summer season due September 18th 2008

- senior nominations for summer season due by 11th September, 2008

- heat policy 37 degrees forecast in the Advertiser – tennis cancelled

- starting dates for competition to be advised (Matt & Jeff)

- car park lighting expenses to be included with club electricity bill

- sponsors (Jackie (Dave McCann) to check dates for sponsorship renewal)

- Pete to liaise with council re court resurfacing

- deck maintenance – John to organize

- proposal of restraining order – Pete to contact police re pedophile register

- motion carried for Pete to seek legal representation should liquor licence be contested

  1. New Business

- GDTA juniors Tournament Sunday 16th November, 2008 (court usage free of charge). Canteen to be organized

- Glenlea seeking 4 courts hire for juniors summer season (8.30 session). Jackie to confirm previous season’s payment ($3.00 per hr.)as well as Immanuel College’s payment of such

- Rammy seeking to advertise for Junior summer season

- The Open day will be held on the September 28th to be organized.

- Bin’s on southern end of courts during competition (Grantley and Dave H to facilitate)

- Pete McMahon gave up-date on liquor license, that some local residents still objecting to application and the likelihood of a contested hearing taking place.

- Jeff to email Pete details of some legal beagle he knew of-

  1. Next Committee Meeting-Sunday August 31st at 4pm
  1. Meeting Closed