PeaceJuicy Groups Structure(40 min)

Smash the Fruit (4 min)

Smash the Fruit is a 4-minute ice-breaker to allow children to get to know each other and the Mentor Group Leader (MGL). This should allow children to be more receptive to those who are teaching and open to sharing what’s on their heart.

To allow the children to move around and to get to know something about each other have them find out each other’s favorite pizza toppings.

  1. Ask the children to:
  2. Stand up
  3. Find out who else in the group likes the same type of pizza toppings that they do. (just cheese, pepperoni, pineapple, etc)
  4. They can stand as a group
  1. Once they found other children who like the same toppings:
  2. Have them then sit in one larger circle
  3. Discuss the different topping groups they formed.

The Juicy and DQ’s (10 min)

This is the meat of the small group time. This is where the MGL’s will give a very short teaching about the topic. After the teaching, there are discussion questions to engage the children. MGL’s are encouraged to have a good understanding of the topics to help keep discussion time on topic and to do their best to answer (or find an answer) questions.

  1. Recap the message of “Peace”
  2. What is the Kid Answer for today? “I have peace because I in trust God”
  3. What is the Kid Word? Galatians 5:22-23

Juicy Sheets (7 min)

Juicy Sheets are activity sheets that will be passed out. They consist of a few different activities that kids can do by themselves. Juicy Sheets are lesson-specific.

Give the children time to complete the Juicy Sheet

Fruitivity (5 min)

We call this a “fruitivity” because it’s an activity centered arounda fruit that corresponds with the lesson. It’s another fun way to engage kids and get them thinking about the “fruits of the Spirit” every time they see that fruit.


  • Crayola Color Wonder paper
  • Crayola Color Wonder Markers


  • Cut the Color Wonder sheets in half


Demonstrate how to

  • draw a ‘Bunch of grapes’ each grape as an outline


  • They will color their thumb and use it as a stamp on each grape. They won’t see the ink on their finger but it will transfer to the Color Wonder paper!

Let them do it!

  • Give ½ sheet piece of Color Wonder paper to each child and ask them to write their name on it.
  • Ask them draw the grapeswith the Color Wonder markers.
  • Have them color their thumb and use it as a stamp to color the grapes.
  • If they do not wish to use their thumb print to color the inside of the grapes, then allow them to use the markers to color them in.

Juicy Game (7 min)A PIECE OF PEACE

This is a fun game for the Juicy Groups to play in their small groups. Again, even our games reinforce the lesson.

Jesus is described as the Prince of Peace, who brings peace to the hearts of those who desire it.

He says in John14:27: “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

In this week’s game we will incorporate our Prayer time and Salvation Call

  1. Ask the children for prayer request or praise reports. (Write them down if this will help you remember each of them)
  2. Tell the children that we are going to have a PIECE of PEACE.
  3. Have them remove their shoes and socks (if they are comfortable with it)
  4. Have them lay down (no touching each other).
  5. Explain that we are going to feel what PEACE is by relaxing.
  6. Ask them to take a deep breath in and let it out slowly (2-4 times)
  7. Now ask them to close their eyes as we pray and talk to God.
  8. Pray for each of their requests and praises
  9. Pray for each of them (preferably by name)
  10. Ask them if any of them would like to ask Jesus into their lives. Guide them in a prayer of accepting Jesus into their lives.
  11. When you are done praying, tell them to simply lay quiet, take a couple more deep breathsfor 30 seconds and to feel the PEACE of God. Tell them you will let them know when it’s been 30 seconds.

Salvation Call (2 min) Included in Juicy Game

Every week in every Juicy Group we want to invite kids who don’t know Jesus to make Him boss of their life. Children will repeat a prayer that the MGL will lead them in and celebrate any decisions!!

Prayer (5min) Included in Juicy Game

No group should be dismissed without a time of prayer and praise. Use this time to pray over any needs in your group and hoot and holler over any praise reports. Prayer and Praise Cards will be available for kids to write down their requests or reports.

Juicy – Peace Structure – Week three