Professional bachelor’s study programme
“European Economics and Business”
(code 42345)
Self Evaluation Report
Accreditation Materials
Lomonosova 4, Rīga, LV 1003, tālr. 7100608, fakss 7100219, e-pasts ,
mājas lapa www.psy.lv, Reģ.Nr.40003261174, PVNNr.40003261174,
Norēķinu konts LV85PARX0000663551019, AKB “Parex Banka” “Laimdota” fil.,Kods 310101708
2008.gada ___. ______Nr.______
LR Ministry of Education and Science
Department of Higher Education and Science
Higher Education Quality Evaluation Centre
Application for accreditation of the study programme
Name of the higher education establishment / Higher School of PsychologyLegal address and telephone number of the higher education establishment / Lomonosova 4, Rīga, Latvija, LV-1003, phone 7100628, fax 7100219, e-mails: , home page: www.psy.lv
LR MES registration certificate of the higher education establishment / Nr.3343801876
Study programme title / Professional bachelor’s study programme “European Economics and Business”
Study programme code / 42345
Duration and credit value of the study programme / 4 years 160 credit points full-time
4,5 years 160 credit points full-time and part-time
Requirements for the commencement of studies / Higher degree
Qualification and degree to be obtained / Professional bachelor in management, economist qualification
Location of the study programme implementation
Form of the studies under the programme / Higher School of Psychology,
Rīga, Lomonosova street 4;
Person responsible for the accreditation / Study programme director, Dr.sc.ing. Ž. Caurkubule
HSP Acting Rector. Ž.Caurkubule
Table of Contents
1. / Application / 22. / Contents / 3
3. / Extract from the protocols of HSP Senate conventions / 5
4. / Documents of the HSP / 6
4.1. / Registration certificate of the education establishment / 7
4.2. / Registration certificate of the company / 8
4.3. / Accreditation sheet of the HSP / 9
4.4. / The Study Programme “European Economics and Business” licence / 10
4.5. / The Study Programme “European Economics and Business”
accreditation sheet / 11
5. / Applicant's guarantee / 12
6. / Study Programme goals, objectives and outlined competences / 16
7. / The study syllabus conformity to the aims and objectives / 18
7.1. / The process of the Programme internal mechanism quality / 19
8. / The study Programme content, volume, structure and outlined results / 21
8.1. / The Programme Content Specifity / 21
8.2. / The study Programme „European Economics and Business” volume, structure and outlined results / 23
8.3. / The study Programme internship / 27
9. / The Study programme’s practical realization / 29
9.1. / The Study Programme Comparison with Accredited Programme in 2006 / 29
9.2. / Conformity of the study programme to the standard of the 2nd level professional higher education / 30
9.3. / The Study Programme “European Economics and Business' Conformity to the standard of profession / 31
9.4. / Comparison of the 2nd kevel higher education professional Bachelor’s study Programme “European Economics and Busines” with similar study programmes in Latvia and in the EU countries / 34
10. / The study process organization and knowledge assessment / 36
10.1. / The study process organization / 36
10.2. / The study methods and forms / 37
10.3. / Assessment of students’ knowledge . / 39
10.3.1. / System of assessment of students’ knowledge / 39
11. / Regulations of the matriculation / 42
12. / Students / 42
12.1. / The number of students of the Programme / 42
12.2. / Studentu un absolventu aptaujas un to analīze / 43
12.3. / The study Programme students' scientific work / 47
12.4. / Students' involvement in the development of the process of studies / 49
13. / The Programme academic staff assessment / 49
13.1. / The number of the academic staff / 49
13.2. / Composition of academic staff / 50
13.3. / Scientific work of academic staff / 53
13.4. / Policy of selection, renewal, training and development of academic staff / 55
14. / Fund resources and infrastructure supplement / 56
14.1. / The Programme resources and funding / 56
14.2. / The study material technical resources / 58
14.3. / The Higher School of Psychology library / 58
15. / The Programme Management / 60
16. / Public relations / 61
16.1. / Employers / 61
16.2. / Co-operation with organizations and other higher shools / 63
17. / The study Programme assessment of prospects / 65
18. / The study Programme development plan / 66
19. / Advertising and Newsletters about Study Opportunities in the HSP / 67
1. Decision of the Higher Educational study programme accreditation material approvement of Ltd “Higher School of Psychology” Programme “European Economics and Business” Commission
2. Pattern of certificate on graduation from the Programme and his application.
3. Plan of the study programme.
4. Subjects description of the study programme.
5. Agreements on internship places.
6. Standard of the profession of economist.
7. The comparision of the higher professional education study programmes with the standard of profession “Economist”according to duties, tasks and skills.
8. Comparision of the study programme with the programmes of other higher educational establishments .
9. Samples of the students’ survey.
10. Samples of the graduates’ survey.
11. List of themes of defended graduations papers of the study programme “European Economics and Business”
12. CV’s of academic staff
13. Publishing and scientific activity of the HSP lecturers
13.1 Research publications of the academic staff of the HSP in Latvia and abroad
13.2 Participation of the academic staff in conferences and seminars
13.3 Participation of the academic staff in projects and grants.
14. The study Programme financing.
15. The study Programme technical equipment.
16. The HSP library stock composition and structure.
17. Samples of the employers’ questionnaires
18. Agreements on the cooperation.
19. The HSP advertising in mass media.
Extract from the protocols of HSP Senate conventions
Extract from HSP (PA) Senate Meeting’s Minutes
Number PA 2008/2 09.04.2008.
Senate members participating: Dr.phil.,prof. V.Nikiforov, Dr.psych., doc. L. Kalinnikova, Dr.boil., doc. V. Yanson,.Dr.sc.ing., as.prof. Zh. Tsaurkubule, Ma.pol.sc., doc. A.Mite, PA studente D.Khaeva
Senate meeting leads: Dr.phil.,prof. V.Nikiforov
Meeting’s minutes keeping:. Ma.pol.sc., doc. A.Mite
2. Discussion of the HSP study programme “European Economics and Business” (42345) leading to Professional bachelor’s degree necessary to take up a professional position in the field of economic: self-evaluation report to be submitted to obtain accreditation.
Dr.sc.ing., as.prof. Zhanna Tsaurkubule
Decision N.2
To approve self-evaluation report on study programme “European Economics and Business” (42345) leading to Professional bachelor’s degree necessary to take up a professional position in the field of economic and prepare it to be submitted to LR MES AIKNC. To authorize programme director Dr.sc.ing., as.prof. Zhanna Tsaurkubule to maintain continuous contacts with LR MES AIKNC (LR Ministry of Education and Science, Higher Education Quality Evaluation Centre).
HSP Senate Chairman Dr.phil.,prof. V.Nikiforov (signature)
Senate Secretary Ma.pol.sc., doc. A.Mite (signature)
The document is not available in electronic form
The document can be viewed at Lomonosova ielā 4, Room 204.
1. Registration certificate Nr 3343801876 of the higher education establishment issued 19.12.2001, in Riga.
2. Registration certificate N 63414 issued June 25, 2001, in Riga.
3. Accreditation sheet N. 50, of 02.07.2004, Riga.
4. The Latvian Republic Ministry of Education and Science Commission decision Nr. 711 to issue a license on study programme work of June 17, 2005. in Riga.
5. The Republic of Latvia Ministry of Education and Science Commission decision Nr. 1058 to issue the accreditation on study programme work of June 12, 2006. in Riga.
6. License N 04023-7 to implement study programme, issued June 28, 2005.
7. Accreditation sheet of study programme N. 050-1036, of 12.07.2006, Riga.
Registration certificate of the education establishment
The document is not available in electronic form
Registration certificate of the company
The document is not available in electronic form
Acreditation sheet of the HSP
The document is not available in electronic form
Decision No. 711 of the Higher Educational study programme licensing commission
The document is not available in electronic form
Decision No. 1058 of the Higher Educational study programme acreditation commission
The document is not available in electronic form
The document is not available in electronic form
Accreditation sheet of study programme
The document is not available in electronic form
Securities of the announcer
Agreements on studies continuation in other higher schools in case of liquidation
Higher School of Psychology
07.04.2006. n 089/06-i
Guarantees of the applicant
Professional bachelor’s studies programme “European Economics and Business”
leading to professional bachelor’s degree
Provisions for the case of liquidation
Based on the agreement on cooperation made November 20.03.2006. the Higher School of Psychology guaranties to its students that in case of liquidation of Professional bachelor’s leading to professional bachelor’s degree required to fill in professional position in economics, in conformity with the LR Law on Education clause 55.paragraph 8 the students will be offered an opportunity to continue studies at Riga Stradina University under the higher academic education study programme “European Economics and Business” leading to professional bachelor’s degree in economic.
Higher School of Psychology Riga Stradina University
Acting Rector Rector
Zh. Tsaurkubule (signature) J.Vetra (signature)
Official seal Officila seal
Date Date
07.04.2006. 24.04.2006.
Agreements on studies continuation in other higher schools in case of liquidation
Higher School of Psychology
15.04.2008. n. 020/08-i
Guarantees of the applicant
for the case of liquidation
of professional bachelor’s studies programme “European Economics and Business” in economic
Based on the agreement made 31.10.2006. the Higher School of Psychology guaranties to its bachelor’s students that in case of liquidation of the particular professional bachelor’s studies programme “European Economics and Business” in economic in conformity with the Latvian Republic Law on Education clause 55, paragraph 8, the students are offered an opportunity to continue studies in Baltic International Akademy under the professional studies programme Entrepreneurship.
Higher School of Psychology Baltic Russian Institute
Rector Rector
Z.Tsaurkubule (signature) A.Votsish (signature)
Official seal Official seal
Date: 16.04.2008.. 16.04.2008.
6. The Study Programme Goals, Objectives and Outlined Competences.
The professional Bachelor study programme “European Economics and Business” is worked out according to the classification of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia (code 42345). It meets the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia Nr 481 “The Regulations on the state standard of the second level professional higher education study programmes” and the 5th classification level standard of the economist's profession confirmed in the enactment Nr 241 on the 20th April, 2004 by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia.
The professional Bachelor study programme “European Economics and Business” gives the professional Bachelor degree in entrepreneurship and economist's classification. It was accredited in 2006 till 2008/12/31. (The accreditation document Nr 050 – 1036. The decision of the accreditation comission Nr 1058 of 2006/07/12).
The Programme Strategic Goal:
To train qualified specialists with all-round education in the field of European economics and business, using the results of the fundamental and practical research in the relevant science.
The Programme specific objectives:
· to improve permanently the study content and organisation increasing the role of the individual studying and taking into consideration the students' individual peculiarities, giving the opportunities to acquire the knowledge and skills of the professional study programme;
· to create the positive atmosphere both students' and lecturers' personal and professional relations; develop students’ skills and abilities of the research work;
· to induce lecturers to raise the levels of their skills, their co-operation with other Latvian and foreign educational institutions, scientific and research activitaties; to acquire skills in the field of modern technologies and their investment into the study process.
· To enlarge the technically material study resources according to the level of the European developed countries.
The Programme objectives:
The Programme objectives cover three major aspects of the professional preparation organisation – general education, socially communicative and professional. Therefore, there are considered major objectives acquiring the economist's profession in the frames of the given programme:
1) The aspect of general education:
· to develop general competences corresponding to standard of the profession „Economist”, which are required on contemporary labor market;
- to consolidate the theoretical knowledge in practical work;
- to encourage self-education and consolidation of the practical skills;
- to develop the ability to use information resources in order to implement the study and professional objectives successfully.
2) The socially communicative aspect:
- to enrich the communicative and economical experience;
· to develop motivation to extend the culture level, erudition; to liberalize;
· to develop the ability and motivation to build up the cross-personal and cross-cultural contacts and maintain them.
3) The professional aspect:
- to ensure the latest novelties and awarness of discussions in economics and management;
- to introduce to the problems and tendences of economical development in European countries; present the analysis of the European integration process, define the prospects of problems and development;
- to provide with knowledge on business organisation, management and its specifity in Europe;
- to ensure the Programme content, that will enable the graduates of the programme to solve complicated analytical tasks and to make decisions in the field of economics and businessas well as procede studies to achieve Master degree.
The outlined results of studies: a graduate, who have acquired the programme successfully, is a qualified economist in the field of European economics and business. A student is able:
Table 1
Professional economist's competences / - to research different economical problems, evaluate the entreprising environment and its feasible changes;- to collect, analyze and interprete the economical information, evaluate and compare alternatives of economical work, predict its feasible consequences;
- to make economical and financial analysis;
- to be aware of the field of banking, finances and tax system;
- to be aware of the accounting operations, economical opeartions and control;
- to evaluate the market situation and adjust the entrepreneurship in accordance with the relevant matket demands;
- to be aware of the methodology of decision making, manage processes and resources aimed to ensure their effective usage;
- to analyze processes and results of the economical work.
The communicative competences / - to be aware of listening, speaking, reading and writing culture;
- to respect and treat partners politely;
- to observe etiquette in different communication situations;
- to use skills and knowledge of communication psychology;
- to take into account a partner's peculiarities, communication intentions, and circumstances;
- to observe rules of general rhetoric and modern communication samples;
- to prepare and give presentations.
Language competences / - to use studied foreign languages in frames of professional work;
- to use different dictionaries, reference books, encyclopeadias;
- to use language knowledge collecting information on economics, researching, analyzing;
- to use language knowledge in communication with foreign partners;
- to develop language skills in the professional work
Legal competences / - to be aware of legislation process and its influence on economics;
- to orient in the field of European rights;
- to use legal norms of Latvian and European laws in practice;
- to consult in economics, politics, taking into account legislation norms.
Information technologies competences / - to use modern technologies in the frames of professional competences;
- to forecast and plan the economical work applying modern technologies
Culture competences / - to orient in the national and world culture news;
- to understand and respect the interlocutor's national and cultural peculiarities and onserve these factors in communication;
- to accumulate and improve experience in crosscultural communication;
- to observe ethical aspects in setting up goals and achieving them
Study competences / - to find and use the necessary information;
- to select and systemize the information in the frames of the professional work;
- to extend the knowledge in the field of economics, using different information resources;
- to follow the achievements in economics theory and pactice, use them in the professioanal work;
- to do scientific research, developing theories, conceptions and methodologies on economics;
- to set up problems, give tasks;
- to be aware of different memory trainings and development ways;
- to raise the level of skills constantly.
7. The Study Syllabus Conformity to the Aims and Objectives