Supplementary Material for the manuscript: ”Associations of metabolite profiles and body fat distribution in a healthy population with central obesity: Towards metabolomics diagnostics; OMI.2012.0062”

Supplementary Box BS1

Lipids profiles
Lipid extraction of 30 µL human plasma was performed according to the protocol described by Hu et al.(2008) and Castro-Perez et al. (2010). In total 3 µL of the 5 times diluted lipid extracts were injected. Sample injection was done by the sample organizer of the Aquity UPLC System (Waters). The temperature of the autosampler was kept at 15C.
For QC samples a pooled plasma sample of all individual samples was prepared and spiked with the set of internal standards as well as calibration standards at a specific concentration level. In addition, calibration samples were prepared from these pooled plasma aliquots with a fixed concentration of internal standards and different concentrations of spiked calibration standards. Blank samples were prepared from water without standards and passed the whole procedure of sample preparation.
Lipids were separated by reversed phase LC using an Ascentis Express 2.7 µm C8 2.1x150 mm (Supelco. Sigma-Aldrich) column mounted in the Acquity UPLC system (Waters). Analysis was performed at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min at 55C of column temperature using solvent A (40:60 H2O-acetonitrile with 10mM ammonium formate) and solvent B (10:90 acetonitrile-isopropanol with 10mM ammonium formate) programmed in the following gradient: 0-1 min 68% A. until 3 min 50% A. until 9 min 35% A. until 14 min 20% A. from 14.0 – 14.1 min 3% A. kept at 3% A until 17 min. 17.0 – 17.1 min 68% A. kept at 68% A until 20 min.
The UPLC system was coupled to an Accurate-Mass Quadrupole Time-of-Flight (Q-ToF) (Agilent 6530) equipped with an ESI source (Jet Stream Technology). The separated lipids were detected in the full scan positive ion mode. The capillary voltage was 3.5 kV, the gas temperature was kept at 325C. the gas flow was 10 L/min; the sheath gas temperature was 400C and the sheath gas flow 12 L/min. the nebulizer 35 psi. Stop time was 20 min. The MS was scanned from 450 – 1600 m/z. In order to cope with the dynamic range and the number of points across the peak the system was operated in the 2GHz mode.
The samples were measured in random order in sample batches of 92 or 96 samples, each. Each sample was analyzed only once. QC and Blank samples were included every 12 samples representing a block of 3 volunteers. The samples of one block were randomized. The QC sample was injected a second time after the blank sample. In the beginning. In the middle and the end of each batch, calibration samples were measured.
Determination of peak areas of internal standards as well as target compounds were performed with Mass Hunter Quantification (version B.03.02; Agilent). The data were processed batch wise. The peak areas of target compounds were normalized to appropriate internal standards as follows: lyso-glycerophosphocholines (LPCs) to LPC (17:0/0:0). glycerophosphocholines (PCs). sphingomyelines (SMs) and diacylglycerols (DGs) to (PC) (17:0/17:0). lyso-glycerophosphoethanolamines (LPEs) and glycerophosphoethanolamines (PEs) to (PE) (17:0/17:0) and cholesterol esters (CholEs) and triacylglycerides (TGs) to TG (17:0/17:0/17:0). Identified lipids species in our study of human plasma samples werewell comparable with earlier reported findings.(Graessler et al.. 2009;Pietilainen et al.. 2007). In fact, the highest abundant lipid species observed in both the earlier work and our study are: cholesterol ester (18:2). lysophophtidylcholine (16:0). phosphatidylcholine (34:2). ether phosphatidylcholine (36:4). phosphatidylethanolamine (38:2). ether phosphatidylethanolamine (38:5). sphingomyelin (d18:1/16:0) and triacylglyceride (52:2).

Table S1. Basic Statistic Parameters for Phenotype andMetabolic DataSets

No. / Variable / Males (n=58) / Females (n=157) / Difference significant?
mean / SD / median / min / max / mean / SD / median / min / max
Phenotype dataset
0 / Age / 41.76 / 7.44 / 42.50 / 27.00 / 55.00 / 41.65 / 9.17 / 43.00 / 21.00 / 55.00 / not tested
1 / Android / 44.93 / 5.00 / 44.50 / 29.20 / 54.10 / 48.10 / 7.28 / 49.00 / 26.60 / 64.00 / yes
2 / Gynoid / 34.56 / 5.68 / 34.10 / 23.70 / 47.40 / 48.82 / 5.33 / 49.70 / 34.70 / 60.60 / yes
3 / A/G ratio / 1.32 / 0.14 / 1.33 / 0.96 / 1.60 / 0.99 / 0.13 / 0.98 / 0.56 / 1.39 / yes
4 / Total Fat (DEXA) / 33.78 / 4.79 / 33.70 / 21.50 / 43.70 / 42.91 / 6.22 / 43.10 / 27.20 / 55.70 / yes
5 / SAT / 4563.20 / 1339.18 / 4331.25 / 1887.30 / 7744.70 / 4588.48 / 1593.18 / 4495.00 / 1041.30 / 9307.50 / no
6 / VAT / 2484.14 / 1008.13 / 2459.05 / 364.50 / 4743.50 / 1570.05 / 922.95 / 1346.80 / 48.10 / 4727.20 / yes
7 / SAT% / 0.63 / 0.11 / 0.62 / 0.40 / 0.91 / 0.72 / 0.10 / 0.75 / 0.40 / 0.94 / yes
8 / VAT% / 0.34 / 0.11 / 0.35 / 0.06 / 0.58 / 0.24 / 0.09 / 0.21 / 0.04 / 0.58 / yes
9 / Weight / 92.86 / 11.39 / 92.45 / 59.80 / 116.50 / 76.70 / 11.38 / 75.60 / 59.40 / 109.30 / yes
10 / Height / 1.77 / 0.05 / 1.77 / 1.63 / 1.86 / 1.67 / 0.06 / 1.67 / 1.54 / 1.83 / yes
11 / LBM / 68.36 / 8.82 / 67.74 / 37.78 / 85.58 / 49.40 / 6.59 / 48.66 / 37.71 / 73.88 / yes
12 / BMI / 29.56 / 2.87 / 29.85 / 21.39 / 34.90 / 27.53 / 3.97 / 27.03 / 19.54 / 39.29 / yes
13 / Waist / 104.47 / 6.95 / 105.25 / 92.50 / 120.70 / 93.91 / 8.67 / 92.60 / 76.50 / 116.00 / yes
14 / Hip / 106.09 / 6.05 / 105.40 / 94.00 / 119.00 / 105.34 / 8.46 / 104.80 / 87.20 / 127.00 / no
15 / Upper arm / 34.08 / 2.50 / 34.15 / 28.60 / 40.20 / 31.42 / 3.90 / 31.70 / 0.30 / 40.50 / yes
16 / Proximal thigh / 63.48 / 5.34 / 62.65 / 55.00 / 79.80 / 61.79 / 5.72 / 62.00 / 49.90 / 82.60 / no
17 / Middle thigh / 56.82 / 4.59 / 57.00 / 48.90 / 68.00 / 54.53 / 5.18 / 54.20 / 42.60 / 76.50 / yes
18 / Distal thigh / 46.99 / 3.26 / 46.70 / 39.50 / 55.20 / 45.27 / 4.46 / 45.00 / 34.60 / 62.50 / yes
19 / Biceps / 8.40 / 3.31 / 7.75 / 4.00 / 19.20 / 13.69 / 4.47 / 13.00 / 5.70 / 27.75 / yes
209 / Triceps / 14.59 / 5.22 / 13.75 / 6.20 / 27.60 / 21.45 / 4.08 / 21.60 / 10.00 / 36.40 / yes
21 / Subscapular / 18.75 / 3.37 / 18.80 / 10.90 / 26.60 / 18.02 / 4.37 / 17.90 / 8.50 / 28.00 / no
22 / Superaillic / 20.90 / 6.99 / 19.05 / 9.30 / 36.10 / 22.29 / 6.37 / 22.20 / 8.90 / 38.20 / no
23 / Body density / 1.04 / 0.01 / 1.04 / 1.02 / 1.08 / 1.02 / 0.01 / 1.02 / 1.01 / 1.04 / yes
24 / % fat / 26.12 / 3.54 / 26.11 / 19.83 / 37.88 / 35.36 / 3.36 / 35.84 / 24.69 / 42.12 / yes
25 / Systolic / 128.81 / 11.92 / 130.00 / 99.00 / 155.00 / 116.80 / 11.88 / 114.00 / 92.00 / 153.00 / yes
26 / Diastolic / 78.59 / 8.79 / 79.00 / 59.00 / 97.00 / 71.03 / 7.80 / 70.00 / 45.00 / 91.00 / yes
27 / Heart Rate / 64.90 / 7.63 / 66.00 / 46.00 / 82.00 / 66.33 / 8.19 / 66.00 / 46.00 / 88.00 / no
28 / Waist/Hip ratio / 0.98 / 0.04 / 0.99 / 0.89 / 1.09 / 0.89 / 0.05 / 0.89 / 0.78 / 1.02 / yes
Metabolic dataset
1 / CholE 18:2 / 0.0144 / 0.0029 / 0.0144 / 0.0089 / 0.0220 / 0.0151 / 0.0028 / 0.0152 / 0.0050 / 0.0254 / no
2 / CholE 20:5 / 0.0027 / 0.0014 / 0.0028 / 0.0001 / 0.0078 / 0.0026 / 0.0015 / 0.0024 / 0.0000 / 0.0105 / no
3 / CholE 20:4 / 0.0058 / 0.0019 / 0.0058 / 0.0026 / 0.0094 / 0.0058 / 0.0021 / 0.0058 / 0.0007 / 0.0123 / no
4 / CholE 22:6 / 0.0055 / 0.0033 / 0.0051 / 0.0004 / 0.0134 / 0.0059 / 0.0032 / 0.0053 / 0.0003 / 0.0220 / no
5 / DG 36:3 / 0.0041 / 0.0041 / 0.0030 / 0.0006 / 0.0249 / 0.0026 / 0.0020 / 0.0022 / 0.0001 / 0.0131 / no
6 / LPC 14:0 / 0.0108 / 0.0035 / 0.0110 / 0.0043 / 0.0213 / 0.0089 / 0.0036 / 0.0083 / 0.0025 / 0.0217 / yes
7 / LPC O-16:1 / 0.0089 / 0.0019 / 0.0091 / 0.0050 / 0.0137 / 0.0081 / 0.0024 / 0.0079 / 0.0026 / 0.0155 / no
8 / LPC 16:1 / 0.0309 / 0.0123 / 0.0278 / 0.0181 / 0.0844 / 0.0266 / 0.0076 / 0.0258 / 0.0135 / 0.0549 / no
9 / LPC 16:0 / 1.4134 / 0.2665 / 1.3730 / 0.9234 / 2.1545 / 1.2226 / 0.2833 / 1.2052 / 0.4896 / 2.0455 / yes
10 / LPC O-18:1 / 0.0058 / 0.0015 / 0.0058 / 0.0034 / 0.0089 / 0.0055 / 0.0017 / 0.0055 / 0.0019 / 0.0115 / no
11 / LPC 18:3 / 0.1103 / 0.0319 / 0.1013 / 0.0615 / 0.1997 / 0.0905 / 0.0288 / 0.0864 / 0.0353 / 0.1779 / yes
12 / LPC 18:2 / 0.4869 / 0.1500 / 0.4875 / 0.2029 / 0.8694 / 0.4000 / 0.1370 / 0.3844 / 0.1517 / 0.8398 / yes
13 / LPC 18:1 / 0.3303 / 0.1202 / 0.3055 / 0.1978 / 0.8445 / 0.2870 / 0.0810 / 0.2777 / 0.1447 / 0.5381 / no
14 / LPC 18:0 / 0.4082 / 0.1007 / 0.3876 / 0.2143 / 0.6489 / 0.3512 / 0.1071 / 0.3447 / 0.1000 / 0.6995 / yes
15 / LPC 20:5 / 0.0135 / 0.0087 / 0.0117 / 0.0044 / 0.0527 / 0.0100 / 0.0065 / 0.0089 / 0.0019 / 0.0575 / yes
16 / LPC 20:4 / 0.0867 / 0.0289 / 0.0807 / 0.0496 / 0.1920 / 0.0726 / 0.0209 / 0.0708 / 0.0364 / 0.1346 / yes
17 / LPC 20:3 / 0.0370 / 0.0126 / 0.0362 / 0.0178 / 0.0812 / 0.0283 / 0.0094 / 0.0271 / 0.0078 / 0.0647 / yes
18 / LPC 22:6 / 0.0229 / 0.0068 / 0.0226 / 0.0094 / 0.0382 / 0.0214 / 0.0085 / 0.0196 / 0.0083 / 0.0545 / no
19 / LPC 20:1 / 0.0036 / 0.0017 / 0.0035 / 0.0001 / 0.0104 / 0.0035 / 0.0015 / 0.0036 / 0.0002 / 0.0093 / no
20 / LPC 20:0 / 0.0026 / 0.0009 / 0.0026 / 0.0010 / 0.0053 / 0.0023 / 0.0009 / 0.0022 / 0.0002 / 0.0052 / no
21 / LPE 18:0 / 0.0216 / 0.0141 / 0.0180 / 0.0002 / 0.0774 / 0.0215 / 0.0191 / 0.0165 / 0.0013 / 0.1408 / no
Males (n=58) / Females (n=157) / Difference significant?
No. / Variable / mean / SD / median / min / max / mean / SD / median / min / max
Metabolic dataset
22 / LPE 22:6 / 0.0031 / 0.0036 / 0.0024 / 0.0005 / 0.0255 / 0.0035 / 0.0031 / 0.0028 / 0.0005 / 0.0249 / no
23 / PC 32:2 / 0.0500 / 0.0172 / 0.0457 / 0.0231 / 0.0961 / 0.0513 / 0.0219 / 0.0488 / 0.0145 / 0.1177 / no
24 / PC 32:1 / 0.3618 / 0.1976 / 0.3005 / 0.1006 / 1.0852 / 0.3293 / 0.1930 / 0.2800 / 0.0697 / 1.0810 / no
25 / PC 32:0 / 0.1898 / 0.0339 / 0.1916 / 0.1183 / 0.2685 / 0.1938 / 0.0455 / 0.1902 / 0.0824 / 0.3749 / no
26 / PC O-34:3 / 0.0961 / 0.0233 / 0.0963 / 0.0577 / 0.1550 / 0.1081 / 0.0313 / 0.1032 / 0.0497 / 0.2226 / no
27 / PC O-34:2 / 0.0548 / 0.0166 / 0.0532 / 0.0244 / 0.1036 / 0.0602 / 0.0232 / 0.0568 / 0.0187 / 0.1435 / no
28 / PC O-34:1 / 0.0426 / 0.0083 / 0.0419 / 0.0215 / 0.0655 / 0.0511 / 0.0127 / 0.0517 / 0.0235 / 0.0887 / yes
29 / PC 34:4 / 0.0277 / 0.0104 / 0.0251 / 0.0107 / 0.0549 / 0.0270 / 0.0125 / 0.0246 / 0.0093 / 0.0630 / no
30 / PC 34:2 / 6.6601 / 0.9878 / 6.6867 / 4.7448 / 9.7789 / 6.7635 / 1.3527 / 6.6607 / 2.0540 / 10.4628 / no
31 / PC 34:1 / 4.0948 / 1.0305 / 3.8961 / 2.7809 / 7.6226 / 3.9756 / 1.0402 / 3.9241 / 1.2777 / 7.5235 / no
32 / PC 34:0 / 1.0016 / 0.0085 / 1.0007 / 0.9878 / 1.0482 / 1.0026 / 0.0110 / 1.0008 / 0.9495 / 1.0492 / no
33 / PC O-36:6 / 0.0073 / 0.0043 / 0.0063 / 0.0000 / 0.0300 / 0.0072 / 0.0043 / 0.0067 / 0.0002 / 0.0336 / no
34 / PC O-36:5 / 0.1326 / 0.0332 / 0.1273 / 0.0618 / 0.2330 / 0.1267 / 0.0458 / 0.1160 / 0.0292 / 0.3194 / no
35 / PC O-36:4 / 0.1563 / 0.0426 / 0.1477 / 0.0937 / 0.2695 / 0.1465 / 0.0628 / 0.1379 / 0.0002 / 0.4558 / yes
36 / PC O-36:3 / 0.0140 / 0.0034 / 0.0142 / 0.0073 / 0.0211 / 0.0182 / 0.0067 / 0.0173 / 0.0050 / 0.0458 / yes
37 / PC O-36:2 / 0.0172 / 0.0043 / 0.0169 / 0.0102 / 0.0289 / 0.0212 / 0.0067 / 0.0201 / 0.0059 / 0.0459 / no
38 / PC 36:6 / 0.0116 / 0.0049 / 0.0105 / 0.0043 / 0.0252 / 0.0122 / 0.0060 / 0.0116 / 0.0030 / 0.0394 / no
39 / PC 36:5 / 0.5059 / 0.3287 / 0.4018 / 0.1767 / 1.8199 / 0.4529 / 0.2942 / 0.3770 / 0.0475 / 2.3161 / no
40 / PC 36:4 / 3.0356 / 0.6887 / 3.0019 / 0.0014 / 4.3973 / 3.0945 / 0.8848 / 3.0384 / 0.7608 / 5.1915 / no
41 / PC 36:3 / 2.1582 / 0.4691 / 2.1009 / 1.2732 / 3.2658 / 2.1663 / 0.5812 / 2.1050 / 0.6356 / 4.0045 / no
42 / PC 36:2 / 3.9762 / 0.7794 / 4.1366 / 2.2175 / 6.1123 / 3.9196 / 0.8843 / 3.9323 / 0.8932 / 6.6185 / no
43 / PC 36:1 / 0.5723 / 0.1964 / 0.5408 / 0.2759 / 1.2274 / 0.5360 / 0.1648 / 0.5325 / 0.1127 / 1.1600 / no
44 / PC O-38:7 / 0.0251 / 0.0130 / 0.0235 / 0.0005 / 0.0848 / 0.0278 / 0.0150 / 0.0248 / 0.0059 / 0.0984 / no
45 / PC O-38:5 / 0.1333 / 0.0245 / 0.1307 / 0.0785 / 0.1948 / 0.1392 / 0.0395 / 0.1352 / 0.0439 / 0.2972 / no
46 / PC O-38:4 / 0.0435 / 0.0117 / 0.0429 / 0.0214 / 0.0824 / 0.0465 / 0.0170 / 0.0434 / 0.0133 / 0.1080 / no
47 / PC 38:7 / 0.0246 / 0.0108 / 0.0241 / 0.0053 / 0.0614 / 0.0264 / 0.0128 / 0.0243 / 0.0041 / 0.0849 / no
48 / PC 38:6 / 1.4489 / 0.5475 / 1.3289 / 0.4761 / 3.4228 / 1.5845 / 0.6101 / 1.5146 / 0.2159 / 3.3224 / no
49 / PC 38:4 / 1.5604 / 0.4539 / 1.4703 / 0.7387 / 3.1493 / 1.4937 / 0.4327 / 1.4248 / 0.3220 / 2.8919 / no
50 / PC 38:3 / 0.6765 / 0.2413 / 0.6309 / 0.2204 / 1.3578 / 0.5756 / 0.2173 / 0.5282 / 0.1017 / 1.2735 / yes
51 / PC 38:2 / 0.0441 / 0.0096 / 0.0433 / 0.0232 / 0.0665 / 0.0449 / 0.0111 / 0.0438 / 0.0153 / 0.0783 / no
52 / PC 40:8 / 0.0115 / 0.0027 / 0.0113 / 0.0064 / 0.0185 / 0.0116 / 0.0034 / 0.0116 / 0.0026 / 0.0218 / no
53 / PC 40:6 / 0.4042 / 0.1750 / 0.3741 / 0.1186 / 0.9498 / 0.3889 / 0.1534 / 0.3807 / 0.0382 / 0.8927 / no
54 / PE 34:2 / 0.0231 / 0.0117 / 0.0212 / 0.0069 / 0.0585 / 0.0244 / 0.0173 / 0.0207 / 0.0048 / 0.1260 / no
55 / PE O-36:5 / 0.0658 / 0.0303 / 0.0590 / 0.0284 / 0.1563 / 0.0556 / 0.0228 / 0.0515 / 0.0091 / 0.1361 / no
56 / PE 36:4 / 0.0393 / 0.0171 / 0.0351 / 0.0178 / 0.0861 / 0.0411 / 0.0309 / 0.0333 / 0.0080 / 0.2233 / no
57 / PE O-38:7 / 0.0429 / 0.0164 / 0.0392 / 0.0115 / 0.0939 / 0.0424 / 0.0173 / 0.0401 / 0.0036 / 0.1101 / no
58 / PE O-38:5 / 0.0799 / 0.0379 / 0.0704 / 0.0352 / 0.2084 / 0.0748 / 0.0358 / 0.0693 / 0.0118 / 0.2370 / no
59 / PE 38:6 / 0.0394 / 0.0188 / 0.0349 / 0.0101 / 0.1053 / 0.0491 / 0.0364 / 0.0412 / 0.0082 / 0.2706 / no
60 / PE 38:2 / 0.6556 / 0.2179 / 0.6207 / 0.3050 / 1.2333 / 0.7560 / 0.3004 / 0.7208 / 0.1478 / 3.0357 / no
61 / SM d18:1/14:0 / 0.1149 / 0.0354 / 0.1058 / 0.0643 / 0.2389 / 0.1253 / 0.0368 / 0.1205 / 0.0304 / 0.2200 / yes
62 / SM d18:1/15:0 / 0.0440 / 0.0135 / 0.0416 / 0.0212 / 0.0822 / 0.0514 / 0.0154 / 0.0499 / 0.0089 / 0.1027 / yes
63 / SM d18:1/16:1 / 0.1466 / 0.0215 / 0.1490 / 0.0927 / 0.2158 / 0.1667 / 0.0380 / 0.1640 / 0.0481 / 0.2728 / yes
64 / SM d18:1/16:0 / 1.5702 / 0.2920 / 1.5418 / 0.9147 / 2.3102 / 1.6926 / 0.3068 / 1.6670 / 0.5052 / 2.6299 / yes
65 / SM d18:1/17:0 / 0.0213 / 0.0069 / 0.0205 / 0.0089 / 0.0400 / 0.0257 / 0.0078 / 0.0252 / 0.0060 / 0.0551 / yes
66 / SM d18:1/18:2 / 0.0048 / 0.0013 / 0.0047 / 0.0016 / 0.0079 / 0.0063 / 0.0019 / 0.0063 / 0.0012 / 0.0113 / yes
67 / SM d18:1/18:1 / 0.1243 / 0.0277 / 0.1206 / 0.0612 / 0.1921 / 0.1548 / 0.0383 / 0.1513 / 0.0385 / 0.2346 / yes
68 / SM d18:1/18:0 / 0.1914 / 0.0521 / 0.1928 / 0.1193 / 0.3179 / 0.2282 / 0.0543 / 0.2240 / 0.0531 / 0.3636 / yes
69 / SM d18:1/20:1 / 0.0521 / 0.0100 / 0.0519 / 0.0338 / 0.0771 / 0.0650 / 0.0152 / 0.0647 / 0.0168 / 0.1028 / yes
70 / SM d18:1/20:0 / 0.1328 / 0.0402 / 0.1288 / 0.0558 / 0.2300 / 0.1485 / 0.0403 / 0.1418 / 0.0306 / 0.2613 / no
71 / SM d18:1/21:0 / 0.0300 / 0.0105 / 0.0287 / 0.0098 / 0.0623 / 0.0341 / 0.0118 / 0.0320 / 0.0068 / 0.0734 / no
72 / SM d18:1/22:1 / 0.2056 / 0.0386 / 0.2040 / 0.1289 / 0.2957 / 0.2301 / 0.0479 / 0.2289 / 0.0974 / 0.3696 / yes

Table S1 continues… Basic statistic parameters for metabolic datasets.

Males (n=58) / Females (n=157) / Difference significant?
No. / Variable / mean / SD / median / min / max / mean / SD / median / min / max
Metabolic dataset
73 / SM d18:1/22:0 / 0.2810 / 0.0715 / 0.2777 / 0.1554 / 0.4532 / 0.2635 / 0.0636 / 0.2553 / 0.0600 / 0.4368 / no
74 / SM d18:1/23:1 / 0.0705 / 0.0168 / 0.0699 / 0.0276 / 0.1115 / 0.0822 / 0.0215 / 0.0800 / 0.0161 / 0.1381 / yes
75 / SM d18:1/23:0 / 0.0944 / 0.0264 / 0.0888 / 0.0495 / 0.1583 / 0.0921 / 0.0229 / 0.0909 / 0.0210 / 0.1511 / no
76 / SM d18:0/24:2 / 0.2469 / 0.0467 / 0.2480 / 0.0970 / 0.3312 / 0.2903 / 0.0672 / 0.2764 / 0.0858 / 0.5260 / yes
77 / SM d18:0/24:1 / 0.5583 / 0.1186 / 0.5581 / 0.2377 / 0.8082 / 0.5828 / 0.1278 / 0.5687 / 0.1540 / 0.9796 / no
78 / SM d18:0/24:0 / 0.1694 / 0.0448 / 0.1671 / 0.0947 / 0.2826 / 0.1449 / 0.0394 / 0.1385 / 0.0435 / 0.2822 / yes
79 / SM d18:0/25:1 / 0.0185 / 0.0066 / 0.0178 / 0.0016 / 0.0373 / 0.0220 / 0.0079 / 0.0209 / 0.0014 / 0.0460 / yes
80 / SM d18:0/25:0 / 0.0074 / 0.0024 / 0.0066 / 0.0036 / 0.0147 / 0.0067 / 0.0019 / 0.0066 / 0.0022 / 0.0128 / no
81 / TG 42:2 / 0.0056 / 0.0068 / 0.0029 / 0.0002 / 0.0399 / 0.0025 / 0.0024 / 0.0018 / 0.0002 / 0.0214 / yes
82 / TG 42:0 / 0.0255 / 0.0176 / 0.0193 / 0.0103 / 0.0941 / 0.0185 / 0.0137 / 0.0164 / 0.0058 / 0.1516 / yes
83 / TG 44:2 / 0.0088 / 0.0115 / 0.0045 / 0.0002 / 0.0489 / 0.0039 / 0.0063 / 0.0019 / 0.0001 / 0.0617 / yes
84 / TG 44:1 / 0.0771 / 0.0801 / 0.0480 / 0.0041 / 0.3718 / 0.0438 / 0.0595 / 0.0272 / 0.0008 / 0.5698 / yes
85 / TG 44:0 / 0.1324 / 0.0711 / 0.1046 / 0.0619 / 0.4156 / 0.0993 / 0.0536 / 0.0871 / 0.0373 / 0.4792 / yes
86 / TG 46:3 / 0.0102 / 0.0116 / 0.0062 / 0.0004 / 0.0590 / 0.0060 / 0.0072 / 0.0036 / 0.0001 / 0.0426 / yes
87 / TG 46:2 / 0.0727 / 0.0770 / 0.0426 / 0.0057 / 0.3036 / 0.0374 / 0.0501 / 0.0190 / 0.0015 / 0.3536 / yes
88 / TG 46:1 / 0.6311 / 0.5278 / 0.4652 / 0.1593 / 2.0678 / 0.3774 / 0.3796 / 0.2548 / 0.0536 / 2.7243 / yes
89 / TG 46:0 / 0.2042 / 0.2042 / 0.1293 / 0.0280 / 0.9048 / 0.1051 / 0.1178 / 0.0664 / 0.0183 / 0.7832 / yes
90 / TG 48:4 / 0.0108 / 0.0117 / 0.0083 / 0.0003 / 0.0603 / 0.0067 / 0.0068 / 0.0047 / 0.0003 / 0.0490 / no
91 / TG 48:3 / 0.1490 / 0.1184 / 0.1115 / 0.0206 / 0.4921 / 0.0863 / 0.0845 / 0.0585 / 0.0043 / 0.4542 / yes
92 / TG 48:2 / 1.2883 / 0.9275 / 1.0368 / 0.2460 / 4.6621 / 0.8138 / 0.6763 / 0.5817 / 0.1245 / 3.2974 / yes
93 / TG 48:1 / 1.9352 / 1.5205 / 1.4563 / 0.4418 / 7.4156 / 1.1256 / 1.0257 / 0.7539 / 0.1545 / 5.5715 / yes
94 / TG 48:0 / 0.4612 / 0.5343 / 0.2566 / 0.0723 / 2.6319 / 0.2219 / 0.2674 / 0.1259 / 0.0391 / 2.0271 / yes
95 / TG 40:7 / 0.4646 / 0.1483 / 0.4579 / 0.1522 / 0.9076 / 0.4636 / 0.1626 / 0.4435 / 0.1334 / 0.9342 / no
96 / TG 40:6 / 1.1070 / 0.4725 / 1.0256 / 0.3490 / 2.5132 / 1.0907 / 0.4393 / 1.0681 / 0.0938 / 2.5368 / no
97 / TG 40:5 / 0.3233 / 0.1175 / 0.2976 / 0.1171 / 0.7507 / 0.2810 / 0.0976 / 0.2726 / 0.0846 / 0.6584 / no
98 / TG 40:4 / 0.0473 / 0.0162 / 0.0434 / 0.0151 / 0.1009 / 0.0406 / 0.0144 / 0.0384 / 0.0166 / 0.1002 / yes
99 / TG 50:5 / 0.0130 / 0.0093 / 0.0106 / 0.0017 / 0.0445 / 0.0091 / 0.0077 / 0.0070 / 0.0004 / 0.0571 / yes
100 / TG 50:4 / 0.3491 / 0.2292 / 0.3085 / 0.0700 / 1.2366 / 0.2302 / 0.1540 / 0.1955 / 0.0408 / 0.8865 / yes
101 / TG 50:3 / 1.6948 / 1.0892 / 1.5550 / 0.3856 / 6.4737 / 1.1669 / 0.7477 / 0.9745 / 0.2785 / 3.8229 / yes
102 / TG 50:2 / 5.4451 / 2.8902 / 4.7937 / 1.3012 / 15.6992 / 3.7877 / 2.2285 / 3.1036 / 1.0405 / 10.7743 / yes
103 / TG 50:1 / 3.2735 / 2.5826 / 2.4650 / 0.5208 / 12.6502 / 1.7753 / 1.4664 / 1.2495 / 0.3410 / 8.3461 / yes
104 / TG 50:0 / 0.2053 / 0.2304 / 0.1259 / 0.0366 / 1.0327 / 0.0962 / 0.0988 / 0.0611 / 0.0178 / 0.7000 / yes
105 / TG 51:3 / 0.2158 / 0.1119 / 0.1858 / 0.0572 / 0.5585 / 0.1551 / 0.0924 / 0.1270 / 0.0303 / 0.5372 / yes
106 / TG 51:1 / 0.1174 / 0.0683 / 0.1012 / 0.0337 / 0.3419 / 0.0767 / 0.0491 / 0.0616 / 0.0162 / 0.3285 / yes
107 / TG 52:4 / 3.1368 / 2.2259 / 2.4263 / 0.7617 / 10.6063 / 2.1727 / 1.3832 / 1.8437 / 0.3738 / 8.4479 / yes
108 / TG 52:3 / 8.3722 / 4.1246 / 8.1206 / 2.2022 / 20.5692 / 6.2401 / 2.9756 / 5.7239 / 1.7978 / 16.6136 / yes
109 / TG 52:2 / 8.7957 / 3.6527 / 8.2144 / 2.2005 / 17.1437 / 6.4507 / 3.0519 / 5.8688 / 1.8052 / 15.3421 / yes
110 / TG 52:1 / 0.8356 / 0.7573 / 0.6234 / 0.1349 / 3.8991 / 0.4090 / 0.3359 / 0.2921 / 0.0638 / 1.6190 / yes
111 / TG 53:2 / 0.0840 / 0.0368 / 0.0784 / 0.0289 / 0.1971 / 0.0652 / 0.0306 / 0.0600 / 0.0163 / 0.1551 / yes
112 / TG 54:7 / 0.2195 / 0.1991 / 0.1790 / 0.0592 / 1.2371 / 0.1300 / 0.0690 / 0.1169 / 0.0254 / 0.3980 / yes
113 / TG 54:6 / 0.9390 / 0.7235 / 0.7238 / 0.2734 / 4.1722 / 0.5509 / 0.3048 / 0.4701 / 0.1105 / 2.0288 / yes
114 / TG 54:5 / 1.6834 / 1.1473 / 1.3268 / 0.4246 / 5.3847 / 1.0860 / 0.6010 / 0.9710 / 0.2566 / 4.3787 / yes
115 / TG 54:4 / 2.1410 / 1.5921 / 1.7037 / 0.4509 / 8.0680 / 1.4789 / 0.9019 / 1.3232 / 0.3352 / 6.8743 / yes
116 / TG 54:3 / 2.5040 / 1.4272 / 2.1279 / 0.5957 / 7.2278 / 1.7944 / 0.9438 / 1.5998 / 0.4008 / 6.1338 / yes
117 / TG 54:2 / 0.6271 / 0.3507 / 0.5590 / 0.1464 / 1.5229 / 0.4065 / 0.2251 / 0.3560 / 0.0968 / 1.1338 / yes
118 / TG 54:1 / 0.0583 / 0.0471 / 0.0453 / 0.0079 / 0.2188 / 0.0298 / 0.0288 / 0.0209 / 0.0050 / 0.2055 / yes
119 / TG 55:3 / 0.5398 / 0.1652 / 0.5347 / 0.2241 / 0.9718 / 0.4562 / 0.1468 / 0.4496 / 0.1833 / 0.8279 / yes
120 / TG 55:2 / 0.5756 / 0.1460 / 0.5660 / 0.2310 / 0.8604 / 0.4793 / 0.1524 / 0.4585 / 0.1924 / 0.8402 / yes
121 / TG 55:1 / 0.1788 / 0.1093 / 0.1507 / 0.0432 / 0.5693 / 0.1061 / 0.0641 / 0.0882 / 0.0178 / 0.3399 / yes
122 / TG 56:7 / 0.6245 / 0.4867 / 0.5484 / 0.1430 / 3.0928 / 0.3893 / 0.2111 / 0.3497 / 0.0684 / 1.4669 / yes
123 / TG 56:6 / 0.6556 / 0.3410 / 0.6104 / 0.2039 / 1.8251 / 0.4449 / 0.1998 / 0.4046 / 0.1132 / 1.1282 / yes

Table S1 continues… Basic statistic parameters for metabolic datasets.

Males (n=58) / Females (n=157) / Difference significant?
No. / Variable / mean / SD / median / min / max / mean / SD / median / min / max
Metabolic dataset
124 / TG 56:5 / 0.2601 / 0.1319 / 0.2579 / 0.0611 / 0.7634 / 0.1939 / 0.1010 / 0.1656 / 0.0583 / 0.5674 / yes
125 / TG 56:3 / 0.0057 / 0.0040 / 0.0047 / 0.0012 / 0.0205 / 0.0039 / 0.0029 / 0.0032 / 0.0002 / 0.0197 / yes
126 / TG 56:2 / 0.0499 / 0.0250 / 0.0473 / 0.0006 / 0.1431 / 0.0375 / 0.0179 / 0.0340 / 0.0107 / 0.1178 / yes
127 / TG 56:1 / 0.0299 / 0.0267 / 0.0248 / 0.0105 / 0.2032 / 0.0186 / 0.0083 / 0.0172 / 0.0049 / 0.0442 / yes
128 / TG 56:0 / 0.0237 / 0.0095 / 0.0217 / 0.0097 / 0.0585 / 0.0179 / 0.0067 / 0.0176 / 0.0033 / 0.0420 / yes
129 / TG 58:9 / 0.0563 / 0.0064 / 0.0567 / 0.0392 / 0.0694 / 0.0569 / 0.0084 / 0.0579 / 0.0373 / 0.0879 / no
130 / TG 58:8 / 0.0725 / 0.0743 / 0.0545 / 0.0140 / 0.5408 / 0.0508 / 0.0321 / 0.0440 / 0.0063 / 0.2496 / no
131 / TG 58:6 / 0.0859 / 0.0774 / 0.0664 / 0.0199 / 0.5574 / 0.0587 / 0.0369 / 0.0499 / 0.0096 / 0.2875 / yes
132 / TG 58:3 / 0.0315 / 0.0171 / 0.0262 / 0.0095 / 0.0958 / 0.0212 / 0.0118 / 0.0181 / 0.0015 / 0.0750 / yes
133 / TG 58:2 / 0.0178 / 0.0130 / 0.0144 / 0.0069 / 0.0995 / 0.0118 / 0.0047 / 0.0114 / 0.0033 / 0.0352 / yes
134 / TG 58:1 / 0.0135 / 0.0082 / 0.0114 / 0.0025 / 0.0466 / 0.0094 / 0.0059 / 0.0086 / 0.0024 / 0.0471 / yes
135 / TG 59:2 / 0.0073 / 0.0062 / 0.0066 / 0.0023 / 0.0478 / 0.0047 / 0.0022 / 0.0045 / 0.0008 / 0.0110 / yes
136 / TG 60:3 / 0.0050 / 0.0081 / 0.0034 / 0.0012 / 0.0638 / 0.0028 / 0.0012 / 0.0026 / 0.0002 / 0.0066 / yes
137 / (X)L-VLDL / 0.4674 / 0.3781 / 0.4079 / 0.0001 / 1.5858 / 0.2376 / 0.2235 / 0.1736 / 0.0001 / 0.9518 / yes
138 / M-VLDL / 0.8399 / 0.4710 / 0.7642 / 0.1818 / 2.1692 / 0.5543 / 0.3146 / 0.4805 / 0.0736 / 1.6133 / yes
139 / S-VLDL / 0.8668 / 0.3109 / 0.8229 / 0.3885 / 1.9449 / 0.6948 / 0.2575 / 0.6492 / 0.0859 / 1.5104 / yes
140 / XS-VLDL / 0.5883 / 0.1817 / 0.5938 / 0.2787 / 1.0198 / 0.5510 / 0.1520 / 0.5309 / 0.1426 / 1.0289 / no
141 / IDL / 1.2913 / 0.3661 / 1.2703 / 0.6415 / 2.0152 / 1.2720 / 0.2789 / 1.2792 / 0.6161 / 1.9654 / no
142 / L-LDL / 1.5957 / 0.4312 / 1.6099 / 0.8060 / 2.5448 / 1.5342 / 0.3405 / 1.5530 / 0.7194 / 2.2875 / no
143 / M-LDL / 0.9403 / 0.2477 / 0.9663 / 0.4211 / 1.5276 / 0.8881 / 0.2003 / 0.8914 / 0.3518 / 1.3452 / no
144 / S-LDL / 0.5947 / 0.1494 / 0.6043 / 0.2953 / 0.9718 / 0.5563 / 0.1201 / 0.5558 / 0.2248 / 0.8293 / no
145 / XL-HDL / 0.2248 / 0.0691 / 0.2149 / 0.1060 / 0.4669 / 0.3305 / 0.1595 / 0.2833 / 0.1185 / 1.1632 / yes
146 / L-HDL / 0.4737 / 0.2112 / 0.4108 / 0.2002 / 1.1546 / 0.7121 / 0.3237 / 0.6647 / 0.0255 / 1.9442 / yes
147 / M-HDL / 0.8205 / 0.2073 / 0.8420 / 0.4735 / 1.3850 / 0.8870 / 0.1965 / 0.8829 / 0.3717 / 1.4163 / no
148 / S-HDL / 1.2925 / 0.0850 / 1.2876 / 1.1324 / 1.4446 / 1.2689 / 0.1055 / 1.2619 / 1.0502 / 1.5913 / no
149 / 3-hydroxybutyrate / 6.9335 / 6.4197 / 4.8660 / 0.0582 / 36.6120 / 9.6903 / 8.6624 / 6.1440 / 0.0150 / 49.4800 / no
150 / Acetate / 11.4555 / 6.5264 / 8.3370 / 2.9460 / 26.2000 / 10.8876 / 6.3620 / 8.4460 / 3.1710 / 33.0900 / no
151 / Acetoacetate / 5.1202 / 4.2110 / 3.8135 / 1.6880 / 27.2300 / 4.6583 / 3.3998 / 3.5840 / 1.2130 / 26.9900 / no
152 / Alanine / 31.4329 / 7.8956 / 30.0500 / 17.9440 / 50.7600 / 29.1497 / 7.6985 / 27.9560 / 13.9640 / 53.2400 / no
153 / CH2 / 1088.15 / 473.98 / 1034.86 / 464.84 / 2494.11 / 823.38 / 300.51 / 753.47 / 380.91 / 1777.35 / yes
154 / CH3 / 457.25 / 129.58 / 454.02 / 243.33 / 808.72 / 407.13 / 101.00 / 399.47 / 227.51 / 701.82 / no
155 / Creatinine / 2.0031 / 0.4235 / 1.9760 / 1.1370 / 3.4780 / 1.4916 / 0.3574 / 1.4450 / 0.7026 / 2.7280 / yes
156 / Glucose / 31.8368 / 4.5140 / 31.3418 / 22.8834 / 49.4411 / 30.2496 / 4.3960 / 30.5075 / 20.5088 / 44.2855 / no
157 / Glutamine+
Glutamate / 22.9388 / 3.1347 / 23.1163 / 15.4616 / 29.4880 / 21.2780 / 4.5937 / 20.8997 / 11.3170 / 40.2140 / yes
158 / GP / 80.2506 / 17.5199 / 78.1045 / 53.8790 / 133.5400 / 72.7503 / 14.2782 / 72.3200 / 37.5160 / 108.3300 / no
159 / Histidine / 1.7244 / 0.2659 / 1.6845 / 1.0950 / 2.4680 / 1.5845 / 0.2719 / 1.5590 / 0.9626 / 2.4300 / yes
160 / Isoleucine / 4.4921 / 1.5734 / 4.2390 / 2.4940 / 10.7260 / 3.1671 / 1.0278 / 3.0240 / 1.3826 / 6.5900 / yes
161 / Lactate / 77.9687 / 26.6338 / 75.7600 / 38.4640 / 147.7440 / 66.4984 / 21.2645 / 62.9840 / 31.8616 / 141.4480 / no
162 / Leucine / 9.7581 / 2.0226 / 9.2940 / 4.2690 / 14.2800 / 7.9346 / 1.6354 / 8.0750 / 4.2680 / 12.4810 / yes
163 / Phenylalanine / 2.0519 / 0.3843 / 1.9840 / 1.3026 / 2.7940 / 1.8784 / 0.4311 / 1.8124 / 1.0658 / 3.1060 / no
164 / Tyrosine / 1.7743 / 0.5089 / 1.7054 / 0.8655 / 3.0960 / 1.4787 / 0.3692 / 1.4966 / 0.6507 / 2.3310 / yes
165 / Valine / 24.2864 / 5.0128 / 23.7100 / 17.3880 / 36.9840 / 19.6231 / 3.9268 / 19.4120 / 10.0480 / 29.9960 / yes
166 / Glucose / 4.8138 / 0.5571 / 4.8000 / 3.8000 / 6.5000 / 4.9478 / 0.5772 / 4.9000 / 3.8000 / 7.0000 / no
167 / Insulin / 8.0582 / 5.9378 / 6.3192 / 2.0500 / 31.4630 / 5.2138 / 2.9696 / 4.4826 / 1.5030 / 18.0520 / yes
168 / FFA / 0.4150 / 0.1453 / 0.3941 / 0.1515 / 0.8053 / 0.4871 / 0.1833 / 0.4666 / 0.1190 / 1.0304 / no
169 / Glycerol / 0.0396 / 0.0286 / 0.0360 / 0.0022 / 0.1265 / 0.0541 / 0.0394 / 0.0509 / 0.0022 / 0.2357 / no
170 / NA / 1.8838 / 0.7167 / 1.7268 / 0.7720 / 4.1593 / 1.8198 / 0.7916 / 1.7234 / 0.6644 / 5.8689 / no
171 / A / 0.1772 / 0.0943 / 0.1637 / 0.0264 / 0.4784 / 0.1297 / 0.0879 / 0.1105 / 0.0120 / 0.4810 / yes
172 / Cholesterol / 5.0845 / 0.9996 / 5.0000 / 3.3000 / 8.7000 / 4.9427 / 0.8375 / 5.0000 / 3.2000 / 6.9000 / no
173 / Triglycerides / 1.4448 / 0.7067 / 1.4000 / 0.3000 / 3.9000 / 1.0331 / 0.4840 / 0.9000 / 0.3000 / 2.5000 / yes
174 / HDL Cholesterol / 1.2534 / 0.2921 / 1.2000 / 0.7000 / 2.0000 / 1.5376 / 0.4254 / 1.5000 / 0.7000 / 3.4000 / yes

Table S1 continues… Basic statistic parameters for metabolic datasets.

Males (n=58) / Females (n=157) / Difference significant?
No. / Variable / mean / SD / median / min / max / mean / SD / median / min / max
Metabolic dataset
175 / LDL Cholesterol / 3.1552 / 1.0166 / 3.1000 / 0.6000 / 5.9000 / 2.9363 / 0.7693 / 2.9000 / 0.6000 / 4.8000 / no
176 / Chol :HDL / 4.2276 / 1.3880 / 4.1000 / 1.8000 / 7.4000 / 3.4115 / 0.9589 / 3.3000 / 1.8000 / 6.7000 / yes
177 / HOMA_IR / 1.7649 / 1.4782 / 1.3382 / 0.4464 / 7.9706 / 1.1494 / 0.6592 / 0.9569 / 0.3116 / 3.7050 / yes

Table S2.P-values of correlations between BFD parameters and metabolic variables. Correlations significant at P<0.05 are underlined and correlations valid after FDR corrections are in bold. BFD parameters: A – android fat. G – gynoid fat. VAT – visceral fat. SAT – subcutaneous fat. waist – waist circumference. LBM – lean body mass.

Correlation between BFD parameters and metabolic variables in Women / Correlation between BFD parameters and metabolic variables in Men
Variable / A / G / A/G ratio / VAT / SAT / waist / LBM / A / G / A/G ratio / VAT / SAT / waist / LBM
CholE 18:2 / 0.6572 / 0.8238 / 0.0836 / 0.4007 / 0.8096 / 0.4029 / 0.8621 / 0.7660 / 0.8640 / 0.8078 / 0.7971 / 0.7374 / 0.9799 / 0.7904
CholE 20:5 / 0.6676 / 0.0214 / 0.0190 / 0.5214 / 0.7517 / 0.7124 / 0.6446 / 0.9042 / 0.6721 / 0.3583 / 0.9337 / 0.6524 / 0.6776 / 0.3566
CholE 20:4 / 0.3828 / 0.9360 / 0.1348 / 0.1335 / 0.2493 / 0.2685 / 0.6242 / 0.0462 / 0.4700 / 0.8393 / 0.5011 / 0.8530 / 0.4631 / 0.2085
CholE 22:6 / 0.0348 / 0.0667 / 0.6540 / 0.4881 / 0.4550 / 0.0156 / 0.0014 / 0.5984 / 0.1023 / 0.0152 / 0.4650 / 0.7436 / 0.6438 / 0.6277
DG 36:3 / 0.0000 / 0.0649 / 0.0000 / 0.0005 / 0.0133 / 0.0000 / 0.0012 / 0.3826 / 0.8091 / 0.4862 / 0.1168 / 0.3129 / 0.9813 / 0.7978
LPC 14:0 / 0.6632 / 0.1385 / 0.0241 / 0.2043 / 0.5280 / 0.1293 / 0.2296 / 0.2229 / 0.1595 / 0.1319 / 0.0238 / 0.9773 / 0.7355 / 0.4036
LPC O-16:1 / 0.0004 / 0.4557 / 0.0065 / 0.0017 / 0.0000 / 0.0040 / 0.0028 / 0.0209 / 0.7883 / 0.0340 / 0.5969 / 0.1669 / 0.0263 / 0.9798
LPC 16:1 / 0.0449 / 0.3586 / 0.1053 / 0.0194 / 0.0430 / 0.0390 / 0.1920 / 0.4368 / 0.3835 / 0.2193 / 0.0175 / 0.0333 / 0.8601 / 0.8404
LPC 16:0 / 0.0278 / 0.1643 / 0.4670 / 0.5109 / 0.0221 / 0.2043 / 0.0394 / 0.0062 / 0.0875 / 0.9110 / 0.0896 / 0.1208 / 0.0356 / 0.9641
LPC O-18:1 / 0.0255 / 0.8163 / 0.0377 / 0.0083 / 0.0002 / 0.0023 / 0.0105 / 0.4155 / 0.7559 / 0.0977 / 0.7036 / 0.5995 / 0.0529 / 0.2733
LPC 18:3 / 0.0024 / 0.0813 / 0.1238 / 0.0686 / 0.0006 / 0.0045 / 0.0005 / 0.0506 / 0.1832 / 0.9490 / 0.0805 / 0.3930 / 0.0364 / 0.5982
LPC 18:2 / 0.0006 / 0.5376 / 0.0027 / 0.0062 / 0.0000 / 0.0001 / 0.0000 / 0.0001 / 0.2634 / 0.1386 / 0.1376 / 0.3067 / 0.0021 / 0.5084
LPC 18:1 / 0.0051 / 0.6145 / 0.0111 / 0.0703 / 0.0014 / 0.0066 / 0.0026 / 0.0012 / 0.4640 / 0.0827 / 0.1316 / 0.0965 / 0.0034 / 0.8296
LPC 18:0 / 0.1010 / 0.6749 / 0.3085 / 0.2312 / 0.0673 / 0.1591 / 0.0197 / 0.1675 / 0.5051 / 0.7111 / 0.3165 / 0.4005 / 0.0035 / 0.2830
LPC 20:5 / 0.3253 / 0.3962 / 0.7163 / 0.8277 / 0.0576 / 0.5343 / 0.0672 / 0.1003 / 0.4164 / 0.6053 / 0.1536 / 0.0167 / 0.0297 / 0.2747
LPC 20:4 / 0.0308 / 0.5469 / 0.1070 / 0.4486 / 0.0168 / 0.2152 / 0.0294 / 0.0066 / 0.7949 / 0.0313 / 0.6263 / 0.1654 / 0.0871 / 0.4946
LPC 20:3 / 0.1674 / 0.0527 / 0.8185 / 0.7495 / 0.1943 / 0.4454 / 0.2297 / 0.8534 / 0.4028 / 0.3523 / 0.4010 / 0.2878 / 0.9903 / 0.8274
LPC 22:6 / 0.0001 / 0.1739 / 0.0031 / 0.0277 / 0.0030 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0337 / 0.1462 / 0.5864 / 0.6570 / 0.1099 / 0.0526 / 0.2059
LPC 20:1 / 0.0130 / 0.4482 / 0.0328 / 0.1124 / 0.0066 / 0.1316 / 0.1397 / 0.5804 / 0.8437 / 0.2694 / 0.9103 / 0.7752 / 0.0208 / 0.1629
LPC 20:0 / 0.4875 / 0.7395 / 0.8856 / 0.3408 / 0.6795 / 0.7802 / 0.3352 / 0.2667 / 0.8303 / 0.4964 / 0.5073 / 0.7287 / 0.0385 / 0.1016
LPE 18:0 / 0.0032 / 0.0007 / 0.5963 / 0.1680 / 0.0774 / 0.1183 / 0.0021 / 0.0239 / 0.0072 / 0.0837 / 0.6228 / 0.4354 / 0.2708 / 0.0776
LPE 22:6 / 0.0014 / 0.1636 / 0.0048 / 0.0190 / 0.2949 / 0.0586 / 0.1265 / 0.8743 / 0.7133 / 0.3740 / 0.4901 / 0.8271 / 0.9184 / 0.5719
PC 32:2 / 0.0067 / 0.8022 / 0.0001 / 0.0164 / 0.0552 / 0.0126 / 0.0559 / 0.5249 / 0.0581 / 0.0089 / 0.0411 / 0.8239 / 0.8756 / 0.6441
PC 32:1 / 0.0007 / 0.8052 / 0.0001 / 0.0013 / 0.0007 / 0.0005 / 0.0071 / 0.5261 / 0.7381 / 0.0499 / 0.1083 / 0.4083 / 0.3381 / 0.9754
PC 32:0 / 0.8568 / 0.8221 / 0.4532 / 0.9272 / 0.4449 / 0.8522 / 0.8762 / 0.7066 / 0.7412 / 0.2316 / 0.0012 / 0.4097 / 0.3821 / 0.1170
PC O-34:3 / 0.0744 / 0.1258 / 0.0067 / 0.0004 / 0.0020 / 0.0020 / 0.0385 / 0.7102 / 0.1297 / 0.0018 / 0.5669 / 0.7242 / 0.1434 / 0.9340
PC O-34:2 / 0.2470 / 0.4107 / 0.1420 / 0.0010 / 0.0027 / 0.0079 / 0.0389 / 0.9382 / 0.0188 / 0.0004 / 0.7429 / 0.3743 / 0.8183 / 0.2379
PC O-34:1 / 0.1133 / 0.4105 / 0.0177 / 0.0010 / 0.0001 / 0.0164 / 0.0309 / 0.5086 / 0.3259 / 0.0236 / 0.4452 / 0.6091 / 0.1700 / 0.3270
PC 34:4 / 0.0076 / 0.4792 / 0.0000 / 0.0041 / 0.0390 / 0.0016 / 0.0277 / 0.5271 / 0.2846 / 0.0616 / 0.0259 / 0.5750 / 0.9823 / 0.7180
PC 34:2 / 0.0984 / 0.7841 / 0.0099 / 0.2168 / 0.7375 / 0.1383 / 0.4764 / 0.6718 / 0.8977 / 0.6637 / 0.1216 / 0.3224 / 0.9395 / 0.8559
PC 34:1 / 0.0048 / 0.9714 / 0.0002 / 0.0042 / 0.0154 / 0.0048 / 0.0750 / 0.2131 / 0.3338 / 0.5306 / 0.0323 / 0.9589 / 0.3030 / 0.4414
PC 34:0 / 0.0730 / 0.0848 / 0.3724 / 0.9976 / 0.8958 / 0.0118 / 0.0038 / 0.1271 / 0.7014 / 0.0493 / 0.4224 / 0.6296 / 0.0091 / 0.7730
PC O-36:6 / 0.9074 / 0.7737 / 0.3037 / 0.6426 / 0.1818 / 0.3833 / 0.1407 / 0.5600 / 0.5380 / 0.5138 / 0.8192 / 0.7475 / 0.8308 / 0.4530
PC O-36:5 / 0.9534 / 0.5770 / 0.6739 / 0.4374 / 0.0814 / 0.6006 / 0.7077 / 0.2652 / 0.0025 / 0.0003 / 0.5582 / 0.2636 / 0.9178 / 0.2682
PC O-36:4 / 0.9144 / 0.9591 / 0.4358 / 0.3317 / 0.0838 / 0.7913 / 0.3707 / 0.8080 / 0.1674 / 0.0379 / 0.5201 / 0.3530 / 0.9017 / 0.1266
PC O-36:3 / 0.0001 / 0.8710 / 0.0001 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.5304 / 0.3202 / 0.0065 / 0.1348 / 0.7242 / 0.0167 / 0.0747
Correlation between BFD parameters and metabolic variables in Women / Correlation between BFD parameters and metabolic variables in Men
Variable / A / G / A/G ratio / VAT / SAT / waist / LBM / A / G / A/G ratio / VAT / SAT / waist / LBM
PC O-36:2 / 0.0767 / 0.3191 / 0.0202 / 0.0023 / 0.0012 / 0.0453 / 0.0938 / 0.3505 / 0.1999 / 0.0043 / 0.4914 / 0.4753 / 0.3123 / 0.3442
PC 36:6 / 0.6142 / 0.1686 / 0.0339 / 0.1921 / 0.2494 / 0.3536 / 0.5494 / 0.9804 / 0.1102 / 0.0104 / 0.8178 / 0.8181 / 0.2995 / 0.1887
PC 36:5 / 0.1524 / 0.9184 / 0.0187 / 0.0976 / 0.3320 / 0.0520 / 0.5549 / 0.3705 / 0.1417 / 0.0438 / 0.2668 / 0.0415 / 0.0653 / 0.1814
PC 36:4 / 0.0226 / 0.6112 / 0.0045 / 0.0598 / 0.2047 / 0.0112 / 0.0593 / 0.1817 / 0.5614 / 0.3696 / 0.1134 / 0.8346 / 0.2192 / 0.0516
PC 36:3 / 0.0013 / 0.9214 / 0.0000 / 0.0140 / 0.0160 / 0.0024 / 0.0037 / 0.8819 / 0.4840 / 0.6329 / 0.8378 / 0.6694 / 0.6703 / 0.6660
PC 36:2 / 0.0781 / 0.4577 / 0.0148 / 0.3305 / 0.9940 / 0.1312 / 0.7814 / 0.9653 / 0.3247 / 0.3826 / 0.4049 / 0.7204 / 0.3836 / 0.2059
PC 36:1 / 0.0351 / 0.7129 / 0.0075 / 0.0185 / 0.2845 / 0.0264 / 0.4838 / 0.2506 / 0.2984 / 0.6414 / 0.1042 / 0.8859 / 0.5971 / 0.6053
PC O-38:7 / 0.0049 / 0.8488 / 0.0047 / 0.0016 / 0.0011 / 0.0002 / 0.0011 / 0.9525 / 0.7718 / 0.4693 / 0.1259 / 0.9340 / 0.1336 / 0.1865
PC O-38:5 / 0.6483 / 0.7834 / 0.9550 / 0.1525 / 0.0144 / 0.2823 / 0.1034 / 0.3771 / 0.9162 / 0.3864 / 0.7053 / 0.6153 / 0.3761 / 0.5625
PC O-38:4 / 0.0690 / 0.4620 / 0.4038 / 0.0204 / 0.0051 / 0.3361 / 0.1787 / 0.6609 / 0.1422 / 0.0326 / 0.9879 / 0.3425 / 0.8810 / 0.3689
PC 38:7 / 0.5813 / 0.7878 / 0.3620 / 0.8322 / 0.6412 / 0.9612 / 0.6404 / 0.2194 / 0.0632 / 0.0259 / 0.4693 / 0.0465 / 0.0137 / 0.0174
PC 38:6 / 0.2339 / 0.3039 / 0.9479 / 0.4892 / 0.6747 / 0.2121 / 0.1143 / 0.7345 / 0.4097 / 0.1075 / 0.9578 / 0.7907 / 0.8032 / 0.4761
PC 38:4 / 0.0059 / 0.2678 / 0.0031 / 0.0166 / 0.2435 / 0.0028 / 0.0605 / 0.1025 / 0.4079 / 0.6873 / 0.8213 / 0.6056 / 0.6509 / 0.9359
PC 38:3 / 0.0000 / 0.8783 / 0.0000 / 0.0002 / 0.0001 / 0.0000 / 0.0001 / 0.0032 / 0.0157 / 0.8350 / 0.6978 / 0.6886 / 0.0880 / 0.9296
PC 38:2 / 0.0084 / 0.8235 / 0.0011 / 0.0683 / 0.0240 / 0.0265 / 0.0400 / 0.2421 / 0.2260 / 0.8606 / 0.4865 / 0.7586 / 0.7145 / 0.1834
PC 40:8 / 0.0037 / 0.0732 / 0.2699 / 0.0197 / 0.0310 / 0.0072 / 0.0018 / 0.1725 / 0.3526 / 0.5610 / 0.5467 / 0.5728 / 0.0126 / 0.3150
PC 40:6 / 0.8140 / 0.3446 / 0.2098 / 0.6353 / 0.5634 / 0.7992 / 0.2349 / 0.1988 / 0.9700 / 0.1216 / 0.7443 / 0.7886 / 0.9095 / 0.4315
PE 34:2 / 0.0847 / 0.3236 / 0.0015 / 0.1441 / 0.5169 / 0.0292 / 0.2527 / 0.4422 / 0.7906 / 0.6985 / 0.4648 / 0.1218 / 0.3391 / 0.4943
PE O-36:5 / 0.3488 / 0.5094 / 0.4050 / 0.8868 / 0.8557 / 0.9059 / 0.8653 / 0.1682 / 0.0219 / 0.0253 / 0.4824 / 0.0098 / 0.0999 / 0.0657
PE 36:4 / 0.0970 / 0.4868 / 0.0063 / 0.2001 / 0.3790 / 0.0340 / 0.1302 / 0.4048 / 0.8801 / 0.2944 / 0.5829 / 0.1229 / 0.3398 / 0.8185
PE O-38:7 / 0.7788 / 0.5264 / 0.4056 / 0.9786 / 0.1545 / 0.1997 / 0.0386 / 0.8861 / 0.9368 / 0.9260 / 0.6674 / 0.4120 / 0.2922 / 0.5385
PE O-38:5 / 0.9130 / 0.8319 / 0.6884 / 0.7908 / 0.3276 / 0.3233 / 0.6084 / 0.1963 / 0.0140 / 0.0108 / 0.5267 / 0.0080 / 0.2504 / 0.1720
PE 38:6 / 0.5180 / 0.4268 / 0.0833 / 0.6722 / 0.7547 / 0.6527 / 0.7965 / 0.6195 / 0.1477 / 0.0080 / 0.8103 / 0.9619 / 0.6503 / 0.8217
PE 38:2 / 0.2008 / 0.5974 / 0.4558 / 0.1185 / 0.0125 / 0.0652 / 0.0180 / 0.0892 / 0.0246 / 0.4280 / 0.6241 / 0.9322 / 0.0545 / 0.0431
SM d18:1/14:0 / 0.1384 / 0.3211 / 0.2014 / 0.2504 / 0.2955 / 0.1331 / 0.6284 / 0.3422 / 0.0103 / 0.0057 / 0.1370 / 0.6362 / 0.3524 / 0.5874
SM d18:1/15:0 / 0.4913 / 0.8743 / 0.3996 / 0.2741 / 0.2967 / 0.2821 / 0.0069 / 0.1178 / 0.0030 / 0.0407 / 0.8634 / 0.8106 / 0.1204 / 0.6792
SM d18:1/16:1 / 0.0009 / 0.0001 / 0.1890 / 0.0391 / 0.1367 / 0.0112 / 0.2856 / 0.3703 / 0.7039 / 0.5216 / 0.3935 / 0.9026 / 0.6748 / 0.5099
SM d18:1/16:0 / 0.5252 / 0.6393 / 0.6553 / 0.3702 / 0.8357 / 0.5838 / 0.1122 / 0.5525 / 0.5602 / 0.6185 / 0.6471 / 0.7370 / 0.8730 / 0.2863
SM d18:1/17:0 / 0.6312 / 0.4955 / 0.4104 / 0.1656 / 0.1187 / 0.1087 / 0.0178 / 0.7499 / 0.0167 / 0.0124 / 0.5336 / 0.8772 / 0.4554 / 0.8092
SM d18:1/18:2 / 0.0075 / 0.0034 / 0.2740 / 0.3168 / 0.6610 / 0.2395 / 0.4267 / 0.6852 / 0.0687 / 0.1363 / 0.4845 / 0.5138 / 0.3768 / 0.8153
SM d18:1/18:1 / 0.0308 / 0.0037 / 0.5574 / 0.4381 / 0.9329 / 0.3517 / 0.9155 / 0.1375 / 0.6716 / 0.1307 / 0.3741 / 0.9934 / 0.6198 / 0.3506
SM d18:1/18:0 / 0.4247 / 0.1350 / 0.8543 / 0.7984 / 0.9771 / 0.8925 / 0.2364 / 0.1369 / 0.3243 / 0.0115 / 0.1857 / 0.7716 / 0.4263 / 0.1322
SM d18:1/20:1 / 0.0304 / 0.0026 / 0.5332 / 0.3745 / 0.8403 / 0.1347 / 0.6019 / 0.4993 / 0.4935 / 0.1677 / 0.1405 / 0.6046 / 0.7623 / 0.5458
SM d18:1/20:0 / 0.1159 / 0.1941 / 0.1260 / 0.1219 / 0.7741 / 0.0471 / 0.8806 / 0.2395 / 0.1877 / 0.0036 / 0.1265 / 0.5084 / 0.3096 / 0.1050
Correlation between BFD parameters and metabolic variables in Women / Correlation between BFD parameters and metabolic variables in Men
Variable / A / G / A/G ratio / VAT / SAT / waist / LBM / A / G / A/G ratio / VAT / SAT / waist / LBM
SM d18:1/21:0 / 0.9325 / 0.7753 / 0.5425 / 0.9636 / 0.1829 / 0.7973 / 0.0442 / 0.8718 / 0.0379 / 0.0125 / 0.2692 / 0.6280 / 0.8417 / 0.4796
SM d18:1/22:1 / 0.0400 / 0.0195 / 0.2050 / 0.1948 / 0.9624 / 0.0814 / 0.7256 / 0.2400 / 0.4034 / 0.0826 / 0.2257 / 0.8797 / 0.8131 / 0.2158
SM d18:1/22:0 / 0.0930 / 0.7117 / 0.0087 / 0.0453 / 0.2120 / 0.0199 / 0.4577 / 0.0387 / 0.8731 / 0.1507 / 0.2825 / 0.3322 / 0.1183 / 0.0340
SM d18:1/23:1 / 0.8255 / 0.5315 / 0.8807 / 0.4753 / 0.2409 / 0.5203 / 0.1032 / 0.7522 / 0.1305 / 0.1922 / 0.3260 / 0.4764 / 0.5467 / 0.5848
SM d18:1/23:0 / 0.5301 / 0.2718 / 0.0140 / 0.3660 / 0.7585 / 0.3694 / 0.6603 / 0.3380 / 0.4110 / 0.1195 / 0.4055 / 0.3603 / 0.3598 / 0.0629
SM d18:0/24:2 / 0.0937 / 0.0070 / 0.8662 / 0.8153 / 0.9689 / 0.6191 / 0.3754 / 0.8902 / 0.7418 / 0.9286 / 0.7315 / 0.6751 / 0.3971 / 0.8364
SM d18:0/24:1 / 0.0859 / 0.3258 / 0.0488 / 0.3213 / 0.5126 / 0.9850 / 0.5479 / 0.3357 / 0.8140 / 0.6798 / 0.5291 / 0.9604 / 0.8170 / 0.2768
SM d18:0/24:0 / 0.2760 / 0.7862 / 0.0111 / 0.0747 / 0.2719 / 0.0734 / 0.9396 / 0.0122 / 0.2877 / 0.5270 / 0.9242 / 0.4690 / 0.1196 / 0.0203
SM d18:0/25:1 / 0.3679 / 0.6484 / 0.4892 / 0.9204 / 0.3609 / 0.2087 / 0.1185 / 0.2799 / 0.0208 / 0.1800 / 0.8790 / 0.9703 / 0.4013 / 0.6172
SM d18:0/25:0 / 0.4467 / 0.0659 / 0.1735 / 0.3621 / 0.2723 / 0.2783 / 0.0071 / 0.5836 / 0.0545 / 0.1903 / 0.3966 / 0.1020 / 0.9797 / 0.3869
TG 42:2 / 0.9235 / 0.0103 / 0.0856 / 0.3781 / 0.9325 / 0.6765 / 0.1695 / 0.9909 / 0.7579 / 0.7882 / 0.7266 / 0.0568 / 0.7315 / 0.7342
TG 42:0 / 0.0866 / 0.3203 / 0.0059 / 0.0234 / 0.0324 / 0.0143 / 0.0084 / 0.7649 / 0.5552 / 0.3092 / 0.2561 / 0.2079 / 0.3518 / 0.2739
TG 44:2 / 0.1612 / 0.0216 / 0.0001 / 0.0154 / 0.1619 / 0.0982 / 0.3189 / 0.1995 / 0.0556 / 0.0693 / 0.3411 / 0.6431 / 0.2548 / 0.6447
TG 44:1 / 0.0168 / 0.2101 / 0.0000 / 0.0034 / 0.0072 / 0.0021 / 0.0158 / 0.7010 / 0.3990 / 0.1616 / 0.0931 / 0.3726 / 0.6253 / 0.3691
TG 44:0 / 0.0042 / 0.3101 / 0.0000 / 0.0005 / 0.0036 / 0.0002 / 0.0015 / 0.7024 / 0.9596 / 0.2825 / 0.0939 / 0.3320 / 0.2152 / 0.3087
TG 46:3 / 0.5007 / 0.0033 / 0.0005 / 0.0629 / 0.2609 / 0.2422 / 0.9252 / 0.3531 / 0.1007 / 0.0422 / 0.0663 / 0.5807 / 0.4619 / 0.3736
TG 46:2 / 0.0079 / 0.2096 / 0.0000 / 0.0020 / 0.0111 / 0.0001 / 0.0045 / 0.8948 / 0.4807 / 0.0941 / 0.0376 / 0.2727 / 0.5914 / 0.5656
TG 46:1 / 0.0042 / 0.2341 / 0.0000 / 0.0005 / 0.0021 / 0.0001 / 0.0025 / 0.8181 / 0.4225 / 0.0401 / 0.0434 / 0.3818 / 0.2841 / 0.3114
TG 46:0 / 0.1403 / 0.0931 / 0.0008 / 0.0702 / 0.0499 / 0.0052 / 0.0111 / 0.5411 / 0.2948 / 0.0076 / 0.0155 / 0.3253 / 0.1945 / 0.2587
TG 48:4 / 0.0019 / 0.9209 / 0.0001 / 0.0005 / 0.0091 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.4408 / 0.7342 / 0.7743 / 0.1146 / 0.1599 / 0.5187 / 0.1524
TG 48:3 / 0.0006 / 0.3551 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0025 / 0.0000 / 0.0011 / 0.8387 / 0.4683 / 0.1834 / 0.0421 / 0.4524 / 0.8080 / 0.9633
TG 48:2 / 0.0006 / 0.3527 / 0.0000 / 0.0001 / 0.0018 / 0.0000 / 0.0007 / 0.5691 / 0.3914 / 0.0190 / 0.0142 / 0.2963 / 0.3483 / 0.6654
TG 48:1 / 0.0017 / 0.2764 / 0.0000 / 0.0001 / 0.0010 / 0.0000 / 0.0009 / 0.3178 / 0.3730 / 0.0043 / 0.0117 / 0.3603 / 0.0878 / 0.2499
TG 48:0 / 0.0023 / 0.5235 / 0.0000 / 0.0003 / 0.0016 / 0.0000 / 0.0003 / 0.2919 / 0.3993 / 0.0053 / 0.0056 / 0.3676 / 0.0379 / 0.1279
TG 40:7 / 0.2449 / 0.3986 / 0.1698 / 0.3266 / 0.6759 / 0.1523 / 0.8487 / 0.1119 / 0.3666 / 0.6859 / 0.5388 / 0.2223 / 0.3070 / 0.2765
TG 40:6 / 0.5664 / 0.2972 / 0.3516 / 0.8197 / 0.6785 / 0.5253 / 0.1170 / 0.3162 / 0.9508 / 0.1429 / 0.9067 / 0.7808 / 0.8991 / 0.3063
TG 40:5 / 0.3183 / 0.4839 / 0.0210 / 0.0681 / 0.7272 / 0.0318 / 0.6087 / 0.6895 / 0.8213 / 0.5569 / 0.2857 / 0.3748 / 0.4733 / 0.6464
TG 40:4 / 0.4506 / 0.0996 / 0.0138 / 0.4240 / 0.0647 / 0.4451 / 0.9956 / 0.1235 / 0.1840 / 0.5644 / 0.7336 / 0.7858 / 0.1603 / 0.1467
TG 50:5 / 0.0001 / 0.9708 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0091 / 0.0000 / 0.0056 / 0.8135 / 0.1842 / 0.2313 / 0.0124 / 0.4784 / 0.3864 / 0.3112
TG 50:4 / 0.0000 / 0.8918 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0005 / 0.0000 / 0.0004 / 0.8653 / 0.3656 / 0.1660 / 0.0174 / 0.5234 / 0.5803 / 0.7235
TG 50:3 / 0.0000 / 0.8768 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0004 / 0.0000 / 0.0002 / 0.6476 / 0.3989 / 0.0531 / 0.0174 / 0.4458 / 0.6544 / 0.9714
TG 50:2 / 0.0000 / 0.8168 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0001 / 0.0000 / 0.0001 / 0.2360 / 0.5165 / 0.0112 / 0.0100 / 0.4894 / 0.1530 / 0.5641
TG 50:1 / 0.0002 / 0.5264 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0011 / 0.0000 / 0.0006 / 0.1101 / 0.5449 / 0.0037 / 0.0037 / 0.2944 / 0.0214 / 0.1488
TG 50:0 / 0.0191 / 0.3604 / 0.0001 / 0.0074 / 0.0040 / 0.0003 / 0.0029 / 0.2714 / 0.4690 / 0.0067 / 0.0013 / 0.4104 / 0.0637 / 0.1442
Correlation between BFD parameters and metabolic variables in Women / Correlation between BFD parameters and metabolic variables in Men
Variable / A / G / A/G ratio / VAT / SAT / waist / LBM / A / G / A/G ratio / VAT / SAT / waist / LBM
TG 51:3 / 0.0006 / 0.2869 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0158 / 0.0000 / 0.0057 / 0.5638 / 0.1228 / 0.0058 / 0.0293 / 0.2626 / 0.5322 / 0.8544
TG 51:1 / 0.0054 / 0.1917 / 0.0000 / 0.0002 / 0.0098 / 0.0002 / 0.0122 / 0.2945 / 0.1709 / 0.0013 / 0.0084 / 0.1823 / 0.1162 / 0.2490
TG 52:4 / 0.0000 / 0.5440 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0077 / 0.0000 / 0.0017 / 0.7770 / 0.4345 / 0.3974 / 0.0734 / 0.3763 / 0.7092 / 0.5382
TG 52:3 / 0.0000 / 0.7615 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0042 / 0.0000 / 0.0004 / 0.7317 / 0.4812 / 0.3233 / 0.0880 / 0.6008 / 0.9452 / 0.9538
TG 52:2 / 0.0000 / 0.9167 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0005 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.3283 / 0.6757 / 0.0963 / 0.0483 / 0.6461 / 0.4575 / 0.7653
TG 52:1 / 0.0008 / 0.4841 / 0.0000 / 0.0001 / 0.0013 / 0.0000 / 0.0023 / 0.0794 / 0.6659 / 0.0053 / 0.0005 / 0.3997 / 0.0371 / 0.1076
TG 53:2 / 0.0039 / 0.3224 / 0.0000 / 0.0003 / 0.1125 / 0.0003 / 0.0524 / 0.7070 / 0.0552 / 0.0068 / 0.1701 / 0.5150 / 0.7716 / 0.6514
TG 54:7 / 0.0000 / 0.7698 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0025 / 0.0000 / 0.0011 / 0.6340 / 0.5097 / 0.1511 / 0.0090 / 0.7022 / 0.5896 / 0.9052
TG 54:6 / 0.0000 / 0.7148 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0044 / 0.0000 / 0.0010 / 0.9295 / 0.4167 / 0.1991 / 0.0066 / 0.5600 / 0.7114 / 0.7087
TG 54:5 / 0.0000 / 0.7337 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0082 / 0.0000 / 0.0026 / 0.8962 / 0.4423 / 0.4224 / 0.0787 / 0.9088 / 0.6169 / 0.9630
TG 54:4 / 0.0001 / 0.4099 / 0.0000 / 0.0002 / 0.0995 / 0.0003 / 0.0237 / 0.9603 / 0.4991 / 0.5412 / 0.1779 / 0.8178 / 0.5064 / 0.6941
TG 54:3 / 0.0000 / 0.4522 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0142 / 0.0000 / 0.0012 / 0.7426 / 0.6511 / 0.3946 / 0.1973 / 0.9912 / 0.7987 / 0.8432
TG 54:2 / 0.0000 / 0.7533 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0013 / 0.0000 / 0.0001 / 0.1770 / 0.5885 / 0.0272 / 0.0037 / 0.4865 / 0.1444 / 0.1634
TG 54:1 / 0.0025 / 0.4692 / 0.0000 / 0.0003 / 0.0013 / 0.0000 / 0.0024 / 0.2076 / 0.7341 / 0.0175 / 0.0026 / 0.5613 / 0.2238 / 0.2235
TG 55:3 / 0.0000 / 0.5825 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0050 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.7450 / 0.4909 / 0.3956 / 0.0679 / 0.5339 / 0.8097 / 0.8501
TG 55:2 / 0.0000 / 0.7497 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0007 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.6361 / 0.6117 / 0.2051 / 0.0659 / 0.8609 / 0.6248 / 0.7510
TG 55:1 / 0.0018 / 0.4915 / 0.0000 / 0.0002 / 0.0008 / 0.0000 / 0.0022 / 0.1044 / 0.6868 / 0.0066 / 0.0007 / 0.3150 / 0.0176 / 0.0741
TG 56:7 / 0.0055 / 0.6552 / 0.0000 / 0.0020 / 0.1182 / 0.0015 / 0.0859 / 0.3410 / 0.4312 / 0.0931 / 0.0644 / 0.7187 / 0.8256 / 0.9560
TG 56:6 / 0.0003 / 0.9211 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0609 / 0.0000 / 0.0105 / 0.5659 / 0.5754 / 0.2848 / 0.0283 / 0.6481 / 0.7895 / 0.6169
TG 56:5 / 0.0000 / 0.6154 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0240 / 0.0000 / 0.0003 / 0.4272 / 0.7515 / 0.3190 / 0.1603 / 0.6998 / 0.8254 / 0.3603
TG 56:3 / 0.0011 / 0.6610 / 0.0002 / 0.0007 / 0.0200 / 0.0000 / 0.0002 / 0.1587 / 0.7793 / 0.4375 / 0.0153 / 0.5813 / 0.2205 / 0.0661
TG 56:2 / 0.0001 / 0.9865 / 0.0000 / 0.0002 / 0.0336 / 0.0000 / 0.0004 / 0.8090 / 0.8781 / 0.7734 / 0.1901 / 0.7149 / 0.7667 / 0.7388
TG 56:1 / 0.0095 / 0.4240 / 0.0000 / 0.0003 / 0.0179 / 0.0000 / 0.0019 / 0.6174 / 0.2383 / 0.0285 / 0.0131 / 0.4510 / 0.3175 / 0.2048
TG 56:0 / 0.0509 / 0.1240 / 0.0001 / 0.0102 / 0.0073 / 0.0169 / 0.0650 / 0.6490 / 0.7466 / 0.1817 / 0.0369 / 0.6944 / 0.3211 / 0.3521
TG 58:9 / 0.8736 / 0.7459 / 0.9578 / 0.9588 / 0.5946 / 0.5627 / 0.5051 / 0.5677 / 0.5474 / 0.3564 / 0.3966 / 0.6398 / 0.5861 / 0.7311
TG 58:8 / 0.1823 / 0.8286 / 0.0116 / 0.2568 / 0.2967 / 0.2564 / 0.5680 / 0.4852 / 0.4911 / 0.1519 / 0.4563 / 0.8816 / 0.6554 / 0.9798
TG 58:6 / 0.0591 / 0.8329 / 0.0020 / 0.0676 / 0.1559 / 0.0602 / 0.1843 / 0.3157 / 0.3830 / 0.0469 / 0.4972 / 0.8472 / 0.9340 / 0.8389
TG 58:3 / 0.0000 / 0.9052 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0089 / 0.0000 / 0.0001 / 0.1205 / 0.9364 / 0.1662 / 0.0074 / 0.3969 / 0.3050 / 0.2418
TG 58:2 / 0.0137 / 0.1574 / 0.0000 / 0.0004 / 0.0044 / 0.0007 / 0.0237 / 0.8823 / 0.6255 / 0.1116 / 0.0453 / 0.8071 / 0.4961 / 0.7287
TG 58:1 / 0.4565 / 0.0105 / 0.0020 / 0.0734 / 0.0694 / 0.0076 / 0.0276 / 0.5181 / 0.1139 / 0.0280 / 0.0848 / 0.3501 / 0.8989 / 1.0000
TG 59:2 / 0.0726 / 0.2252 / 0.0011 / 0.0017 / 0.0711 / 0.0018 / 0.0045 / 0.5404 / 0.3737 / 0.0387 / 0.0096 / 0.6467 / 0.3377 / 0.4463
TG 60:3 / 0.1072 / 0.5081 / 0.0061 / 0.0091 / 0.4767 / 0.0025 / 0.0437 / 0.6386 / 0.7936 / 0.5909 / 0.1591 / 0.5520 / 0.6114 / 0.6471
(X)L-VLDL / 0.0000 / 0.8232 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.4971 / 0.6506 / 0.0839 / 0.0189 / 0.5877 / 0.7522 / 0.8386
M-VLDL / 0.0000 / 0.5212 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.3108 / 0.8201 / 0.1639 / 0.0471 / 0.2991 / 0.6328 / 0.6883
S-VLDL / 0.0000 / 0.2258 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.1036 / 0.9898 / 0.2606 / 0.0915 / 0.0938 / 0.4756 / 0.3388
XS-VLDL / 0.0000 / 0.1869 / 0.0001 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0001 / 0.0716 / 0.8937 / 0.3463 / 0.6277 / 0.1983 / 0.7410 / 0.6072
IDL / 0.0105 / 0.3283 / 0.0235 / 0.0005 / 0.0010 / 0.0021 / 0.0172 / 0.0067 / 0.6116 / 0.2974 / 0.2848 / 0.1209 / 0.2732 / 0.2853
L-LDL / 0.0472 / 0.6497 / 0.0310 / 0.0004 / 0.0023 / 0.0083 / 0.0767 / 0.0011 / 0.4812 / 0.1610 / 0.0668 / 0.0419 / 0.0578 / 0.1317
M-LDL / 0.0699 / 0.8926 / 0.0192 / 0.0003 / 0.0031 / 0.0128 / 0.1407 / 0.0022 / 0.7094 / 0.1115 / 0.0514 / 0.0555 / 0.0510 / 0.1649
Correlation between BFD parameters and metabolic variables in Women / Correlation between BFD parameters and metabolic variables in Men
Variable / A / G / A/G ratio / VAT / SAT / waist / LBM / A / G / A/G ratio / VAT / SAT / waist / LBM
S-LDL / 0.0601 / 0.8927 / 0.0093 / 0.0001 / 0.0043 / 0.0112 / 0.1969 / 0.0029 / 0.7152 / 0.1107 / 0.0378 / 0.0576 / 0.0520 / 0.1808
XL-HDL / 0.0002 / 0.9029 / 0.0002 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.1197 / 0.9934 / 0.2300 / 0.4499 / 0.9534 / 0.0426 / 0.0660
L-HDL / 0.0063 / 0.6721 / 0.0215 / 0.0000 / 0.0004 / 0.0001 / 0.0000 / 0.0173 / 0.8408 / 0.2112 / 0.2425 / 0.5889 / 0.0160 / 0.0571
M-HDL / 0.0492 / 0.4670 / 0.0353 / 0.7462 / 0.4538 / 0.2830 / 0.8046 / 0.0504 / 0.3867 / 0.7457 / 0.8663 / 0.1427 / 0.2166 / 0.6001
S-HDL / 0.0008 / 0.3894 / 0.0001 / 0.0006 / 0.0325 / 0.0046 / 0.3413 / 0.1403 / 0.0365 / 0.0316 / 0.2830 / 0.0615 / 0.2186 / 0.6101
3-hydroxybutyrate / 0.3718 / 0.3594 / 0.0147 / 0.6484 / 0.9377 / 0.4236 / 0.9877 / 0.3855 / 0.7772 / 0.6792 / 0.7709 / 0.7433 / 0.1500 / 0.5628
Acetate / 0.4518 / 0.0366 / 0.3947 / 0.8639 / 0.1995 / 0.9261 / 0.6063 / 0.9004 / 0.9213 / 0.5647 / 0.0955 / 0.2036 / 0.4198 / 0.4981
Acetoacetate / 0.7037 / 0.6516 / 0.1682 / 0.8994 / 0.8512 / 0.9805 / 0.7356 / 0.5011 / 0.7859 / 0.6328 / 0.9854 / 0.3721 / 0.1258 / 0.2264
Alanine / 0.0154 / 0.5075 / 0.0198 / 0.0331 / 0.1137 / 0.0572 / 0.5507 / 0.3525 / 0.5631 / 0.0106 / 0.2278 / 0.5205 / 0.8823 / 0.4066
CH2 / 0.0001 / 0.9796 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0084 / 0.0000 / 0.0008 / 0.4268 / 0.5327 / 0.0296 / 0.0156 / 0.6421 / 0.9587 / 0.7861
CH3 / 0.0088 / 0.8828 / 0.0006 / 0.0033 / 0.1814 / 0.0008 / 0.0248 / 0.4560 / 0.5729 / 0.0305 / 0.0304 / 0.5909 / 0.9359 / 0.8067
Creatinine / 0.6868 / 0.3774 / 0.4805 / 0.8536 / 0.5657 / 0.6530 / 0.2612 / 0.3140 / 0.0054 / 0.0396 / 0.1535 / 0.4056 / 0.3055 / 0.9689
Glucose / 0.6408 / 0.3354 / 0.0939 / 0.1168 / 0.2577 / 0.4503 / 0.6914 / 0.6179 / 0.1405 / 0.3181 / 0.5403 / 0.5177 / 0.3151 / 0.2694
Glutamine+ Glutamate / 0.5152 / 0.5772 / 0.7411 / 0.2665 / 0.6697 / 0.4439 / 0.5219 / 0.8430 / 0.8276 / 0.8085 / 0.8310 / 0.3679 / 0.6781 / 0.8217
GP / 0.0004 / 0.6358 / 0.0003 / 0.0002 / 0.0009 / 0.0000 / 0.0004 / 0.3912 / 0.5619 / 0.0639 / 0.0959 / 0.8917 / 0.8383 / 0.7492
Histidine / 0.7754 / 0.0538 / 0.1781 / 0.6463 / 0.3396 / 0.5569 / 0.8748 / 0.8453 / 0.9461 / 0.3437 / 0.4203 / 0.2620 / 0.8268 / 0.9186
Isoleucine / 0.0001 / 0.3542 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0077 / 0.0000 / 0.0005 / 0.2323 / 0.5724 / 0.0045 / 0.0202 / 0.7804 / 0.4154 / 0.9879
Lactate / 0.0037 / 0.0620 / 0.0436 / 0.0011 / 0.0014 / 0.0123 / 0.0167 / 0.0564 / 0.3225 / 0.1305 / 0.4487 / 0.5343 / 0.7236 / 0.7538
Leucine / 0.0626 / 0.5308 / 0.0021 / 0.0532 / 0.4659 / 0.0444 / 0.2023 / 0.1996 / 0.9781 / 0.0442 / 0.9278 / 0.9220 / 0.3840 / 0.5588
Phenylalanine / 0.0368 / 0.8052 / 0.0367 / 0.0820 / 0.3238 / 0.0580 / 0.1601 / 0.1412 / 0.7456 / 0.1020 / 0.9736 / 0.6741 / 0.1753 / 0.6920
Tyrosine / 0.0220 / 0.8450 / 0.0079 / 0.0495 / 0.0424 / 0.0544 / 0.5785 / 0.0519 / 0.9620 / 0.0150 / 0.2908 / 0.6490 / 0.0539 / 0.9321
Valine / 0.0346 / 0.3326 / 0.0001 / 0.0088 / 0.2848 / 0.0152 / 0.1453 / 0.0429 / 0.4513 / 0.0714 / 0.3060 / 0.8324 / 0.5394 / 0.6157
Glucose / 0.2249 / 0.1966 / 0.9979 / 0.1370 / 0.3348 / 0.8477 / 0.5953 / 0.9490 / 0.1917 / 0.0840 / 0.0592 / 0.2212 / 0.6013 / 0.4188
Insulin / 0.0000 / 0.3609 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0002 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0005 / 0.2749 / 0.0835 / 0.4136 / 0.1799 / 0.0599 / 0.5058
FFA / 0.1708 / 0.0143 / 0.5289 / 0.2902 / 0.4722 / 0.5356 / 0.0467 / 0.0157 / 0.1068 / 0.6429 / 0.7606 / 0.3627 / 0.0077 / 0.1378
Glycerol / 0.3205 / 0.1714 / 0.9077 / 0.7414 / 0.2778 / 0.9482 / 0.4400 / 0.1298 / 0.8641 / 0.0668 / 0.3203 / 0.3491 / 0.9080 / 0.9868
NA / 0.3763 / 0.7106 / 0.2733 / 0.1307 / 0.0151 / 0.6589 / 0.3884 / 0.2806 / 0.0352 / 0.0826 / 0.4315 / 0.3877 / 0.0977 / 0.0985
A / 0.7540 / 0.6107 / 0.4555 / 0.0242 / 0.9981 / 0.7919 / 0.1613 / 0.3877 / 0.7336 / 0.6211 / 0.5870 / 0.9016 / 0.8910 / 0.6634
Cholesterol / 0.0464 / 0.5170 / 0.0116 / 0.0016 / 0.0204 / 0.0103 / 0.3094 / 0.0215 / 0.9362 / 0.1801 / 0.0716 / 0.1013 / 0.4285 / 0.1959
Triglycerides / 0.0000 / 0.6450 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0001 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0957 / 0.7159 / 0.0489 / 0.0082 / 0.3848 / 0.2199 / 0.4985
HDL Cholesterol / 0.0070 / 0.7251 / 0.0329 / 0.0002 / 0.0004 / 0.0002 / 0.0005 / 0.0377 / 0.6108 / 0.6095 / 0.2313 / 0.0846 / 0.0068 / 0.0051
LDL Cholesterol / 0.0153 / 0.4708 / 0.0107 / 0.0001 / 0.0003 / 0.0011 / 0.0368 / 0.0182 / 0.9772 / 0.1838 / 0.1767 / 0.1814 / 0.2641 / 0.1070
Chol :HDL / 0.0003 / 0.5501 / 0.0006 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0001 / 0.0075 / 0.7953 / 0.2054 / 0.1209 / 0.1126 / 0.0816 / 0.0423
HOMA_IR / 0.0000 / 0.6646 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0010 / 0.0000 / 0.0000 / 0.0009 / 0.1981 / 0.2036 / 0.8943 / 0.2658 / 0.0754 / 0.5492

Table S3. Characteristics of variables belonging to the best set of variables describing BFD parameters: A/G ratio, VAT and SAT, separately in women and men. Characteristics includes relevance score obtained during multiple linear regression analysis with stepwise regression (analysis 1) and p-value of standardized regression coefficient and percent of explained variance (R2) obtained during simple linear regression (analysis 2). Variables: A /G ratio – android fat/gynoid fat ratio. VAT – visceral fat. SAT – subcutaneous fat. waist – waist circumference. LBM – lean body mass.

Variable / Analysis 1 / Analysis 2
Relevance score / P-value of
standardized regression coefficient / R2
A/G ratio in women
LBM / 20 / 1.95E-04 / 0.113
waist / 100 / 4.12E-13 / 0.365
VAT in women
Total fat / 22.1 / 1.23E-05 / 0.152
waist / 100 / 9.04E-13 / 0.357
SAT in women
Total fat / 97.5 / 3.72E-10 / 0.288
waist / 100 / 6.37E-13 / 0.361
A/G ratio in men
Age / 31.7 / 0.0043 / 0.181
Total fat / 44.2 / 0.0022 / 0.207
Proximal thigh / 30.0 / 0.0107 / 0.148
Triceps / 77.9 / 0.0146 / 0.136
PC O-34:2 / 58.3 / 0.0003 / 0.274
PC O-36:5 / 42.5 / 0.0016 / 0.217
VAT in men
PC 32:0 / 60 / 0.0082 / 0.158
Acetate / 69.6 / 0.0125 / 0.143
Insulin / 28.8 / 0.0182 / 0.128
HOMA-IR / 27.5 / 0.0232 / 0.118
SAT in men
Proximal thigh / 38.3 / 0.0002 / 0.285
Distal thigh / 57.1 / 0.0001 / 0.295


Figure S1. Radar plots of median levels of phenotypic and metabolic variables.

Figure S2. Relationship between VAT and selected variables in Men

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