PE & Sport at Bishop Loveday in Term 1, 2015-2016
Curriculum lessons
PE lessons have got underway this year with classes practising their skills in the following:
- Year 3 have been working towards the British Gymnastics Proficiency Awards during their indoor sessions and practising tag Rugby skills outdoors. Lots of dodging, weaving, use of speed and direction and of course teamwork. 3SS have worked with a gym specialist. Use of a video meant that children could watch their final sequence of gym moves back in the classroom.
- 4NQ have been swimming. Both classes have been introduced to tag rugby skills developing their physical skills and their tactical awareness.4SV have completed their Level 6 British Gymnastics Proficiency Award.
- Year 1 have been working with a football coach. Not only have they been enjoying learning and practising football skills, but they have also been playing lots of invasion games.
- FSU have been getting plenty of exercise in their outdoor area and have just been introduced to PE in the school hall with the focus being on movement.
- Year 2 have been focussing on tag rugby skills during outdoor PE and developing and performing a Haka during their indoor PE lessons. Parents were invited to see their children perform the Haka at the end of term.
- 5PA have started their swimming sessions at Spiceball. 5CS have worked with a gym specialist. Both classes have been looking at invasion game skills using football, netball and rugby equipment. They have also developed a topic related dance and using posture and movement from their gym lessons whilst jousting and sword fighting – great cross curriculum links!
- 6WD have been enjoying having a professional hockey coach from BloxhamSchool sharing his knowledge and skills with them.6PW have been working towards their BG Proficiency Awards. Tag rugby has also been a focus this term in year 6.
School Residential
- Year 6 enjoyed an amazing week at Stackpole for their residential. They all enjoyed the coastal scenery on their coastal walk and had the opportunity to canoe, climb, ride mountain bikes, go rock pooling and orienteer in the woods. They also achieved their John Muir Award by helping the environment and completing conservation work. The highlight of the week was the weather – not a drop of rain all the time we were there!
School Clubs
- School clubs have started. We are offering: dance, karate, table tennis, skipping, netball, hockey & 2 football clubs.
- This year we have been invited to take part in some competitions run by NOSSP. The first of these was the Banbury area Cross Country held on Saturday 26th September. We entered 4 full teams of year 3/4 & 5/6 pupils. Our runners did exceptionally well against around 400 pupils from 12 local schools. The full report can be seen on our website, but they all qualified for the North Oxon Finals next term. Unfortunately we were not invited to take any year 1/2 pupils.
- We are awaiting the delivery of equipment ordered with the Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers. This includes tennis balls, footballs, beanbags, hockey balls, playground balls and much more. We are also waiting for a storage unit for our Playground Leaders to put all their equipment in.
- Basket Ball rings are going to be put up on our newly painted wall in the playground.
- 2 new A frames, for gymnastics, have been bought to replace some old ones.
- We have achieved the YST Silver Quality Mark for 2014/15.
Impact on children
- 2 NQTs have had the opportunity to receive dance training from a professional dance teacher. This will improve their confidence and consequently the dance lessons with their classes.
- Following on from the teacher’s questionnaires we are looking to provide gymnastics training to anyone who feels they would like it. We have been very lucky to already have had a specialist teacher work alongside 2 teachers during their gym lessons. This is proving a very popular form of CPD and will widen teacher’s knowledge & ideas and increase their confidence whilst developing pupils range of gym skills.
- Inter school competitions, allowing our pupils to represent our School against other schools. Celebrating success and encouraging all to take part.
- Continuing to develop links with other schools, both Primary and secondary, state and independent.
- A wide range of PE offered in lessons and clubs, offering pupils to try different activities.
- Developing links with community clubs, giving pupils a “taste” of different sports, and making the pathway easier to access sport out of school time.
- Encouraging pupils to choose a healthy lifestyle by taking part in regular exercise.
- New equipment enables pupils to use good quality/new equipment in lessons and during extra curriculum activities.