PE and sport premium funding report
Fakenham Infant and Nursery School
2017-2018PE and sport premium funding report
Funding receivedNo. eligible pupils: / Total amount received: £13,909 + £6579.49 from 2016/2017 allocation. Total:20,488.49
Funding rate:[8,000 plus £5 per pupil/£500 per pupil
Objectives of spending the PE grant:
- Improve resources to support PE, including transport and equipment.
- Broaden the sporting opportunity available to pupils and increase pupil participation in physical activity.
- Train PE instructors and use coaches to develop sporting knowledge and skill in pupils.
Breakdown of spending
Objective: / Activity: / Cost: / Totals
Improve resources to support PE, including transport and equipment. / Purchase of new climbing equipment for outside. / £6587.00
Purchase of fitness equipment for outside. (EY) / £350.00
Purchase of fitness equipment for outside. (Main field) / £500.00
Purchase of additional sporting equipment / £1000 proposed
£608.00 spent
Proposed spend / £400.00
Resourcing for sensory circuits / £300.00
Climbing frame for EY outdoor area.
Purchase of IPOD to hold music to enhance Dance sessions. / £200.00
Total spend on objective: / £9337.00
Broaden the sporting opportunity available to pupils and increase pupil participation in physical activity. / Multi sports / dance camp (May) / £190.00
Proposedmulti sport camp Feb half term/ Easter/ half term / £600
(one day half term £200, 2 days Easter £400)
After school dance club to start spring term. 2 terms.(premier sports) / £495.00
Proposed:After school club – yet to be determined. (external coach) / £495.00
Proposed: After school multi skills club to start. Feb half term. 3 x half terms. / £250
Sensory circuits programme to support physical development and overall learning abilities. 5 x half hour sessions each week run by two members of school staff. Additional time provided for set up/ evaluations. To run from Autumn term. Before school activity. / £ 1000(1)
£ 1000(2)
Total spend on objective: / £4030.00
Train PE instructors and use coaches to develop sporting knowledge and skill in pupils. / X 2 teachers to undertake National qualification NPETCS. / £895 each
PE conference x 2 delegates / £270.00
Proposed: Dance training. Refresher and training for new staff. / £350
Physical skills and gross motor skills intervention group. 1 x 2hrs weekly. 1 term. / £300
Weekly release time for the PE subject leader to improve provision through quality monitoring. 1 x 2 hrs weekly for 1 term + additional allocation for observations / team teaching. / £350
Total spend on objective / £2988
Overall spend / £16,355.00
Spend remaining: / £4133.49
Impact of premium use
Impact on pupils’ participation:
Impact on pupils’ attainment:
How the premium has allowed pupils to develop active lifestyles:
How the school will sustain the improvements: