Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2011-05-01
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Peter Ecclesine / Cisco Systems / +1-408-527-0815 /
Interpretation of a Motion to Adopt
A motion to approve this submission means that the editing instructions and any changed or added material are actioned in the TGac Draft. This introduction is not part of the adopted material.
Editing instructions formatted like this are intended to be copied into the TGac Draft (i.e. they are instructions to the 802.11 editor on how to merge the text with the baseline documents).
TGac Editor: Editing instructions preceded by “TGac Editor” are instructions to the TGac editor to modify existing material in the TGac draft. As a result of adopting the changes, the TGac editor will execute the instructions rather than copy them to the TGac Draft.
WG Technical Review comments
1393 / 170.5 / No new Behaviors are needed for 80 MHz and 160 MHz operation. See REVmb 11-10/1284r4 (CIDs 10168-10176). / Remove all references to VHT80MHzBehaviorand VHT160MHzBehavior from the draft,
and make no changes to Annex I.
1394 / 171.15 / TGmb has removed IndoorOnlyBehavior and DFS_50_100_Behavior, see REVmb 11-10/1284r4 (CIDs 10168-10176). IndoorOnlyBehavior is defined and used only where "location of operation must be 'indoors' as defined in the regulatory domain." It is not a specified behavior in any band without radar regulatory requirements, and should be removed from the standard as all stations that will be allowed to operate in those bands will meet such regulatory requirements. DFS_50_100_Behavior is defined and used only "where radiolocation radar is primary, and station operation has in-service monitoring requirements". It is not a specified behavior in any band without radar regulatory requirements, and should be removed from the standard as all stations that will be allowed to operate in those bands will meet such regulatory requirements. / Remove all references to IndoorOnlyBehavior
and DFS_50_100_Behavior from the draft.
1395 / 174.15 / Since CS4msBehavior is required by Japanese regulations in unlicensed operation, there is no normative reason to require it in Table J-3 Operating Classes in Japan. / Remove all references to CS4msBehavior
in Table J-3 from the draft.
1396 / 174.24 / IBSSRestrictionsBehavior is defined and used only "where an IBSS is required to communicate with a
licensed operator or agent designated by regulatory authorities." It is not a specified behavior in any band without such regulatory requirements, and should be removed from the standard as all stations that will be allowed to operate in those bands will meet such regulatory requirements. / Remove all references to IBSSRestrictionsBehavior
in Annex J from the draft.
1397 / 173.13 / TransmitPowerControlBehavior is defined without any normative requirements. Its existence in the standard adds no value. / Remove all references to TransmitPowerControlBehavior
in Annex J from the draft.
1398 / 171.16 / DynamicFrequencySelectionBehavior is defined without any normative requirements. Its existence in the standard adds no value. / Remove all references to
in Annex J from the draft.
651 / 171.40 / REVmb D7.0 removed IndoorOnlyBehavior, DynamicFrequencySelectionBehavior, DFS_50_100_Behavior and TransmitPowerControlBehavior. This can reduce the number of additional operating classes needed fo 11ac. / * Remove "IndoorOnlyBehavior",
"DFS_50_100_Behavior" and
from Tables J-1, J-2, J-3 and J-4.
* Consolidate multiple <ANA> rows into
a single row
whenever possible (have the same
Behavior limits set)
in Tables J-1, J-2, J-3 and J-4.
214 / 171.2 / Define channel sets for 80 MHz and 160MHz. / Please define.
802.11 REVmb in response to CIDs 10168-10176 removed many Behavior limit sets, including "IndoorOnlyBehavior", “IBSSRestrictionsBehavior”, "DynamicFrequencySelectionBehavior", "DFS_50_100_Behavior" and "TransmitPowerControlBehavior",
and recirculated twice with no required comments on the Behavior limit removals. 802.11REVmb in response to CIDs 11110 and 11123 removed all references to CS4msBehavior and recirculated with no required comments on the Behavior limit removal.
Refer to 11-10/1284 current revision for current status.
Propose Agree to CIDs 1394, 1396, 1397 and 1398, and to CID 651’s request for removal of specific Behavior limit sets.
CID 1395 asks to “Remove all references to CS4msBehavior in Table J-3 from the draft.” REVmb comment 11123 similarly Removed all references to CS4msBehavior, both in Annex D and Annex E, from REVmb Draft 7.0, which recirculated with no required comments on the Behavior limit removal. REVmb comments 12132, 12133 and 12134 request the removal of NomadicBehavior from classes where there are no similar class/channel set marked with LicenseExemptBehavior.
Propose Agree in Principle to CID 1395, with resolution to instruct the TGac editor to “Remove all references to “CS4msBehavior” and “NomadicBehavior”, both in Annex I and Annex J.”
CID 1393 proposes not to define a Behavior limit set for 80 MHz or 160 MHz, and there is no reason to define since Operating Class (Channel spacing) provides all necessary information per class.
Propose Agree to CID 1393.
TGac Editor: Remove all references to “VHT80MHzBehavior”, “VHT160MHzBehavior, “IBSSRestrictionsBehavior”, “CS4msBehavior”, "DynamicFrequencySelectionBehavior", "DFS_50_100_Behavior", “NomadicBehavior” and "TransmitPowerControlBehavior" from the draft.
CIDs 651 and 214 ask for a small number of non-redundant Operating Classes, with Channel sets populated for each.
Propose Agree to CIDs 214 and 651.
TGac Editor: Change tables J-1, J-2, J-3 and J-4 by deleting sixth column (Channel center frequency index) and all fields in the column.
TGac Editor: Change table J-1 by replacing four 80 MHz rows and two 160 MHz rows and) to be as follows:
Operating Class / Global operating class (see Table J-4) / Channel starting frequency (GHz) / Channel spacing (MHz) / Channel set / Channel center frequency index / Behavior limits set<ANA> / TBD / 5 / 80 / 42, 58, 106, 122, 138, 155
<ANA> / TBD / 5 / 160 / 50, 114
TGac Editor: Change table J-2 by replacing two 80 MHz rows and two 160 MHz rows to be as follows:
Operating Class / Global operating class (see Table J-4) / Channel starting frequency (GHz) / Channel spacing (MHz) / Channel set / Channel center frequency index / Behavior limits set<ANA> / TBD / 5 / 80 / 42, 58, 106, 122
<ANA> / TBD / 5 / 160 / 50
TGac Editor: Change table J-3 by replacing five 80 MHz rows and four 160 MHz rows and to be as follows:
Operating Class / Global operating class (see Table J-4) / Channel starting frequency (GHz) / Channel spacing (MHz) / Channel set / Channel center frequency index / Behavior limits set<ANA> / TBD / 5 / 80 / 42, 58, 106, 122
<ANA> / TBD / 5 / 160 / 50, 114
TGac Editor: Change table J-4 by replacing four 80 MHz rows and two 160 MHz rows to be as follows:
Operating Class / Non-global operating class(es) / Channel starting frequency (GHz) / Channel spacing (MHz) / Channel set / Channel center frequency index / Behavior limits set<ANA> / TBD / 5 / 80 / 42, 58, 106, 122, 138, 155
<ANA> / TBD / 5 / 160 / 50, 114
Submission page 2 John Doe, Some Company